
  1. 在一些行业(如出租汽车司机)实行统一着装。

    Uniforms shall be introduced in some industries , such as the taxi industry .

  2. 有男女五名统一着装的服务员,穿巡奉递茶、酒、点心。

    Five uniformly dressed male and female servants weave through the crowd serving tea , wine , and canap é s.

  3. 他们统一着装,提供标准化食品,更重要的是,他们不再仅仅是他们自己&他们代表了奥运会。

    They wear the same uniforms , provide standardized food and most importantly , they are no longer themselves & they represent Olympics .

  4. 轨道交通线路运营单位的工作人员应当统一着装、佩戴标志,礼貌待客、文明服务,报站及时、播音清晰。

    The staff of CRC line operating unit shall wear uniforms and signs , attend to passengers politely , offer service in a civilized way , announce arrivals timely , and broadcast clearly .

  5. 统一的着装、防静电措施等,我们是专业的服务团队。

    We are fully equipt with work uniform , ESD protection etc.

  6. 在统一的着装和纪律之下,普遍征兵制的实施消除了社会各阶级之间的界限。

    Beneath the sameness of the uniform and the discipline , universal military service wiped out distinctions of class and place .

  7. 这种设计不分性别,且能适合各种身材体型,因此它也是统一员工着装的简便途径。

    As the design is unisex and can accommodate to most body shapes , the jumpsuit is a simple means to create uniformity among employees .

  8. 而且,就算在北京寒冷的冬天,餐厅严格地坚持其全球统一的着装规定,员工在上班的时候应该穿短袖T恤。

    Furthermore , during Beijing 's cold winter , the restaurant strictly insisted on observance of its worldwide regulation that worker should wear short-sleeved T-shirts on duty .

  9. 在金融城,做生意有统一风格的着装,而领结则是非统一的一种表达。

    In the City , there is a uniform for doing business . The bow tie is something of a statement of non-uniformity .

  10. 最后在统一场地、统一着装、统一考核,从而评定训练效果。

    Finally at a single venue , dress uniform , unified assessment , so as to assess the training effect .