
qīn hé lì
  • affinity
亲和力 [qīn hé lì]
  • [affinity] 亲近与结合的力量

  • 鼓励两岸人民互访、交流,藉以消除隔阂,增强亲和力

亲和力[qīn hé lì]
  1. 这物质和水有亲和力。

    This substance has an affinity for water .

  2. 可用半染时间预测染料的配伍值,其M和K参数可直观地反映染料的亲和力和扩散系数。

    Response to the dyeing affinity and the diffusion coefficient .

  3. 不同的同功酶以不同的亲和力与钙离子相结合

    The different isozymes bind calcium ions with different affinities .

  4. 这样的一个Agent社会可以为用户提供更高效的信息服务,对用户更具有亲和力,因此有着广泛的应用前景。

    Such an Agent society may provide more efficient ' formation services and has more extensive prospect .

  5. 噬菌体434单链阻遏蛋白的高亲和力DNA结合序列的设计和`筛选

    Design and selection of high affinity DNA ligands for mutant single-chain derivatives of the bacteriophage 434 repressor

  6. 错配PCR和DNA改组技术提高抗肝癌单链抗体亲和力

    Affinity maturation of a single-chain antibody for hepatocellular carcinoma by error-prone PCR and DNA shuffling

  7. 方法放射配体结合分析法对IR的数目(用结合容量表示)与亲和力(用饱和常数表示)进行检测。

    Methods The number and affinity of IR was detected by radioligand binding assay .

  8. 抗TNFα抗体的体外亲和力成熟

    In Vitro Affinity Maturation of an Anti-TNF α Antibody

  9. Rf值相同值大小可以作为砧、穗嫁接亲和力强弱的预选指标。

    Rf may forecast grafting affinity qua index .

  10. IL-6受体在人白血病细胞膜上的表达及亲和力

    Density and Affinity of IL-6 Receptors in Human Leukemic Cells

  11. 人p53四价功能域对提高抗体功能性亲和力的作用

    Study on p53 tetramerization domain in improving functional affinity and biological activity of antibody

  12. 电鳐电器官膜上的高特异性、低亲和力TCP结合部位

    A high specificity low affinity TCP binding site on the cell membrane of Torpedo electric organ

  13. 对糖皮质激素(GC)的亲和力也下降。

    The affinity to GC was decreased .

  14. 高亲和力IL-2受体由α、β、γ三个亚基组成。

    The high-affinity IL-2R is composed of three subunits , α,β and γ .

  15. 用放免法测定各组大鼠双侧脑组织M、DA受体数量及亲和力的变化;

    Changes in the affinity and quantity of M and DA receptors were determined too .

  16. 模型结果显示:吲哚环1号N原子上立体效应强的取代基有利于亲和力的提高;

    The models obtained also shows that the substituents on nitrogen atom of the 1-position of the indole ring have more relative binding affinities .

  17. 用ELISA检测mAb腹水的效价、相对亲和力和进行表位分析;

    The titer and relative affinity of ascitic mAbs were determined by ELISA .

  18. 高亲和力IgE受体α链cDNA的克隆及序列测定

    Molecular cloning and sequencing of alpha chain cDNA of high affinity IgE receptors from Chinese people

  19. 目的:在TNF的研究中寻找一种取代同位素标记的检测亲和力的方法。

    Objective : To find a method in the study of the affinity of TNF to substitute the iso-tope labelling technique .

  20. 儿童哮喘IgE高亲和力受体β链基因多态性分析

    Analysis of gene mutation for high affinity immunoglobulin E receptor chain in asthmatic children

  21. 哮喘人群中IgE低亲和力受体基因多态性检测

    Detection of the Polymorphism in Gene Coding for IgE Low-affinity Receptor in Asthma Population

  22. 链替换技术提高抗角蛋白人Fab抗体的亲和力

    Affinity maturation of an anti-keratin human antibody by chain shuffling

  23. 目的通过分子对接方法筛选表位改造后的高亲和力CTL表位。

    Objective To screen high-affinity peptide analogs of CTL epitopes by molecular docking .

  24. 单克隆抗体对HFRS病毒两种粗制抗原相对亲和力的测定

    Measuring the Relative Affinities of McAbs to Two Rough Antigens of HFRS Virus

  25. 低亲和力IgE受体与外源性支气管哮喘

    Low-affinity IgE Receptor and Exogenous Bronchial Asthma

  26. 高亲和力IgE受体β链基因与儿童哮喘的相关性研究

    Correlation between high affinity immunoglobulin E receptor gene and asthmatic children in Sichuan of China

  27. 发现在电鳐电器官中有一个高特异性、低亲和力的2-噻吩基-哌啶基-1,1-环己烷(TCP)结合位点,这个结合位点具有可饱和性。

    A high specificity low affinity 2-thienyl-piperidyl-1,1-cyclohexane ( TCP ) saturable binding site was found at the cell membrane of Torpedo electric organ .

  28. 米氏方程显示PPO与邻苯二酚有极强的亲和力。

    The Michaelis-Menten equation showed that there was a strong co-relationship between PPO and catechol .

  29. 红细胞膜高、低亲和力胰岛素受体数目餐前、餐后自身对照均明显下降(P<0.05);

    Post-prandial 60 minute glucose was correlated with glucagon ; Numbers of fasting insulin receptor of tall and low affinity in erythrocyte membrane were lower than post-prandial insulin receptor ( p < 0.05 );

  30. 牙周治疗前及治疗3个月、6个月和12个月后常规临床检查、记录牙周附着水平,通过硫氰酸铵分离试验测定血清抗牙龈卟啉菌脂多糖(LPS)的抗体亲和力。

    The avidity of IgG antibody against P. gingivalis lipopolysaccharide ( LPS ) was measured by diethylamine dissociation ELISA .