
  • 网络product utility
  1. 产品效用与市场博弈Nash均衡条件下的企业策略

    Product Utility and Firm 's Strategies in Nash Equilibrium Condition of Market Games

  2. 三是开放式基金产品效用的预期性和效用实现方式的持续性;

    Expectation on utility and continuity on achieving way of open-fund ;

  3. 产品效用与消费利益之间的矛盾;

    The contradiction between product usefulness and consumer benefit ;

  4. 这一做法会使竞争对手的产品效用降低。

    This could render rival products less effective .

  5. 提出了采用逼近绿色产品效用函数的评价方法。

    An evaluation method of green product is set up , which is based on function approximation .

  6. 首先分析了质量差异产品效用评价的客观性及其意义;

    Firstly , the objectivity and the significance of utility evaluation in products of quality difference are analyzed .

  7. 以此为基础,假设进入者可以通过技术创新提高产品效用,建立了两阶段博弈模型,以分析了运营商的进入与遏制策略。

    Based on this , we assume that the entrant firm can improve the utility of his products , and then establish a two-stage game model to analyze the entry-deterrence strategies of the firms .

  8. 利用绿色产品的效用特性,建立了基于效用函数逼近的综合评价理论和方法,开发了基于BP和RBF的人工神经网络模型,解决了权重不确定性的影响。

    Using the utility of green products , comprehensive evaluation based on utility function approach was developed and its models based on BP and RBF artificial neutral network were established .

  9. 很多广告都夸大了产品的效用。

    Many advertisements exaggerate the usefulness of the products .

  10. 这里,准确评价产品功能效用是产品开发取得成功的关键。

    Strictly evaluating utility of the product function is key of solving the problem .

  11. 基于产品属性效用的市场细分方法与应用研究

    Product Attribute Utility-Based Segmentation and Its Application

  12. 无形性、滞后性等特征使得消费者无法预知产品的效用大小。

    Invisible , behind such features consumers have no way of knowing the size of the effectiveness of the product .

  13. 以产品属性效用为细分变量是建立在因果关系变量而非描述性变量基础上的一种细分方法。

    The segmentation by taking production attribute utility as segmentation variable is based on causal variable rather than descriptive one .

  14. 因此,准确评价产品功能效用是制造商能生产出适销对路产品的关键。

    Strictly evaluating utility of the product function is key of solving the problem which manufacturers produces the marketable products .

  15. 不只是你明确理解了产品的效用时你才这样做,更重要的是你要让他们感到他们“与游戏有关”。

    Not only does it ensure you understand what the most effective solution will be , but it will make the users feel they have " skin in the game " .

  16. 这些修改模型的建立主要基于以下概念:产品单位效用的变化方向、市场反馈作用和市场发展的历史依赖性,并对所有的修改模型给出了计量检验。

    The change models constructed from the concepts including the changing direction of the per user utility , feedback function of the market response and the history dependence feature of the market development .

  17. 根据运输产品服务水平效用函数的特点,建立了分对数(Logit)运输产品市场份额预测模型及其标定方法;

    A logit model was set up for market share forecast according to the characteristics of utility function of transportation service level .

  18. 建筑产品技术创新效用

    Technology Innovative Effectiveness of Construction Product

  19. 在这类体育服务生产-交换过程中生产者和中间商实现效益最大化的前提是消费者对身体操作信息产品消费的效用最大化。

    The precondition of realizing the profit is to maximize the avail of the product consumption of BOI from production to exchange of sport service .

  20. 通过对手机用户进行的调查进行实证研究,发现在手机市场,顾客感知的品牌效用分别来源于三个维度:产品功能性效用,产品象征性效用,品牌名称功能性效用。

    This article from the view of brand utility explores the source of customer-based brand equity . The empirical analysis investigates the mobile phone users .

  21. 该模型突破了现有的质量经济学理论仅以质量成本确定最适宜质量水平的模式,将质量水平与产品成本,效用和市场绩效联系起来,使模型具有更为广泛的适用性。

    The model breakthroughs the present theories , that determine quality level only by quality cost . It relates quality to cost , utility and market performances , and has a wider effectiveness .

  22. 通过建立质量战略博弈分析模型,对这一过程进行了分析与描述,并得出产品质量投资效用与广告宣传投资效用在不同竞争状态下交互变化的结论。

    Through the model analysis of quality strategy game , the paper describes this process , and draws the conclusion of the investment in quality and in advertisement is interactive changing in different competition state .

  23. 该方法的计算不需要各指标的权重,可对绿色产品序数和基数效用函数进行逼近,实现了绿色产品非线性效用函数的评价。

    Those models , which don 't need weighting , can fulfill approximation to ordinal-number utility function and cardinal-number utility function , and realize evaluation of the non-linear utility function of green product .

  24. 企业可以通过增加产品品牌本身的效用,增加它的用途等一些方法来提高消费者对该品牌的依恋程度,进而提高消费者的品牌忠诚,促进消费者重复购买和溢价支付意愿等。

    Companies can increase the utility value of the brand product itself , and increase usefulness to raise the degree of attachment of the consumers to brand , thereby increasing brand loyalty of consumers and promoting consumers willingness to repeat purchase and to pay a price premium .

  25. 判定体育服务产品的价值,应当以效用价值论作为理论基础。注重人对体育服务产品效用的主观感觉与评价。

    The evaluation of values of Fitness Club service should base on the theory of " Utility-Value Theory ", which emphasizes the subjective feelings and evaluation of the consumers .

  26. 最保险的美容密招研究抗老化的科学家们(他们不会说服你去买产品)一致认为:抗老化产品标价过高而且效用不济。

    The Beauty Brains bottom line Scientists in the anti-aging field ( who are not trying to sell you products ) agree , anti-aging products are over-priced and under-deliver .

  27. 本研究挖掘出影响消费者暂时性抵制外国产品的行为的三个重要原因:爱国情感、从众压力、产品比较效用。

    The study uncovers three main reasons influencing consumers to boycott foreign goods temporarily : Patriotic Emotion , Conformity , and Product Comparative Utility .

  28. 该方法针对现有产品族模型用于配置设计中存在的问题,构造了支持产品配置的设计空间,并运用联合分析方法将顾客期望分解为各产品特性的质量效用。

    Configuration space against the defects of product family model is constructed for targeting diversity of customer needs and conjoint analysis is applied to decompose the customer preference into the utility of different product attributes .