
  • 网络Planck Length
  1. 当宇宙自发成核时,宇宙的最可n半径为普朗克长度。

    It is shown that when the universe spontaneously nucleates the most probable radius is of the order of Planck Length .

  2. 这个理论有三个不变常数,光速c,德西特半径R和普朗克长度lp。

    This theory has three constants , i.e. speed of light c , de Sitter radius R and Planck length lp .

  3. 在这种量子共形起伏下,任何时空的本征时间和本征长度的最小极限分别为普朗克时间t,和普朗克长度1p。

    It is shown that under the quantum conformal fluctuation the expectation values of the proper time and the proper length in any space-time are bounded at Planck time t_p and Planck Length l_prespectively .

  4. 简要介绍了普朗克于1912年提出的三个基本物理量:普朗克质量、普朗克长度和普朗克时间.它们已被列入1986和1998年基本物理常数表。

    A brief review is presented of three fundamental physical quantities derived by Max Planck in 1912 , referred to have as the Planck mass , Planck length and Planck time which had been arranged in the tables of 1986 and 1998 fundamental physical constants .