
  • 网络Product Association;relevance
  1. 安装数据,或与WebSphere产品关联的数据。

    The install data or the data that is associated with the WebSphere products .

  2. probabilisticcontext-freegrammar(或者说是PCFG)是一种上下文无关语法,它将其每一个产品关联到一个概率。

    A probabilistic context-free grammar ( or PCFG ) is a context-free grammar that associates a probability with each of its productions .

  3. 但是,与第一种产品关联的工作区并没有被移除。

    However , your workspace associated with the first product is not removed .

  4. 与产品关联的产品型号。

    The product models associated with products .

  5. 提出了一种由产品关联图自动生成产品装配优化序列的方法。

    The incidence graph X ( I ) of a projective plane is a bipartite graph .

  6. 如果评审完毕,有必要的话会出现在一个与工作产品关联的单独的表单上。

    If the review results in a sign-off , this is captured on a separate sheet and attached to the work product , if applicable .

  7. 故障诊断:此页面是旨在帮助您诊断和解决与每个产品关联的问题的文档集合的前端。

    Troubleshoot : This page is the front end for a collection of documents intended to help you diagnose and resolve problems associated with each product .

  8. 相比常规的聚类分析,客户-理财产品关联规则分析,能够为银行客户提供更加精确、专业化的理财产品指导。

    Compared to the conventional clustering analysis , customer analysis-financial products association rules , can provide a more accurate , specialized financial products Guidance for customers .

  9. 同时此类项目产品关联度低,并会受到天然气管网建设和管理的制约。

    In addition , such project has relatively low product mix consistency and is subject to limitations associated with the construction and regulation of natural gas pipelines .

  10. 这些嵌入式软件对于象航空和国防这样的行业是可预知的开发,我们通常将这些行业与高度复杂的要求系统工程技术来创建的产品关联起来。

    These are predictable developments for industries such as aerospace and defense , which we typically associate with highly complex products that require systems engineering techniques to create .

  11. 而动漫产业链更是一种横向资源的整合链。动漫产业具有成本高、回报高、风险高、产品关联度高、国际化程度高等一系列特点。

    Animation industry chain is a chain of horizontal integration of resources , with high cost , high return , high risk products related , higher degree of national characteristics .

  12. 本文从横向产品关联、纵向产业关联以及国内外市场关联三个方面分析了能源工业内部的产业关联及其对能源价格体制、市场结构、所有制结构等方面的影响。

    This paper analyzes , from horizontal product linkage , vertical industry linkage as well as domestic and international markets , the industrial linkage 's impacts on the energy price system , market structure and ownership structure .

  13. 催化裂化轻端产品关联模型针对加氢精制润滑油基础油的结构特征,对以往氧化安定性关联模型的参数进行了调整,弥补了以往模型在预测加氢基础油抗氧化性能方面的不足。

    In order to make up for model deficiency in predicting the oxidation stability of hydrofining lube base oils , the parameters of previous correlate models were adjusted properly according to the structure characteristics of hydrofining lube base oil .

  14. 我们建议要为IBMRational产品配置关联性和专用资源,来避免可能存在的过度承诺。

    We suggest affinity and dedicated resources for IBM Rational products and to avoid overcommitment wherever possible .

  15. 产品结构关联性设计原理及其应用

    Principle of Correlativity - based Structural Design and Its Application

  16. 由于各种原因,某个产品会关联到其他产品。

    A product can be related to other products for various reasons .

  17. 顾客感性意向评价与产品造型关联性研究

    A Corresponding Relationship Study on the Consumers ' Kansei Image Evaluation and the Product Style

  18. 重油催化裂解反应深度函数及裂解产品产率关联模型

    Reaction extent function and correlation model for product yield prediction of heavy oil catalytic cracking

  19. 在这样的背景下,产品特征关联设计作为一种日趋主流的设计现象和设计方法,进入人们的视线。

    In this circumstance , cross-feature product design has confronted us as a mainstream design phenomenon and method .

  20. 数据融合信息的导入、分析与处理,以及对某产品灰色关联分析,并结合应用示例进行了分析。

    An application instance was presented to carry out the grey relational analysis of the data fusion for a product .

  21. 在接下来对定价问题的深入分析当中,主要阐述套利的概念及其解决方法,两段收费的运用,独立产品和关联产品的捆绑销售策略以及质量选择问题。

    At last we enter into the in-depth analysis of pricing process , including consumer arbitrage , two-part tariff , bundling and quality selection .

  22. 与实际组件产品的关联通过产品关系特性确立(参见“产品关系”小节获得该特性的更多细节)。

    The linkage to the actual component products is established using the product relationship feature ( see the " Product relationships " section for more details on this feature ) .

  23. 通过引入客户需求域和模块特性参数域,把客户需求与产品数据关联,并进行客户需求视图、功能视图和特性视图的映射,建立了大批量定制的客户驱动模型;

    Via the mapping of customer need view , function view and characteristic view , the customer-drive model for mass customization is structured , combining the customer need with the production data .

  24. 要实现广告创意与产品的关联,必须在对产品概念进行了解、分析的基础上恰当地运用表现技巧彰显产品的个性;

    To realize the Relevance between creative thinking of advertisement and products , the characteristic of the products must be displayed properly by using technique of expression on the ground of the understanding and analysis of the products .

  25. 另一方面,行业发展的快节奏和浮躁的氛围,加上相关的系统分析的缺乏,导致现阶段的设计中普遍存在对产品特征关联设计方法的误读和肤浅应用,设计效果也差强人意。

    On the other hand , the fast-paced and blundering design industry , plus the lack of relevant systematical analysis , leads to the misunderstanding and superficial use of cross-feature product design method , with the results always being dissatisfying .

  26. 本文试图通过弹性经济学方法,把反映国民经济发展的总量指标与社会经济发展对主要木材产品需求关联起来,发现国民经济发展对木材产品需求的一般规律。

    This text attempt through elastic economics methods , reflect total amount of national economic development index and social economic development products demand getting related to main timber , find the universal law to the timber products demand of national economic development .

  27. FCC乳化重油冷进料的工艺参数与产品收率的关联

    Association Between Process Parameters of Cold Feedstock and the Yields of Products in Emulsified Heavy Oil in FCC

  28. 在本文中,我们将会集中讨论那些与新系统的产品环境直接关联的NFRs,以及与系列进程相联系的NFRs,以支持其运营。

    In this article , we concentrate on those NFRs that are directly related to the production environment of the new system and to the set of processes that support its operations .

  29. 济钢产品发展与关联行业发展展望

    Prospects for the Products Development of Jigang and the Development of Related Industries

  30. 湖南省茶叶产品出口创汇关联分析

    Relative Analysis on Foreing Exchange Income of Export of Tea Products of Hunan Province