
  • 网络Exchange Memberships
  1. 本文将结合期货交易所会员服务系统的功能需求和安全需求,研究基于PKI技术的期货交易所会员服务系统的体系构建问题。

    This paper carries out a research into the problem how to build members serving system in futures exchange based on PKI according to the function and security need of members serving system .

  2. 指纽约证券交易所会员公司之股东或合伙人。联合会员依规定不得于交易厅内进行业务。

    A general partner or voting stock holder of a NYSE member firm ; allowed to perform transactions on the exchange floor .

  3. 期货交易所会员由期货经纪公司会员和非期货经纪公司会员组成。

    The membership of a futures exchange shall be made up of those members which are futures brokerage firms and those members which are not futures brokerage firms .

  4. 只有作为交易所会员的期货经纪公司才能委派出市代表进场交易,客户只能通过委托期货经纪公司才能进行期货交易。

    Only the futures broking company which has the membership of the futures exchange can appoint it . Representatives to make deals in the market , and the client can make deals by entrusting the futures broking company .

  5. 经纪公司为取得交易所会员资格而交纳会员资格费时,应按实际支付的款项,借记“长期股权投资--期货会员资格投资”科目,贷记“银行存款”科目。

    Brokerage companies shall debit the " long term equity investment-futures membership investment " title and credit the " cash in bank deposit " title byaccording to the actual payments when paying membership fees to obtain membership in the exchange .

  6. 从事信息传播服务业务的机构或者交易所会员未经交易所同意,不得将交易信息出售或者转让他人,或者以任何方式再转接到其他场所。

    Institutions providing the information communication service or members of the exchange , without the approval of the exchange , shall not sell or transfer the trading information to other parties , or reconnect the trading information to other locations the trading information in any forms .

  7. 从事信息传播服务业务的机构或者交易所会员,发现其传输、传播的交易信息或者同时传播的新闻信息内容有错误时,应当立即通知交易所,及时更正并公开说明。

    When institutions or members of the exchange providing information communication service detect any faults of the trading information they spread and communicate or the news spread at the same time , they shall immediately notify the exchange , and rectify the faults and provide explanations on a timely manner .

  8. 期货交易所的会员服务系统是期货交易所重要的计算机管理系统之一,旨在通过基于web的电子商务系统为会员提供一个快速、便利、安全的服务环境。

    Members serving system in futures exchange is one of the computer managing systems and it aims to provide members a quick , convenient and secure service environment by web system .

  9. 层次分析法在交易所的会员资信评价中的应用

    Application of AHP on Evaluation Creditworthiness of Every Member Belonging to an Exchange

  10. 交易所、会员、客户、期货保证金存管银行及期货市场其他参与者应当遵守本规则。

    The exchange , members , clients , depository banks for futures deposits and other participants of futures markets shall abide by the regulation .

  11. 交易所其它会员公司承接了卖盘,使瑞穗证券建立了巨大的空头头寸,需要花费巨资才能平仓。

    Other member firms picked up the offer , leaving Mizuho with a large short position that it had to unwind at great expense .

  12. 本科目期末贷方余额,反映交易所向会员收取的席位占用费余额。

    The terminal credit balance in the ending of the theaccount reflects the balance of seat fee collected by the exchanges from the member .

  13. 期货交易所的会员制结构决定了期货经纪公司与客户之间是行纪关系。

    The membership structure of the futures exchange determines the fact that the relationship between the futures broking company and the client is broking relation .

  14. 交易所要求会员或者客户报告情况的,有关报告方式和报告内容参照大户报告制度执行。

    Where the exchange requires members or clients to make reports , related reporting methods and reporting contents shall refer to the large-position reporting system .

  15. 关于交易所的会员资信评价,本文在用层次分析法确定了诸指标关于总目标的相对重要性后,给出了较简单的评价方法。

    This paper gives a simplex method on evaluating creditworthiness of every member belonging to an exchange after determining the relative importance of criteria with respect to the overall goal by AHP .

