
qīn xiōnɡ dì
  • blood brothers;brother of same mother
  • blood brother
亲兄弟 [qīn xiōng dì]
  • [blood brother] 同一父母所生的兄弟

  1. 你们是亲兄弟吗?谁是哥哥,谁是弟弟?

    Are you blood brothers ? Who is elder and yonger brother ?

  2. 背叛自己亲兄弟的这个想法使她感到恐惧。

    She recoiled from the idea of betraying her own brother .

  3. 连亲兄弟的婚礼都不参加,这太不像话了。

    It looks bad not going to your own brother 's wedding .

  4. 我们是亲兄弟。

    We 're brothers .

  5. 亲兄弟互相厮杀,直到一切全都毁灭。

    Brother turned on brother until nothing remained .

  6. 我和你是亲兄弟,作为你必须超越的障碍,我会和你一起生存下去,就算是被你憎恨也要如此,这就是所谓的哥哥。

    You and I are flesh and blood . I 'm always going to be there for you , even if it 's only an obstacle for you to overcome . Even if you do hate me . That 's what big brothers are for .

  7. 悲愤之下,曹植急中生智,作出七步诗,是的意思就是“本来就是亲兄弟,为什么要这样步步紧逼,伤及感情?”

    Greatly saddened , Tsau Jr began to walk and to think . Before he had taken the seven steps , he had already finished his poem , the meaning of which was : " Brothers are of the same family , so why should the oppress each other ? "

  8. 剧情简介黑人FBI警探马库斯和凯文可是不折不扣的亲兄弟,你没看两人不但同样的野心勃勃,却又都该死的时运不济。

    About the black FBI detective story Marcus and Kevin , but the letter of the brothers , you did not watch the two is not only the same ambitious , but are damn bad luck .

  9. 他待我们很好,就好象是对待她的亲兄弟一样。

    He treats us as if we were her own brothers .

  10. 他很忠诚,不会告发他的亲兄弟。

    He was to loyal to grass on his own brother .

  11. 最让我惊讶的是你们两个是亲兄弟。

    What surprises me most is that he is a spy .

  12. 事实上,他就是你的亲兄弟。

    As a matter of fact , he is your full brother .

  13. 你比任何一个亲兄弟还要亲。

    You 're closer to me than any blood brother .

  14. 桑儿是他的亲兄弟,是他的救命恩人。

    Sonny had been his true brother , his savior ;

  15. 肯思和我,我们是这么亲密,就象亲兄弟。

    Keith and I , we were so close , like brothers .

  16. 我们和我们的亲兄弟有很有趣的关系。

    We have a very interesting relationship with our siblings .

  17. 除非是亲兄弟,否则谁了解谁?

    Who knows any man but he be his brother ?

  18. 队长,他对我就像亲兄弟一样。

    He was like a brother to me , captain .

  19. 生活相处要像亲兄弟,做起生意要像陌生人。

    Live together like brothers and do business like strangers .

  20. 那个年龄大一点的男孩给新来的孩子一些亲兄弟似的忠告。

    The older boy gave the newcomer some brotherly advice .

  21. 除了他的妹子巴狄斯丁姑娘以外,他还有两个亲兄弟。

    Besides his sister , Mademoiselle Baptistine , he had two brothers .

  22. 我们得让他们相信我们是关系超好的亲兄弟

    We have to convince them that we 're actual brothers Right .

  23. 我知道我的亲兄弟对我的评价并不高。

    I know my dear brother doesn 't think so highly of me .

  24. 鲍勃象亲兄弟,愿意为我两肋插刀。

    Bob 's like a blood brother and would do anything for me .

  25. 睿奇和凯是一对帅气阳光的亲兄弟,中德混血儿。

    Richie and Kai are two handsome brothers with Chinese and German parents .

  26. 好的朋友犹如亲兄弟,让人备感温暖。

    Good friends are just like brothers who can make you feel warm !

  27. 他公开揭发他亲兄弟是小偷。

    He denounced his own brother as a thief .

  28. 什么人会对自己的亲兄弟说谎的呢?

    What kind of man lies to his brother ?

  29. 我视为亲兄弟的人遭杀害。

    The closest thing I had to a brother * Was just killed .

  30. 这些男孩于我就像是亲兄弟般。

    These boys were like my brothers to me .