
  1. 六五零开坯轧钢机孔型设计探讨

    Discussion on the Pass Design of 650 Cogging-down Rolling Mill

  2. 在哪取日本航空公司五零一次航班的行李?

    Where can I get my baggage for flight JAL five o one ?

  3. 这名游泳者的成绩被测定为五十点五零秒。

    The swimmer was timed at 50.50 sec .

  4. 接下来,历经了五零年代的工业化,生产量明显增加。

    After that came the industrialisation of the Fifties with a remarkable production increase .

  5. 立体声通道分离五零分贝和低谐波失真测试的调频立体声接收机。

    Stereo channel separation of50 dB and low harmonic distortion for testing FM stereo receivers .

  6. 五零恋曲的隐性回放&《生活的圈子》读后《最漫长的旅程》:福斯特对同性恋欲望的隐匿书写

    The Implicit Playback of the Love Melody in 1950s & After Reading the Circle of Life ; On the Homosexual Subtext in Forster 's The Longest Journey