  16. 您或其它对该帐户有任何利益的人,是否为任何商品交易所的会员,或与任何其它证券、外汇、是否或商品交易经纪公司有关联?

    Are you or any person having any interest in this account , a member of any commodity exchange or Fyes fno affiliated with any other securities , FX or commodity brokerage firm ?

  17. 交易所对会员合约实施强制平仓时,若为平仓亏损,其会计处理与正常平仓时的亏损相同。

    Where the an exchange carriesy out compulsory closing position for the contract of the member and where losses occur , the accounting disposal of the losses shall be the same with that of normal closing position .

  18. 广发期货总经理肖成表示:成为伦敦国际金融期货期权交易所的会员,使我们的客户能够投资于国际市场,同时这也是广发集团国际化进程的重要一步。

    Xiao Cheng , general manager of GF Futures , said : Being a member of NYSE Liffe offers our customers access to an international market , as well as being a major step to the internationalisation of GF Group .

  19. 中国目前的股票交易所通常是会员制、非盈利性的法人组织。

    In China the stock exchange is now in general a non-profit-making legal entity with membership system .

  20. 交易所对结算会员进行结算,结算会员对其受托的交易会员进行结算,交易会员对其客户进行结算。

    An exchange makes settlements for settlement members , a settlement member makes settlements for its entrusting trading members , and a trading member makes settlements for its clients .

  21. 我国证券交易所虽形似会员制,然而行政色彩浓厚,自身缺乏独立自主性,与国外的会员制交易所绝不相同。

    In our country the stock exchange system is similar to the member system , but its administrative color is strong and it is lack of the independence , which is totally different from the system abroad .

  22. 未经交易所批准,会员不得将上述信息提供给任何第三方从事经营活动,不得在非营业场所将上述信息提供给其客户以外的其他机构和个人。

    Without the approval of the exchange , a member may not provide the above information to any third party for business activities , nor provide the above information to other institutions and individuals other than its clients in the non-business place .

  23. 交易所对结算会员进行风险管理,结算会员对与其签订结算协议的交易会员进行风险管理,会员对其受托的客户进行风险管理。

    The exchange takes the risk management of settlement members , a settlement member takes the risk management of the trading members , with which the settlement member has signed a settlement contract and a member takes the risk management of the entrusting clients .

  24. 但证券交易所不愿光为会员牟利。

    But the exchanges were unhappy with being institutions solely for the benefit for their members .

  25. 交易所有权要求会员、客户再次报告或者补充报告。

    The exchange shall have the right to require members and clients to make another report or supplement the report .

  26. 期货交易所对全面结算会员期货公司结算后,全面结算会员期货公司应当根据期货交易所结算结果及时对非结算会员进行结算,并出具交易结算报告。

    After the settlement by futures exchanges for a general settlement member futures company , the company shall , based on the settlement results , settle with non-settlement members and issue the transaction settlement report .

  27. 结算会员用此类方式划入的资金,经期货保证金存管银行确认到账后,交易所将增加结算会员在交易所内的结算准备金。

    After the transferred funds through using such ways by a settlement member are confirmed by the depository bank for futures deposits , the exchange shall increase the provisions for settlement of settlement members at the exchange .

  28. 证券交易所的积累归会员所有,其权益由会员共同享有,在其存续期间,不得将其积累分配给会员。

    The accumulated gain of a stock exchange belongs to the members , who jointly share the right to the accumulation . In the time the stock exchange exists , the accumulation shall not be allocated to the members .

  29. 本周芝加哥商品交易所和洲际交易所都在忙于拉拢芝加哥期货交易所的会员和股东。

    Both CME and ICE were busy wooing the CBOT 's members and shareholders this week .

  30. 第一百零三条进入证券交易所参与集中竞价交易的,必须是具有证券交易所会员资格的证券公司。

    Article 103 . The securities companies that participate in collective trading through bidding at a stock exchange must be those that hold stock exchange membership .