
  1. 军山大桥斜拉索减振技术试验研究

    Test Study on Damping Technique for Stayed Cables of Junshan Changjiang River Bridge

  2. 最后分别在武汉军山大桥和白沙洲大桥上进行实桥试验,验证阻尼器的减振效果和评价阻尼器减振效果的计算方法的可行性。

    Finally , experiments are carried out on Jun Shan bridge and Bai Sha Zhou bridge to testify the effect of viscous shearing damper and the feasibility of the finite element method and Galerkin approach to analyze the effectiveness of viscous shearing damper .

  3. 综合勘探在武汉军山长江大桥勘察中的应用

    Comprehensive geological exploration method applied in Junshan Yangtze bridge , Wuhan

  4. 武汉军山长江大桥设计船舶撞击力的探讨

    Investigation and Discussion of Design Vessel Collision for Wuhan Junshan Changjiang Bridge

  5. 军山长江大桥钢梁电弧喷铝长效防腐技术

    Protection of Steel Girder of Junshan Changjiang River Bridge with Arc Spray Al Coating

  6. 武汉军山长江大桥异形钢围堰应力监测与分析

    Stress monitoring and analysis of irregular-shaped steel cofferdam at Wuhan Junshan Yangtze River Bridge

  7. 武汉军山长江公路大桥B标主桥钢箱梁安装及斜拉索张挂施工

    Installation of Steel Box Girders and Cable-Stays for Main Bridge for Contract B of Junshan Highway Bridge over Changjiang River in Wuhan

  8. 武汉军山长江公路大桥钢箱梁合龙技术

    The Joining Technique of Wuhan Junshan Yangtse Rive Highway Bridge Steel Box Girder

  9. 武汉军山长江公路大桥主跨斜拉桥的设计施工介绍

    An Introduction to Design and Construction of Main Span Stayed cable Bridge at Junshan , Wuhan