
  1. 军队企业国有资产保值增值审计探讨

    Auditing value maintenance and increment of state-owned assets in army-run Enterprises

  2. 军队企业经济效益评价指标体系重构

    Reforming the economic benefit evaluation index system of military enterprises

  3. 地方企业改革经验对军队企业的启示

    Implications of reforms of the civilian sector on military enterprises

  4. 军队企业国有资产产权登记管理问题探析

    Stated - owned property right registration in military enterprises

  5. 理顺军队企业产权关系的对策思考

    How to straighten out property right in military enterprises

  6. 军队企业经济效益评估刍议

    On Evaluation of the economic benefit of military enterprises

  7. 军队企业国有资产管理问题研究

    Researches on management of national assets in military enterprises

  8. 小议军队企业经济

    A note on the economy of armed forces firms

  9. 军队企业经营机制的转换与军内信贷机制的重构

    Transformation of operational mechanism of army enterprises and reconstruction of credit mechanism within Army

  10. 军队企业实施资本经营初探

    Implementation of capital operation in army Enterprises

  11. 军队企业要努力盘活存量资产

    Military enterprises should run storage assets properly

  12. 对军队企业资金紧缺问题的思考

    On shortage of funds in military enterprises

  13. 军队企业

    Property rights management in military business Corps

  14. 军队企业如何驾驭财务活动风险

    Controlling financial risks in military enterprises

  15. 第四十五条国家机关、军队、企业事业组织、社会团体及其他社会组织和个人,应当依法为儿童、少年、青年学生的身心健康成长创造良好的社会环境。

    Article 45 State organs , units of the army , enterprises , institutions , public organizations , other social organizations and individuals shall , in accordance with law , create a good social environment for children , adolescents and students so that they may grow up healthy both physically and mentally .

  16. 随着Internet在全世界的日益普及,政府、军队、企业等部门越来越多地利用网络进行信息的传输与管理。

    With the increasing popularity of the Internet in the world , government departments , the army , and enterprises are increasingly using network to transmit and manage information .

  17. LAF生产系统在军队制造企业中的应用前景分析

    Application of LaF in manufacturing enterprises

  18. 以军队和企业来说确实是如此。

    This is true in the case of the army and the organisation .

  19. 信息化管理已经成为了军队、企业、银行、高校等日常办公必不可少的一部分。

    Information management has become an essential part of the army , enterprises , banks , universities , and other institution .

  20. 随着信息系统在关键应用中的普及,信息系统成为了政府、军队和企业日常工作的基石。

    With the rapid development of information systems in critical applications , information systems have become fundamental building blocks for government , military and enterprise to accomplish daily jobs .

  21. 在党政机关、军队、企业、学校和全体人民中,都必须加强纪律教育和法制教育。

    Education in discipline and legality must be intensified in Party and government organizations , in the army , in enterprises and schools as well as among the people as a whole .

  22. 第四十七条国家机关、军队、企业事业组织及其他社会组织应当为学校组织的学生实习、社会实践活动提供帮助和便利。

    Article 47 State organs , units of the army , enterprises , institutions and other social organizations shall provide assistance and convenience for students ' internships and social practices arranged by schools .

  23. 这次军队保障性企业移交的有297个,在职职工20.9万,离退休人员8.8万人;

    The number of enterprises transferred to local government is 297 , with 209 thousand employees and 88 thousand retiring workers .

  24. 现行的军品价格管理存在诸多问题,导致国家、军队和军品生产企业之间的矛盾越来越突出。

    Current pricing management of military products causes many problems that may lead to sharper contradictions among them .

  25. 除了军队必须交出下属企业的控制权之外,党政及司法部门也将不再经管下属国营企业。

    Apart from the army , all Party , governmental and law enforcement authorities were also ordered not to run any subordinate businesses .