
  • 网络Amazonas;Amazon;Amazonia
  1. 帕拉河流域亚马逊州的大型露天矿山设备,通往大西洋各港口的铁路线路和铁矿石运输船,简直是中巴两国间的巨大运输带。

    The installations at giant open-pit mines in the Amazon state of Par á, railway lines to Atlantic ports and the ore carriers that ship the metal constitute nothing less than a giant conveyor belt between Brazil and China .

  2. 研究人员对巴西亚马逊阿克里州的一万七千名病人进行了为期一年的新药试验。

    Researchers tested the new medicine in a one-year study of seventeen thousand patients in the state of Acre in the Brazilian Amazon .

  3. 本周,我到访了亚马逊在田纳西州的一个仓库,谈到了如何为中产阶级提供更好的保障的问题,

    This week , I went down to an Amazon warehouse in Tennessee to talk more about what we need to do to secure a better bargain for the middle class ,

  4. 这家公司正在投入重金,建设新仓库,希望为客户提供更迅速的递送服务,特别是在那些亚马逊最近开始收取州销售税的地方&或许它早就该这么做了。

    It is investing heavily in new warehouses , the better to offer speedier delivery to customers , particularly in locations where Amazon recently has begun collecting state sales taxes & something it probably should have been doing all along .