
chǎn dì jiǎn yì
  • original area quarantine inspection
  1. GB8370-1987苹果苗木产地检疫规程

    Plant quarantine rules for producing areas of apple seeding

  2. 森林植物及其产品产地检疫刍议

    Discussion on Plant and Product Origin Inspection

  3. “难道连种甘薯的那片地也去了?”GB7413-1987甘薯种苗产地检疫规程

    " Even the sweet potato hills ?" Plant quarantine rules for producing areas of sweet potato seedling and sweet potato seed

  4. 翅荚木苗木田间抗寒能力的地理种源变异GB8370-1987苹果苗木产地检疫规程

    Geographical Provenance Variation of Field Cold Resistance of Zenia insignis at the Seedling Stage Plant quarantine rules for producing areas of apple seeding

  5. 产地证明、植物检疫证明和非木质包装证明正本和副本各一份。

    One original and one copy of the certificate of origin , phytosanitary certificate , and non-wooden packing certificate .