
  • 网络Luminance distribution;Brightness distribution;intensity distribution;radiance distribution
  1. 测定了漫射陶瓷板和海伦(Halon)粉末压制板的反射亮度分布曲线。

    Reflected radiance distribution curves of a mat ceramic plate and a Halon pressed powder plate have been measured .

  2. 新型人工天空半球内表面亮度分布的理论

    Theory about the Brightness Distribution over the Inside Surface of New-Style Artificial Sky Hemisphere

  3. 在利用这些参数对全极化SAR图像进行处理的同时又引入了图像均衡的方法,有效地调节了图像的亮度分布情况。

    Meanwhile , we bring the method of image balance into SAR image , so the distribution of brightness in the image is renewed .

  4. 对于面阵CCD,提出了基于图像处理、傅里叶变换以及条纹亮度分布计算条纹漂移量三种方法。

    To array CCD , computing the interference pattern excursion based on image processing , Fourier transform and interference pattern intensity distribution are discussed .

  5. 利用高温气体高分辨率光谱参数数据库HITEMP对辐射传输方程进行求解,得到三种情形下尾焰中CO2和H2O的光谱辐射亮度分布。

    The radiation transmission equation is numerically solved by high temperature gas high resolution HITEMP database for spectral radiance distributions of CO2 and H2O .

  6. 本文采用日光照度数值得出平均天空亮度分布,它与BRE平均天空相似。

    By using daylight illuminance data , an average sky luminance distribution which is similar to BRE average sky is obtained in this paper .

  7. 实验表明本文的算法比传统方法更好地反映了换色后的亮度分布情况。

    Experiments show that our algorithm can provide very realistic results .

  8. 哈雷彗星等离子体彗尾亮度分布的理论分析

    Theoretical analysis of brightness profiles for plasma tail of Comet Halley

  9. 用数码相机测量亮度分布

    A Study on Measurement of Luminance Distribution by Using a Digital Camera

  10. 彩色显像管电子束亮度分布自动测量系统

    An Automatic Measurement System for Luminance Distribution of Color Kinescope Electron Beam

  11. 似阴天空亮度分布研究

    The Study of Sky Luminance Distributions on Pseudo Overcast Sky

  12. 基于图象亮度分布的环形干涉条纹判读法

    Orbicular Interference Stripe Determination Method Based on Image Intensity Distribution

  13. 用图象数字化处理系统研究天空亮度分布

    To study sky luminance distribution with digital image disposal system

  14. 天空亮度分布在大气光学领域有着重要的应用。

    Distribution of sky brightness is significant in atmosphere optics .

  15. 改进的最小亮度分布标准彩色图像误差扩散算法

    An Improved Color Image Error Diffusion Method Based on Minimal Brightness Variation Criterion

  16. 2008年8月1日日全食的日冕结构和亮度分布

    Coronal structure and brightness profile of the total solar eclipse on August 1,2008

  17. 亮度分布对于视觉能力的影响

    The Effects of Luminance Patterns on Visual Capacity

  18. 因此,追求均匀的亮度分布是毫无实际意义的。

    Consequently , the seeking of high uniformity of luminance pattern has no practical meaning .

  19. 天空亮度分布研究

    The study of sky luminance distributions

  20. 中间天空亮度分布模型

    Luminance Distribution Model of Intermediate Skies

  21. 该方法通过对显示屏幕的亮度分布进行测量,找出所有投影单元的亮度阀值,以此作为校正标准。

    It finds the threshold of brightness of all projection units by measuring the brightness distribution of the display screens .

  22. 介绍笔者对全阴天空半球内表面照度和亮度分布的理论分析成果,为全阴天空半球的设计和改建提供理论依据;

    The theoretically analyzed results of the illuminance distribution and brightness distribution of the interior surface were introduced for the new artificial sky hemisphere .

  23. 该文根据天空亮度分布的特征量,除特殊天气现象外,将实际天空分成4类。

    Except phenomena of special whether , this paper divide real shy into four types based on the characteristic variable of sky luminance distribution .

  24. 对上海市区夜间环境亮度分布进行了一次调查,共计测量了11处环境亮度和16幢泛光照明大楼的立面亮度。

    The writers have made a survey of luminance distribution of nocturnal environment in Shanghai urban areas , which included 11 locations and 16 buildings .

  25. 基于条纹亮度分布计算条纹漂移量,是根据条纹自身亮度分布的特点对条纹进行定位。

    Computing the excursion of the interference pattern based on the interference pattern intensity distribution is to position the fringe according to the intensity distribution characteristic .

  26. 从实际天空亮度分布推算大气散射相函数必须扣除由于多次散射所造成的影响。

    In determination of scattering phase function of the atmosphere from the observed sky brightness distribution , the influence of multiple scattering must be taken into account .

  27. 该方法既补偿了由于影幕颜色导致的亮度分布不均衡,又减少了空间不同方向的光束在影幕表面反射带来的影响。

    This method not only compensates for the uneven brightness distribution caused by screen color , but also reduces the reflectance impact caused by different spatial beam .

  28. 其原理是将多次微分运算施加于肖像的脸部区域,从而突显出脸部的高亮度分布区。

    The principle is to impose multiple differential operators on facial region , which highlights the nearby area of the facial organs and form many high-brightness distribution areas .

  29. 本文首先探讨了任意亮度分布下扩展光源与被照面之间的能量映射关系,并推导了能量映射表达式,也就是扩展光源亮度分布和被照面照度分的关系。

    The energy topological relationship between the extended source with arbitrary luminance distribution and the target source with desire illuminance distribution is depicted by a set of topological expressions .

  30. 本文将最小亮度分布标准引入到矢量误差分散法中,提出了一种基于最小亮度分布标准的矢量误差分散法。

    In this thesis , the Minimal Brightness Variation Criterion is introduced in vector error diffusion , then a Vector Error Diffusion Based on the Minimal Brightness Variation Criterion is presented .