
  1. 人们称那里是一个军城。

    People called it an army city .

  2. 近代新疆城市具有军事防御、交通与商业枢纽等突出的个性功能,由军城向治城转变、商业职能强化、功能综合化是近代新疆城市功能的变迁趋向。

    Military defense , transportation and commercial hub were prominent personality function of modern city , change from " army city " to " governance city ", strengthen business function and colligate function were the change trend of city in modern times .

  3. 俄藏黑水城文献宋保安军金汤城文书诸问题研究

    All Problem of Literature on City of Heishui Hidden in Russia Song Bao an Army Impregnable Fortress City Rapporteur Studies

  4. 诡诈的土耳其军射箭入城。

    The vengeful Turks shot an arrow into the castle .

  5. 当他军兵围困城的时候,巴比伦王尼布甲尼撒就亲自来了。

    And Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon came against the city , and his servants did besiege it .

  6. 自从3月底激进分子和政府军在萨德尔城的冲突升级以来,已经有几百人丧生。

    Hundreds of people have been killed in clashes between militants and government forces there since fighting intensified in late March .

  7. 公元1565年,毗奢耶那伽罗王朝遭遇滑铁卢,兵败穆斯林军,此城被付诸一炬。

    With the major defeat of its army in 1565 AD at the hands of the Muslims , the city was abandoned and burned to the ground .

  8. 自从3月底激进分子和政府军在萨德尔城的冲突升级以来,已经有几百人丧生。什叶派教士萨德尔的助手奥贝迪说,在巴格达东部的萨德尔城停火的协议将于星期天生效。

    An aide to cleric Moqtada al-Sadr , Sheikh Salah al-Obeidi , says the cease-fire in eastern Baghdad 's Sadr City will go into effect on Sunday .

  9. 上海欧洲电子产品零售商的市场领军企业万德城宣布,其与中国的合资公司将在上海设立其第二家商场。

    SHANGHAI-Media Markt , Europe 's leading electrical products retailer by market share , has announced that its Chinese joint venture will open a second store in Shanghai .

  10. 魏将郝照病势严重,忽然接到报告,说蜀军已到城下,急命将士上城把守。

    As the health of the Wei State general Hao Zhao was deteriorating , suddenly it was reported to Hao Zhao that the troops from Shu State had arrived outside the city . Hao Zhao hurriedly ordered officers and soldiers to defend the city in their position .

  11. 我军收复了该城,但为此付出了沉重的代价。

    Our troops recaptured the city , but they paid a heavy price for it .

  12. 蒙古军攻下一座城后,会考验城里居民的诚信。

    After capturing a city , Mongol armies would test the sincerity of the inhabitants ' surrender .

  13. 神人的仆人清早起来出去,看见车马军兵围困了城。

    When the servant of the man of God got up and went out early the next morning , an army with horses and chariots had surrounded the city .