
  • 网络product idea;product concept
  1. 这个时候,就需要利用产品理念、产品愿景来指导工作。

    Use the product idea or vision to guide your efforts .

  2. 产品理念地产概念规划的创新与号召力,解决方案的创新与市场突破力。

    Product idea : innovation and rallying point of plan about real estate conception , innovation of resolvent and market Sally force .

  3. 其中产品理念识别(MI)是产品识别的核心,强调的是企业或品牌的精神理念和核心价值。

    Mind Identity ( MI ), which emphasizes the brand value , is the core of the PI system .

  4. NestLabs是硅谷炙手可热的新创企业,融合了苹果的设计风格和互联网产品理念,而且还低碳。

    Fortune & nest labs is on of the hottest companies in Silicon Valley , combining the internet-of-things with Apple-style design and an ability to reduce carbon consumption .

  5. 产品理念:科瑞玛辛,强劲塑机的心。

    Product philosophy : Coremachine is the meaning of strengthening plastics machine heart .

  6. 如何创造利润最高的产品理念,随时!

    How to generate profitable product ideas anytime !

  7. 现在整个瓷器行业都在试图找寻一条道路使得瓷器更为时尚和生活化,这也是客来的产品理念。

    The entire trade , including KAHLA , is seeking to produce cutting-edge and closer-to-life products .

  8. 从产品理念评估有效移动到实际产品的制造和分销的能力是成功的关键。

    The ability to efficiently move from evaluating a product idea to manufacturing and distributing an actual product is critical to success .

  9. 我们在内部寻求新产品理念的同时,我们的公司还经常从独立的公司那里收到一些不请自来的优秀设计概念。

    EXAMPLE : While we also looked for new product ideas internally , our firm regularly received some excellent over-the-transom concepts from independent developers .

  10. 索尼将创新融入产品理念之中,与技术创新相结合,超越了技术的创新,以创新的产品理念深入人们现有的生活状态。

    Sony innovative ideas into products , and technological innovation combined beyond technological innovation , innovative products to in-depth idea of people existing living conditions .

  11. 同时,笔者进一步找到了针对产品理念体验的收集、提取与分析的工具,有利于整个系统识别效能的提升。

    Meanwhile this paper also finds out how to collect , pick-up and analyze the experience data , which can ensure the whole system to operate availably .

  12. 第一部分,在营销理念方面,传统的理念一般包含生产理念、产品理念和推销理念,这些理念的共同特征是企业将重心放在企业内部,关注的重点都是产品。

    The first part , from the aspect of the idea of marketing , the traditional idea generally contains three kinds , such as the idea of production , the idea of product and the idea of sales promotion .

  13. 本文以产品理念、营销理念及风险理念为核心理念,为中国银行甘肃分行制定供应链融资发展方案,对中国银行甘肃分行业务发展及利润增长具有重要意义。

    In this paper , product concepts , marketing concepts and risk concepts are the core concept to formulate the development programs of Gansu Branch of Bank of China , it has an important significance for the business development and profit growth .

  14. 产品设计理念创新及其风险管理对策分析

    Idea Innovation of Product Design and Its Risk Countermeasures

  15. 高品质、高效率、永远追求卓越是公司的产品管理理念;

    High-quality , high efficiency and continuous striving for excellence are our product management philosophy ;

  16. 探究针对互动电视用户使用行为特点的内容产品设计理念、方法和策略。

    Explore content products design idea , methods and strategies for interactive TV audience behavior characteristics .

  17. 超前的产品设计理念和敏锐的市场洞察力,使“莱博顿”这一品牌享誉国内外。

    Both advanced design idea and acuminous marketing insight enable Neptum to become a worldwide brand .

  18. 设计过程包括从产品设计理念出台直至产品生产的一系列后续问题。

    The design activity starts from making the design concept till mass production problems follow up .

  19. 我们将从产品和理念两方面回顾乔布斯的传奇经历

    We 're going to look at Steve Jobs ' legacy both in terms of things and ideas .

  20. 工艺说明:该产品设计理念结合了客户的产品特点及要求,突出产品亮点。

    Illustration : The design combines customer 's requirement and the features of product , popping out the importance .

  21. 主持人:本周第一个话题,产品和理念的销售有了一个新的趋势,参与式营销。

    The host : but first this week , the new trend in selling US products and ideas is called participation marketing .

  22. 美德乐系列产品的理念是什么?美德乐的产品如何帮助哺乳妈妈,请举几个例说明一下?

    What is the concept of the Medela series and how can your products help breastfeeding mothers ? Please cite a few examples .

  23. 正在进行的中国北京国际科技产业博览会上,许多本土公司发现有很多机会可以提升他们的品牌,产品和理念。

    Homegrown companies have found many opportunities to promote their brands , products and ideals at the on-going China Beijing International High-Tech Expo .

  24. 本文尝试用现代产品设计理念对传统造物&歙砚,进行设计开发。

    This article attempts with the modern product design idea to the traditional creative force & She inkstone , carries on the design development .

  25. 众所周知,日本善于接受外国产品和理念,并对其加以改造、以适应本土口味,圣诞节也不例外。

    Japan is well known for taking foreign products and ideas and adapting them to suit domestic taste , and Christmas is no exception .

  26. 通过超现实摄影的表现形式可以更鲜明更加具体的去表现平面广告中产品的理念,达到吸引消费者,突出产品的目的。

    Through the surreal photography form can be more distinct more specific performance to print ads the concept of product , to attract consumers , outstanding product purpose .

  27. 第二是我国商业银行尚未树立以客户为中心的产品开发理念,缺乏有效的客户行为特征分析手段。

    The second one is that our commercial banks have not built up the customer-centered product development methodology and the effective method to analyze the customer ' behavior is insufficient .

  28. 柴利:红都的产品开发理念是“经典与时尚的融合”,让红都这个中国服装服饰的老品牌散发出年轻的、时尚的活力。

    Cai Li : Red are the product development concept is " classic and fashion fusion ", so that red is the Chinese brand apparel exudes old young , dynamic fashion .

  29. 因此,文中产品设计理念的提出、分类产品设计的论述,都是建立在市场分析的基础之上,并紧扣温泉度假客人的需求特点和行为规律来展开。

    So , the idea , the expound of the breakdown product design in this paper are presented on the base of the market investigation and analyzing , and accords to the needs and the behavior pattern of the customer .

  30. Web这类虚拟产品的交互理念,同样适用于实体的产品。

    This kind of concept is also equally applicable to entities of the product .