
  • 网络Ryan;liam
  1. 注意,这张名单上缺少杰拉德-格林和里安-戈麦斯。

    Note the absence of Gerald Green and Ryan Gomes on that list .

  2. 他们一同在布赖顿的一个小公寓里安了家。

    They set up house together in a small flat in Brighton .

  3. 我在一棵快要枯死的榆树的树洞里安了家。

    I made my home there , in the hollow of a dying elm .

  4. 有一半阿非利卡血统的作家里安•马兰(RianMalan,这位作家只能用英语写作)预言,有朝一日,阿非利卡人将成为人们记忆中那个曾经生活在这里的神秘民族。

    The half-Afrikaner writer Rian Malan ( who inevitably writes in English ) prophesies that one day Afrikaners will be remembered as that mythical race that once lived here .

  5. 有一半阿非利卡血统的作家里安•马兰(RianMalan,这位作家只能用英语写作)预言,有朝一日,阿非利卡人将成为人们记忆中“那个曾经生活在这里的神秘民族”。

    The half-Afrikaner writer Rian Malan ( who inevitably writes in English ) prophesies that one day Afrikaners will be remembered as " that mythical race that once lived here . "

  6. Enlighted公司称,尽管内衣里安有电线和电池,但这些内衣都是既安全又舒适。

    Enlighted says the clothing is safe and comfortable , despite all the wiring and the battery needed to power the lights .

  7. VeronicaWanjiru和她的两个儿子也在家里安了水灯泡,她说屋内黑乎乎的时候,长子无法做功课,只好留级了。

    Her son Abbas can now read a book at home in the middle of the day . Veronica Wanjiru and her two children also have a water bulb in their home . She says her older son had to repeat a grade in school because he could not get his homework done when their home was dark .

  8. 密里安本应该拒绝考虑她未曾做过的事。

    Mirian ought to have ruled out what she hadn 't done .

  9. 图标语言T恤的点子是一对好朋友,乔治·霍恩和弗罗里安·纳斯特一起想出来的。

    Iconspeak is the brainchild of friends George Horn and Florian Nast .

  10. 我们认为卡斯特罗在特别调查组里安插了卧底。

    I think costello 's got a spy inside the special investigation unit .

  11. 我不需要另一个朱里安。

    I don 't need another Julian out there .

  12. 他们在昆塔纳阵营里安插的内鬼

    Someone they turned in Quintana 's camp ,

  13. 幽暗的棚里有白胸脯显现,那是鸽子裹在银羽里安�

    From their shadowy cote the white breasts peep Of doves in silver feathered sleep

  14. 马赛牧民占据了克塞里安的绝大部分。

    Kiserian is dominated by Maasai cattle herders .

  15. 审判室里安有电视照相机。

    Television cameras were admitted in the courtroom .

  16. 回答:有一些曼德罗里安所植入的插件我现在可以激活了。

    Answer : There are a few Mandalorian implants that I can activate , now .

  17. 我有话要跟莱马里安说。

    I want to talk to lemalian .

  18. 她的父亲在整个家里安上了双重保温窗来减少热量损失。

    Her father put up storm windows throughout the house to cut down heat loss .

  19. 他没有在舒适的房间里安坐,冒着严寒在室外工作。

    Rather than sit in a cozy room , he works out in the cold air .

  20. 爸爸在家里安电话机时我还很小。在我们街区,我们家成了率先安有电话的用户之一。

    When I was quite young , my father had one of the first telephones in our neighborhood .

  21. 杰夫,露西,沃伦,杰西卡,阿德里亚诺,帕奥,里安,艾莉森等等。

    There 's Jeff , Lucy , Warren , Jessica , Adriano , Pao , LeeAnn , Alison ...

  22. 曼德罗里安战争结束十年后,一天他正在调查丹图因的废墟时,与放逐者重逢了。

    While investigating the ruins on Dantooine , ten years after the Mandalorian War , he met the Exile again .

  23. 曼德罗里安战争结束后,她回到了科洛桑的绝地神殿为她的行为负责。

    In the wake of the Mandalorian Wars she returned to Coruscant and the Jedi Temple to answer for her actions .

  24. 由于前额叶皮质对于情绪性的决策过程举足轻重,因此,阿普卡里安感到好奇:长期疼痛是否可能损害判断力?

    Because the prefrontal cortex is crucial for emotional decision making , Apkarian wondered if constant pain might be clouding people 's judgment .

  25. 距内罗毕30公里外的小镇克塞里安迎来了清晨,鲁特诺一家正在处理日常琐事—他们的族长汉娜则在检查她那群羊的健康状况。

    Early morning in Kiserian , a town 30 kilometers from Nairobi , the Lotuno family go about their daily chores-with their matriarch , Hannah , checking on the health of her flock .

  26. 不远处,有一位仅5英尺高的肯尼亚女人,几乎无人注意;她要给那些没有国籍的运动员在奥运这个大家庭里安一个家。

    Nearby , a woman from Kenya , barely 5 feet tall and all but unnoticed , signed off on her project to give an Olympic home to athletes who had none of their own .