
  • 网络Game;interactive game
  1. 随着Flash技术的发展,Flash的功能越来越强大,使得制作较为复杂的互动游戏成为可能。

    Along with Flash technology 's development , the Flash function becomes stronger and makes the more complex interactive game feasible .

  2. Aviva公司的工具箱则包含了一项互动游戏,和一张叫做《拥抱多样化》的获奖DVD。

    Aviva 's contains an interactive game and an award-winning DVD called Embracing Diversity .

  3. 鼓励孩子在活动中表现出互动游戏、精细动作操作、弁邬坁荧噫q、和视觉搜寻。

    Encourage interactive play , fine motor manipulation , functional communication and eye searching during the activity .

  4. 另外一部份为“互动游戏”,DV诚邀各位古迷提供持别的游戏的方案,以供当晚大家一起玩。

    DV are now inviting all the fans to give their ideas about the interactive games for the second section .

  5. 在韩国,开展FTTH主要靠内容提供商来推动,包括视频点播、互动游戏等节目。

    In South Korea , FTTH is mainly promoted by CPs , including VOD and interactive games .

  6. 3G终端的发展趋势将主要支持如视频通信、在线浏览、即时通信、互动游戏、高速下载等更多种类和更丰富的数据业务应用,计算速度更快,存储能力更强。

    With higher computing speed and stronger storage ability , the development trend of 3G terminal will be the application of more abundant data services such as video communication , on - line browsing , instant communication , interactive game , high - speed downloading etc.

  7. 上个月,公园推出一款全新的、名为“独立小护林员”的移动应用,是给孩子们玩的互动游戏,他们可以在游戏里获得护林员认证和勋章(仅限苹果和iOS设备)。

    Last month , the park unveiled a new Independence Junior Ranger app as well , which offers interactive games for kids who want to earn a ranger certificate and badge . ( Available on Apple and iOS devices . )

  8. xDSL等现有的接入技术无法提供足够的带宽以支持视频点播,互动游戏或双向视频会议这样的高带宽业务,光纤(FTTx)到户已经势在必行。

    Nowadays , access technologies such as xDSL can not provide enough bandwidth to support high-bandwidth applications like video on demand , interactive games , or video conference . So Fiber To The Home ( FTTH ) is imperative .

  9. 创作带有强烈叙述节奏的互动游戏。

    Create an interactive game that employs a strong narrative pulse .

  10. 红外手机之间相连可以共享资源、传输资料、进行互动游戏等。

    Between two infrared mobiles , they can share resource and information , play games .

  11. 近十年,他一直致力于互动游戏技术的研究。

    For the last ten years , he has been developing technology for interactive storytelling .

  12. 自动的水球和雪球大战被调整,这样互动游戏出现的几率略微降低。

    Autonomous water-balloon and snowball fights have been tuned so the interaction will occur less frequently .

  13. 互动游戏:谁是最伟大的推销员?我们的推销员活动地区很广。

    Interaction : who is the greatest salesperson ? Our representatives travel over a very large territory .

  14. 宝宝可从互动游戏当中得到最佳发展运动神经的机会,加强宝宝的机动性、灵活性及平衡力,体格亦得到最全面的发展。

    Stimulate infants'vibrant physical growth and achieve all-round body development to help infants strengthen reflexes , mobility and control of balance .

  15. 随着手机应用功能的不断提高,手机游戏的内容也从简单的小游戏向大型的互动游戏迈进。

    With the improvement of mobile phone games applications , great strides had made from simple interactive games to large-scale interactive games .

  16. 他教授了很多我以前从未接触的互动游戏、课堂管理和协作学习方法。

    He has taught me many Cooperative Games , methods of Classroom Management and Cooperative Learning that I have never known before .

  17. 在他安静后,马上让它做另一个指令或互动游戏,再给予奖励,以避免吠叫的增强。

    Make sure to ask for another behavior after he is quiet and before rewarding him so as not to reinforce the barking .

