
  • 网络PLUTO
  1. 他还制作了一条狗叫普路托。

    He also made a dog , pluto .

  2. 但我从不对普路托施暴。

    But I was never cruel to Pluto .

  3. 他们是克罗诺斯的女儿赫提斯,得墨忒耳,赫拉以及儿子普路托和波塞冬。

    They were his daughters Hestia , Demeter , and Hera , and sons Pluto and Poseidon .

  4. 大地下面,普路托是阴朝地府之王;那儿,总是黑沉沉、阴森森的。

    Below the Earth , Pluto was king of the underworld , where it was always dark and gloomy .

  5. 朱庇特的武器是三叉闪电;尼普顿的武器是三叉戟;普路托的武器是三头狗。

    Jupiter 's weapon was three-forked lightning , Neptune 's , a trident , and Pluto 's , a three-headed dog .

  6. 普路托和我就这样做了好几年最亲密的朋友,可是在此期间,我的生活慢慢地发生了一些变化。

    For several years Pluto and I were the best of friends , but during this time my life slowly changed .

  7. 就在我把它带回家的第二天早上,我看到,像普路托一样,它也丢掉了一只眼睛。

    On the morning after I had brought it home , I saw that , like Pluto , it had lost one of its eyes .

  8. 古希腊罗马神话里,有三个大神统治世界:朱庇特(宙斯)统治天界,尼普顿(波塞冬)君临海洋,普路托(哈得斯)称王冥界。

    In Greek and Roman mythology , the world was supposed to be under the rule of three gods , that is , Jupiter ( Zeus ) , the ruler of Heaven ; Neptune ( Poseidon ) , the ruler of the sea ; Pluto ( Hades ) , the king of the Underworld .