
  1. 答案或许归根结底要看你对这款产品感觉怎样。评论人士告诉我们,AppleWatch很酷,虽然稍有瑕疵,但绝对是可穿戴科技领域的首款主流产品。

    The answer may simply come down to your feelings about the product , which the reviewers tell us is a cool , somewhat flawed , but legitimately mainstream first foray into wearable technology .

  2. 如果配合其它产品感觉不适,请停止使用。

    Discontinue use if irritation occurs in conjunction with other products .

  3. 外用品,严禁内服。如有皮肤刺激,请停止使用。如果配合其它产品感觉不适,请停止使用。

    External use Prohibit internal use . If skin feels stimulated please stop to use . Discontinue use if irritation occurs in conjunction with other products .

  4. 首先通过语意差异法、多维尺度分析、聚类分析、因子分析等方法建立消费者对手机产品感觉特性评价量表,并在此基础上通过回归分析构建消费者感觉特性偏好模型。

    First , mobile phones for consumers to feel scale of assessment will be built through the semantic differences , multi-dimensional scale analysis , cluster analysis , factor analysis methods , and on this basis we will build consumer preferences feeling model regression analysis method .

  5. 请形容你对LV产品的感觉。

    Please describe your feelings about LV products .

  6. 我喜欢我使用这些产品的感觉,对我而言真的是太方便了。

    I just love the way I use your product , it 's so convenient for me .

  7. 一项研究得出结论说,年轻人被迫脱离科技产品时感觉到的症状和瘾君子突然戒毒或戒烟时的感觉很相似。

    Withdrawal symptoms experienced by young people deprived of gadgets and technology is compared to those felt by drug addicts or smokers going cold turkey , a study has concluded .

  8. 我在剪贴簿中复制了整整两页手提包的图片和介绍,都是直接从网上商店剪贴过来的,然后又加入文本框,写上自己对每件产品的感觉。

    I filled the equivalent of two clip-book pages with images of bags and brief descriptions of each , copied directly from store sites . I added my own text boxes in to write my impressions .

  9. 然而,很多时候,中止一个sprint或是项目会让团队和产品负责人感觉糟糕。

    However , most of the times terminating a sprint or the project leaves a sense of bad feeling with the team and the product owner .

  10. 用这款产品最大的感觉就是,上妆特别容易,因为很滋润的缘故,不再脱妆,而且很好推,应该很适合冬季使用,和较干性皮肤使用。

    Using this product is the biggest feeling makeup , particularly easy , because it 's sake , no makeup , and very good , very suitable for use in winter , should use and dry skin .

  11. 但是,他们没有引入产品背后的那种感觉。

    But they haven 't brought in that feeling behind the product .

  12. 产品设计中的感觉要素

    The Research on Sense Elements in the Product Design

  13. 本产品给您的感觉是:超级的轻柔,超级的享受。

    What feeling this product gives you is . super tenderness and super enjoyment .

  14. 人们也喜欢把产品带回家的感觉,而这种感觉是网上购物所体验不到的。

    People were also keen on being able to carry products home , which is not possible when they order online .

  15. 但仅仅设计一些最终进入垃圾填埋场的产品,让我感觉不到成就感,我希望创造一些更有生命力的商品。

    But I felt unfulfilled designing products that would eventually end up in landfills , and wanted to build something that would last .

  16. 本文研究分析了材料的感觉特性,探讨了产品设计中材料感觉特性运用的方法及作用。

    This paper analyzed the feeling feature of the materials , and discussed the methods and function of application of the feeling feature of material in product design .

  17. 在这种市场里所有的产品标准化,感觉它们几乎相同,以至于买家不会关心他们买的是哪一家。

    In this market all of the products are standardized , in the sense that they are almost identical and buyers are indifferent to which one they purchase .

  18. 他们是在远离因未拥有你产品的痛苦或拥有你产品的喜悦(感觉到的价值)吗?

    Is it to move away from the pain of not having your product or service ( perceived benefit ) or pleasure of having it ?

  19. 在数码相机如此丰富的情况下,同类产品功能大同小异,能够满足消费者精神需求的产品感觉特性成为吸引消费者的重点。

    As there are so many kinds of digital cameras and their functions are alike , the form perception of digital cameras that can meet consumers ' spiritual needs becomes the keystone to attract consumers .

  20. 尤其是产品设计的细节处理还尚未成熟,使部分产品设计给人感觉过于粗糙,产品造型缺乏创新性,对国外产品的造型过于模仿。

    Especially in product design details of the deal has not yet mature , giving the impression that some product design is too " rough ", the lack of innovative product modeling , product modeling is too foreign imitation .

  21. 产品是设计师和消费者之间信息传递和反馈的纽带,意象是消费者对产品的感觉表达,设计师只有根据消费者的意象表达来设计产品方案,才能使产品更加满足消费者的需求。

    Product is the link between designers and consumers of information transfer and feedback . Image is the feeling expression for a consumer about products , while designers based on the expression of consumers to get the image design .

  22. 判定体育服务产品的价值,应当以效用价值论作为理论基础。注重人对体育服务产品效用的主观感觉与评价。

    The evaluation of values of Fitness Club service should base on the theory of " Utility-Value Theory ", which emphasizes the subjective feelings and evaluation of the consumers .