  18. 首先,网络的交互性特征颠覆了传统创作主体的地位,消解了作者和读者之间的界限,使网上的小说写作成为网民之间的互动游戏,而网络文学的文本也由此具有可写作文本的多重意义。

    First , interactive characteristic of network subverts tradition status of create subject , and clear up the demarcation line between the author and reader .

  19. 在与学生们进行趣味互动游戏的同时,球员们也与他们分享了自己的生活和经历。

    With students in interactive games for fun at the same time , the players have to share with them their own lives and experiences .

  20. 大学的教学和研究范围广泛,既抽象,也和日常生活直接相关,公众可以通过互动游戏和展览接触各科研究成品,从中领略研究的意义。

    While some academic pursuits are necessarily abstract , much of a university 's teaching and research can be brought to life by interactive games and displays .

  21. 在公益活动现场,球星们与青少年代表进行了面对面的交流,并一起开展了解艾滋病相关信息的互动游戏。

    Activities in the public scene with the young players are representatives of the face-to-face exchanges , and with information and awareness campaigns on AIDS-related interactive games .

  22. 扇形传感器的布置方式决定了是多点触摸屏还是悬空触摸屏,即是作为正式场合的演讲还是作为娱乐活动的互动游戏。

    The layout of sector sensor determines a multi-touch screen other hanging touch screen , which means it acts in a formal speech or in an interactive game entertainment .

  23. 这使得最激动人心的具有丰富图像的互动游戏无法实现,而这类游戏是其他(非无线)手持平台中游戏内容的主流应用。

    This makes the most exciting , graphic-rich interactive games impossible – and these games represent the bulk of gaming activity on other ( non-wireless ) h and held platforms .

  24. 第一天酒店为客人准备了丰盛的晚宴、刺激的幸运抽奖以及互动游戏,并以莲花心愿灯放灯仪式进入排队高潮。

    On the first day a welcome dinner , lucky draws and interactive games started the program which was concluded by everybody 's hand-making a candle lotus to wish good luck .

  25. 为了实现交互式电视提供的服务功能如电视点播、交互式广告、网上浏览、互动游戏等,必须采用数字电视中间件技术。

    For realizing interactive television services such as Video On Demand ( VOD ), interactive advertisement , online browsing , interactive game etc , we must adopt digital television middleware tech - nology .

  26. 如今,包括工程设计、虚拟制造、模拟仿真、天文气象、影视娱乐、互动游戏等对图形应用要求较高的领域广泛用到大屏幕多媒体显示系统。

    Today , including engineering design , virtual manufacturing , simulation , astronomy , studio entertainment , interactive games and other graphical , applications to higher areas widely used in large screen multimedia display system .

  27. 但是,随着高清电影、大型互动游戏、交互式多媒体等业务的兴起,人们对宽带接入速率和质量的要求越来越高。

    However , with the rapid growing service like high definition ( HD ) film , Interactive game and multimedia service , etc. we need a Internet with faster speed and much more quality guaranteed .

  28. 随着高清多媒体、网络互动游戏、云接入技术等多种高带宽业务的普及应用,用户对于数据通信速率的要求越来越高,高速接入网成为了当前通信技术的研究重点。

    With the popularity of high-definition multimedia , interactive network games , cloud access technology and other high-bandwidth services applications , users increasingly high demand for data communication rate , so that high-speed access networks have become the focus of the current communication technology .

  29. 在此两点的基础上提出了直播条件下,具有互动游戏性质的在线球迷用户间的互动加强的情境空间构想,并在大众传播理论的基础上探讨了此情境空间下的用户互动模式。

    Based on the above achievements , we conceive the situational space to strengthen the interaction between online fan users , similar to that of interactive games . We also explore the interactive pattern under this situational space by applying the mass media theory .

  30. King公司表示:《糖果粉碎传奇》是我们迄今最成功的游戏,我们相信它也是有史以来最大的互动娱乐游戏品牌之一。

    We believe Candy Crush Saga , our top title to date , is one of the largest interactive entertainment franchises of all time , said King .