
liàng dài
  • bright band
亮带[liàng dài]
  1. 结果显示,PDJ处理后根尖表皮细胞的液泡增大,细胞体积也增大,细胞膜的亮带消失,电子密度增大,细胞膜相对透性增加;

    The results showed that vacuole of treated cell with PDJ ( Propyl dihydrojasmonate ) was larger than that of control , membrane bright band disappeared , electron density and permeate of plasmalemma increased after PDJ treatment in epidermic cell .

  2. 拉拔钢丝表层白亮带及其形成原因分析

    Analyses of Surface Bright Band of Drawn Wire and Its Forming Cause

  3. 多卜勒天气雷达PPI上0℃层亮带模式识别系统

    A model system for identifying the presence of 0 ℃ - level bright zone on the Weather Doppler radar PPI

  4. 铬镍结构钢断口表面亮带缺陷本质的研究

    " Bright band " defect on fracture surface in Cr-Ni structural steels

  5. 电磁搅拌连铸钢坯中的白亮带问题

    The white band in continuous cast billets with electromagnetic stirring

  6. 拼接的图像往往会在单元图像之间形成一些亮带或黑带。

    Some bright or black tapes between each unit image .

  7. 对熔覆层的各个部分从结晶规律方面进行了分析,尤其是白亮带的形成。

    Each part was analyzed by crystallizing rules , especially white bright band .

  8. 连铸钢坯上白亮带的形成机制

    Formation Mechanism of White Band in Continuous Casting Billet

  9. 梅雨锋云系亮带的初步研究

    A prelminary study of the bright band in the Meiyu Frontal cloud system

  10. 主要载金矿物黄铁矿的生长环带中金的含量边缘比核部高,亮带比暗带高。

    The content of gold in outer zones and bright belt of zonal pyrite are higher .

  11. 利用一种自动识别算法移除天气雷达反射率因子中的亮带

    An Automatic Identification Algorithm for the Removal of Bright Band from Reflectivity of CINRAD / SA

  12. 消除电磁搅拌连铸坯中白亮带的试验研究

    An Experimental Investigation on Eliminating " White Band " in Continuous Casting Billets as Caused by Electromagnetic Stirring

  13. 消除精密机床主轴轴承滚道表面白亮带的方法研究

    A Study of Methods to Eliminate the bright Zone on Bearing Ball Tracks for Main Shafts of Machine Tools

  14. 零度层亮带和大气折射对雷达测定区域降水量精度的影响

    Effects of the zero-layer bright band and the atmospheric refraction on the precision of regional rainfall measured by radar

  15. 电磁搅拌使连铸钢坯上产生白亮带,其形成机制目前尚无定论。

    Electromagnetic stirring may result in white bands in continuous casting billets , and their formation mechanism has not been determined .

  16. 表面冶金区与基体之间则存在白亮带,它是以平面晶的生长形态沿热流方向生长出来的,白亮层的形成表明涂层与基体实现了良好的冶金结合。

    The white-bright band , appearing between the coating and the substrate , proved metallurgical bond . Some defects appeared in the coating .

  17. 亮带和纤维状夹层均由外套膜表皮细胞的异常分泌物沉淀结晶而成;

    The formation of highlight band and tiny fibrous layer is associated with the abnormal secretion of epithelial cell on the mantle tissues .

  18. 建立的零度层亮带识别模式合理,识别得到的结果能反映零度层亮带的特征。

    The result from the established model based on the 3836 radar measurements is reasonable and able to reflect the feature of melting-layer .

  19. 结果表明结合界面微区组织特征为细小的共晶体组织、过渡层组织以及白亮带组织。

    The experimental results indicate that microstructure characteristics near bonding interface are composed of small eutectic structure , transition layer and white bright band .

  20. 华南前汛期福建古田地区0℃云层亮带特征的分析

    Ana lysis of bright band 's features of 0 ℃ cloud layer in gutian , Fujian Province during the first rainy season in South China

  21. 该文介绍了一种自动识别和移除雷达反射率因子资料中亮带的算法,并对该算法进行了初步测试。

    An automatic identification algorithm for the removal of bright band from radar reflectivity data is introduced and tested by case analysis and pre-operational run .

  22. 接合界面处的白亮带可能是严重塑性变形和绝热熔化条件下急冷形成的纳米晶结构层和非晶态组织;

    The white-bright layer observed along the interface consists of structure of nanocrystalline and amorphous formed due to rapid cooling under adiabatic condition and severe plastic deformation .

  23. 结果表明:只有微分干涉相衬法光学金相才清晰地显示了熔合区扩散过渡层存在白亮、光滑、无胞状柱状凝固特征的“白亮带”和具有胞状凝固特征的后续熔化滞留层。

    The results show that " the bright band " and " follow-up melted stagnant layer " are clearly observed only with differential interference contrast and has bright and no cellar-columnar .

  24. 对无亮带、反射率因子值较大而且越低仰角值越大的反射率因子垂直廓线的区域,对应地面上常有对流性强降水出现。

    Intensive convective precipitation usually occurred over the regions that VPRs detected together with no bright band , the big reflectivity factors , and the bigger reflectivity factors , the lower elevation angles .

  25. 而该种天气情况下由于亮带距离雷达站很近,雷达波束的宽度较窄,因而观测到的亮带给雷达定量降水估计带来的高估尤其严重。

    However , under this situation , bright band is very close to radar site and the radar beam width is very narrow , so the bright band will bring in severe overestimation for radar QPE .

  26. 研究表明:反射率因子垂直廓线可反映出所选区域上空零度层亮带高度位置、回波的垂直变化规律等信息,以此分析降水的类型、云中粒子的发展变化;

    The VPRs clearly show the vertical structures of bright band of zero-temperature layer over the selected area , together with the vertical variations of the echoes , types of the precipitations , and physical status of the particles in the precipitation-cloud etc.

  27. 作者通过三年的雷达观测发现,积层混合云中的积云在消散阶段常出现亮带,使得积层混合云的亮带结构不均匀。

    After three years of observation the authors have discovered that a bright band is often observed when cumulus clouds are dissipating in the mixed cumulus and stratus clouds and as a result the structure of the bright band exhibits a nonuniform nature .

  28. 利用航天飞机3号SIR-C数据对额济纳旗北部中-蒙交界处浅层地下水的分布与形成原因进行研究,分析了在SIR-C图像上呈亮条带的机理。

    Using shuttle imaging radar SIR-C data , the authors studied the distribution and formation of shallow layer ground-water in China-Mongolia boundary .

  29. 结果显示,熔覆层与机体之间有明显的白亮过渡带,形成了良好的冶金结合。

    The results show that there is an obvious bright intermediate belt between cladding alloy layer and the body , forming good metallurgic bonding .

  30. 海洋内波在星载SAR图像上表现为明显的亮、暗带,通过SAR图像分析可以提取其波长和传播方向参数。

    Oceanic internal waves present bright and dark bands on the satellite SAR images , wavelength and direction parameters can be extracted by the SAR image analysis .