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  • 网络Alex
  1. 这部即将上映的西部惊悚片由亚历杭德罗·G·伊尼亚里图(AlejandroG.Iárritu)执导。今年3月,他执导的《鸟人》(Birdman)横扫奥斯卡多项大奖。

    This soon-to-be released Western thriller is directed by Alejandro G. I á rritu , whose " Birdman " swept the top Oscar categories in March .

  2. 由于放松了制裁,我有了探寻古巴雪茄文化的念头,还想去看看亚历杭德罗·罗瓦伊纳烟草种植园(AlejandroRobainaTobaccoPlantation)——它恐怕是世界上最著名的烟草农场。

    The eased sanctions put me in the mood to explore Cuba 's cigar culture , including the Alejandro Robaina Tobacco Plantation , arguably the most famous tobacco farm in the world .

  3. 在询问各自近况时,他们问我丈夫亚历杭德罗(Alejandro)新开的公司怎么样。

    While catching up , they asked my husband , Alejandro , how his new business was going .

  4. 从34岁的巴西超模亚历桑德拉褠布罗休(AlessandraAmbrosio)到17岁的美国时尚潮人凯莉礠娜(KylieJenner),很多名人被拍到戴过这种假首饰。

    Celebrities , from Brazilian supermodel Alessandra Ambrosio , 34 , to American fashionista Kylie Jenner , 18 , have been snapped sporting the faux jewelry .

  5. 所以我跑来给亚历一个惊喜。

    So I thought I 'd drive up and surprise aiex .

  6. 像你记得上礼拜亚历出了事那一集吗?

    Remember last week when Alex was in the accident ?

  7. 亚历杭德罗支支吾吾,耸耸肩,盯着地板。

    Alejandro shuffled and shrugged and stared at the floor .

  8. 有其他人来问起过亚历吗?

    Has anyone else been round asking about Alex ?

  9. 亚历是个很好的人。

    He was a nice guy , Alex .

  10. 对了,固话上有亚历的一条留言。

    Oh , there was a message left for Alex on the land line .

  11. 大吃一惊的亚历大继而迅速回答道:“假如我不是亚历山大,我就会是提奥奇斯。”

    A surprised Alexander then replied quickly ," If I were not Alexander , I would be Diogenes . "

  12. 我很期待某天亚历杭德罗能给父亲打个电话,告诉他这个月公司的业绩很棒;

    I fantasize that Alejandro will call up his father-in-law some day and share the news about a banner month .

  13. 他与火箭队老板亚历山同意赛季结束之后签下一份新的合同。这份合同已在本周内敲定。

    He and Rockets owner Leslie Alexander reached agreement after the season on a new deal , which was finalized this week .

  14. 到乌拉圭后,我不愿在朋友家的客厅打地铺,或住在亚历杭德罗订的便宜酒店里。

    When we get there , I refuse to sleep on friends ' living-room floors or in cheap hotels as Alejandro wants to do .

  15. 这面墙上挂着戴维斯总统和佐治亚州自己的“小亚历”、南部联盟副总统斯蒂芬斯的巨幅肖像。

    On this wall hung large pictures of President Davis and Georgia 's own " Little Alec " Stephens , Vice - President of the Confederacy .

  16. 他在博物馆或者美术馆工作马上搜索了下希曼美术馆报案称有名员工失踪了叫亚历·伍布里奇

    He worked in a museum or gallery . Did a quick check.The Hickman Gallery has reported one of its attendants as missing , Alex Woodbridge .

  17. 今后如果有人问我们过得怎么样,我会注意说得低调一点,而亚历杭德罗则要说得更正面一些。

    And if someone asks us how things are going overall , I 'm going to try to be mindful to downplay a bit and Alejandro to up-play a bit .

  18. 站到另一面来讲,我很不愿意亚历杭德罗跟我父亲念叨他生意上的一些烦心事以及要担负的责任,而从不说一些好消息和取得的成绩。

    On the flip side , I find it so frustrating when I hear Alejandro rattling off his business worries and liabilities to my dad , without sharing the upsides and triumphs .

  19. “是的”,提奥奇尼斯驳回道,“别站在我和太阳之间。”大吃一惊的亚历大继而迅速回答道:“假如我不是亚历山大,我就会是提奥奇斯。”

    shot back Diogenes , " don 't stand between me and the sun . " A surprised Alexander then replied quickly , " If I were not Alexander , I would be Diogenes . "

  20. 亚历山大于32岁驾崩,当时埃及艳后仅23岁,她远行的疆界比亚历山大更远,她以埃及王后和世界上最有权力的人&朱利安·恺撒情人的身份走进罗马。

    By the time Cleopatra was23 , she had gone ever further than Alexander making her entrance into Rome as Queen of Egypt and consort of Julius Caesar , the most powerful man in the world .

  21. “这种年轻的剪发对于瓜子脸的人来说最好,比如席亚拉”纽约市的名人发型师亚历杭德拉说。

    Ciara chopped her long locks for a shorter , edgier do . " This young , hip cut looks best on people with heart-shaped faces , like Ciara ," says N.Y.C. - based celebrity hairstylist Alejandra .

  22. 我父亲以前是个股票经纪人,喜欢经商,对亚历杭德罗开的货运公司很热心,他会跟亚历杭德罗一起出去检查大货车,询问司机的生活情况,把汽油开支制成表格。

    My dad , a former stockbroker , loves business and is so excited about Alejandro 's trucking company . He goes with him to inspect the big rigs , quizzes the drivers about their lives and tabulates gas expenses .