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  • leucine zipper
  1. DNA序列分析表明,其编码产物含有一个亮氨酸拉链结构域和一个核定位信号肽。

    Sequence analysis showed that the deduced protein contained a leucine zipper and a possible nuclear localization signal domain .

  2. Mx蛋白具有典型的结构特征,包括三联体ATP/GTP结合区、发动蛋白家族结构的特征序列以及亮氨酸拉链结构和定位信号。

    The typical structure of Mx protein includes triplet ATP / GTP binding domain , dynamic family protein sequence leucine zipper and its orientation signal .

  3. 本文综述了3种DNA结合蛋白结构域&螺旋-转折-螺旋、亮氨酸拉链、锌指近年来的研究进展。

    This article reviews the progress in three DNA-binding protein domains : helix-turn-helix , leucine-zipper and zinc finger .

  4. 蛋白质对DNA识别的模体中,除了锌指结构、螺旋转角螺旋、亮氨酸拉链和β带外,近年来发现,Ⅱ型限制性内切酶与DNA作用的模体有许多特别之处。

    The motif of interaction between type - ⅱ restriction endonuclease and DNA is found to be different from zinc-finger , helix-turn-helix , leucine-zipper and β - ribbon in protein recognizing DNA in the last few years .

  5. cepo-A和cepo-B分别编码99和142个氨基酸。在这两种蛋白质异构体的C末端均存在一个亮氨酸拉链结构域。

    The two cDNA isoforms-cepo-A and cepo-B code 99 and 142 animo acid polypeptides respectively , a leucine zipper sequence pattern existed in the C-terminus of these two protein isoforms .

  6. 固醇调节元件结合蛋白(Sterolregulatoryelementbindingproteins,SREBPs)属于碱性螺旋-环-螺旋亮氨酸拉链(bHLH-zip)转录因子家族,是真核细胞内调节脂肪代谢的关键转录因子。

    Sterol regulatory element binding proteins ( SREBPs ) belong to the transcription factor family of basic helix-loop-helix leucine-zipper ( bHLH-zip ) . They are the key transcription factor in eukaryotic cell which regulates lipid metabolism .

  7. 哺乳动物CREB/ATF转录因子家族是一个碱性区-亮氨酸拉链(basic-regionleucinezipper,bzip)蛋白大家族,参与细胞增殖和分化、胚胎发育、学习记忆和肿瘤发生等多种生理过程。

    The mammalian CREB / ATF family represents a large group of basic-region leucine zipper ( bzip ) transcription factors with rather diverse physiological functions .

  8. 同源域&亮氨酸拉链蛋白(HD-Zip)是高等植物中特有的一类转录因子,包含高度保守的同源异型域(HD),HD羧基末端与亮氨酸拉链域(LZ)紧密相连。

    The homeodomain leucine zipper proteins ( HD-Zip ) are special transcription factors in higher plants . HD-Zip is characterized by a highly conserved homeodomain and a leucine-zipper domain linked closely to the C-terminal of the homeodomain .

  9. 腺病毒E4启动子结合蛋白-4(E4BP4)是哺乳动物细胞核内的一种碱性亮氨酸拉链(bZIP)型转录因子,参与调控细胞的存活和增殖。

    Adenovirus E4 promoter-binding protein 4 ( E4BP4 ), a mammalian basic leucine zipper ( bZIP ) nuclear transcription factor , was identified to be involved in cell survival and proliferation .

  10. 原癌基因Fra-1是核转录因子AP-1家族的成员,通过亮氨酸拉链结构域与Jun蛋白形成异源二聚体,调控靶基因的转录。

    A proto-oncogene Fos-related antigen ( Fra ) - 1 is a FOS family member and an AP-1 transcription factor component . Through their leucine zipper domain , Fra-1 proteins form heterodimers with Jun proteins , which control transcription of target gene .

  11. ie-2和pe-38基因都是极早期表达基因,其推定的开放阅读框分别编码295和302个氨基酸,并且内部含有一个保守的锌指结构和亮氨酸拉链。

    Pe-38 and ie-2 are immediate early regulator genes which their ORFs encoded 286 and 302 amino acides separately , they also had a conserved zinc finger and a leucine domain separately .

  12. Zhangfei属于具有碱性亮氨酸拉链bZIP结构的转录因子,它参与调节内质网应激和未折叠蛋白反应,并在胚胎发育、人类疾病过程等方面也发挥着重要作用。

    Zhangfei is a basic region-leucine zipper ( bZIP ) protein . It is one of transcription facters participating regulation in endoplasmic reticulum stress and unfolded protein reaction . And it also plays an important role in embryonic development and human disease processes .

  13. 结果获得了针对Hlrg基因的定点突变体,亮氨酸拉链中的第二个亮氨酸被突变成丝氨酸。

    Site-directed mutant of human lrg were constructed successfully , the second leucine was switched to serine in the Leucine zipper domain .

  14. 目的预测相对分子量为52000的Ro/SSA自身抗原的可能表位,并选择性克隆含亮氨酸拉链氨基酸序列的抗原片段。

    Objective To detect the possible epitopes of 52 000 dalton Ro / SSA autoantigen and selectively clone the antigen fragment containing the leucine zipper motif .

  15. 结论52000Ro/SSA多肽抗原性好,所获得的抗原片段为今后研究亮氨酸拉链氨基酸序列在该抗原表位形成中的作用奠定了基础。

    Conclusion The 52 000 dalton Ro / SSA autoantigen has good antigenicity . The cloning of the antigen fragment will help to elucidate the possible role of leucine zipper motif in forming the epitope of the antigen .