
  • 网络rio de janeiro;Rio de Janeiro state;State of Rio de Janeiro
  1. 里约热内卢州代理州长弗朗西斯科•多内莱斯警告说,如果里约的财政状况不能重回正轨,奥运会恐怕将面临“失败”。

    The acting governor of Rio de Janeiro warned that the games could be a " failure " if his state doesn 't get its finances in order .

  2. 目前看来,这些方法正在里约热内卢州奏效。

    Thus far the approach seems to be working in Rio de Janeiro state .

  3. 罗纳尔多·路易斯?纳扎里奥?德利马(RonaldoLuisNazariodeLima),人们通常叫他罗纳尔多。1976年,他出生于巴西里约热内卢州的伊塔瓜伊(Itaguai)。

    Ronaldo Luis Nazario de Lima , known as Ronaldo , was born in Itaguai , Rio de Janeiro , in 1976 .

  4. 2008年,里约热内卢州开展了一项雄心勃勃的行动,它创立了“警方平定小队”(PolicePacificationUnits),旨在打击有恃无恐的贩毒团伙。

    In 2008 , the state of Rio de Janeiro began an ambitious initiative , creating Police Pacification Units , which were responsible for combating drug gangs that had been operating with impunity .

  5. 海船正在里约热内卢州的外海努力散开浮油。

    Ships are working to disperse the slick off the coast of Rio de Janeiro state .

  6. 里约热内卢州的交通警察也在帮助他们,在公众假日里,他们与禁酒法行动的执法人员一起工作。

    The Rio de Janeiro State Traffic Police is also helping , working alongside the Operation Dry Law enforcers on public holidays .

  7. 距离巴西奥运会开幕只剩7周,而巴西里约热内卢州州长却宣布进入“公共灾难状态”。

    Just seven weeks before the opening ceremony of the Olympics , the governor of Rio de Janeiro has declared a " state of calamity . "

  8. 其中一个是里约热内卢州(该州发起了禁酒法行动),另外一个则是联邦首都巴西利亚。

    One is the state of Rio de Janeiro – with what is known as Opera çã o Lei Seca ( Operation Dry Law ) and the other is the federal capital , Bras í lia .