
  • 网络University of Lisbon;Lisbon University
  1. 还有一个女儿在里斯本大学念书。

    And I have a daughter studying at the University in lisbon .

  2. 这样的结果不错,至少是按照里斯本大学研究人员的博弈论分析得出。

    Turns out that 's okay , at least according to game theory analyses by researchers at the University of Lisbon .

  3. 里斯本NOVA大学医学院加建南楼多功能室,里斯本,葡萄牙

    Polyvalent rooms of the South Annex of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the Universidade Nova de lisboa , lisbon , portugal , 2005

  4. 我们意识到,我们面临的真正竞争是在全球层面,里斯本新大学经济学学院院长若泽费雷拉马沙多(JoséFerreiraMachado)表示。

    We realised the real competition we were facing was in the global arena , says Jos é Ferreira Machado , dean of Nova 's economics faculty .

  5. 里斯本新大学也一直反对该计划,直到国际竞争的压力最终使两所学院走到了一起。

    Universidade Nova was also against the idea until the pressure of international competition eventually brought the two schools together .