
  • 网络Adamson;Allen Adamson
  1. 亚当森会被这个气疯的。

    Adamson 's going to go bananas on this one .

  2. 亚当森夫人说她深感抱歉,但她的语气清楚地让人感到她毫无歉意。

    Mrs Adamson said that she was extremely sorry , in tones that made it clear that she was nothing of the sort .

  3. WPP品牌专家艾伦•亚当森向《华尔街日报》表示:这是对三星品牌的一次大力宣传,艾伦的自拍照将比三星的广告更具影响力。

    It was a great plug for the Samsung brand , WPP branding expert Allen Adamson told the Journal . Ellen 's selfie is going to be more impactful than their commercials .

  4. creditsights的亚当森表示,涉足像“管道”那样的管理投资基金的举动,似乎“带有机会主义色彩,并依赖于以短期票据为高评级资产融资所产生的收入,而非满足基本的业务需求”。

    The move into managing investment funds , like the conduits , seems " opportunistic and based on revenue generation from funding highly rated assets with short-term paper , rather than fulfilling an essential business need , " says Mr Adamson of CreditSights .