
  1. 她在退休后投身于当地社区的志愿服务工作。

    After retiring , she became involved in voluntary service in the local community .

  2. 一些学校要求学生提供社区服务,比如在养老院、幼儿托管所或是政府机构里做志愿服务。

    Some schools require students to provide community service by volunteering in a nursing home , child care center or government agency .

  3. 女性们想要无所不能——志愿服务于学校的派对或是做出美味的餐食——因此她们对任何要求的应答通常都是“是的,我可以。”

    Women want to be able to do it all volunteer for school parties or cook delicious meals-and so their answer to any request is often " Yes , I can . "

  4. 从这个意义上说,虽然我不愿承认,但我非常确信志愿服务是一种自私的行为。

    In that sense , I 'm pretty sure volunteering is more of a selfish act than I 'd freely like to admit .

  5. 关于这个主题的最新研究发现,其他形式的产前参与也没有帮助,包括在学校做志愿服务和观察孩子的课堂。

    Other forms of prenatal involvement , including volunteering at school and observing a child 's class , also fail to help , according to the most recent study on the topic .

  6. 正如梅森在志愿服务经历中发现的那样,"……小事可以改变一个人的生活。"

    As Mason discovered during his volunteer experience , " … little things can change a person 's life . "

  7. 为了通过她的公民课程,她不得不在养老院做一周的志愿服务。

    To pass her Civics course , she had to do some volunteer service in a nursing home for a week .

  8. 我有很多志愿服务的经验,正是因为经历,我从400名想加入这个团体的人中脱颖而出。

    I have plenty of volunteer experiences and it is from these experiences that I was chosen out of 400 people who wanted to join to serve in this group .

  9. 另外,degifting也指用更加有意义的行为取代过节时无用又无谓的商品互赠行为,比如捐赠善款、志愿服务或者办个节日聚会等。

    Degifting can also refer to the act of replacing useless and pointless merchandise with something more meaningful , such as a charitable donation , service project or holiday party .

  10. “第三部门”指的是经济体的慈善机构和事业、宗教工作、志愿服务等领域。

    Third sector1 refers to the part of the economy that includes charity and religious work , philanthropy , and volunteerism .

  11. 志愿者假(VolunteerTimeOff)项目给予员工40个小时或5个工作日的额外带薪假,只要他们将其中部分时间用于志愿服务。

    With the Volunteer Time Off program , employees receive an extra 40 hours or 5 days of paid time off , provided they spend some of that working for a cause .

  12. “志愿者假”(VolunteerTimeOff)项目给予员工40个小时或5个工作日的额外带薪假,只要他们将其中部分时间用于志愿服务。(对何为志愿服务,公司并无正规批准流程或限制。)

    With the " Volunteer Time Off " program , employees receive an extra 40 hours - or 5 days - of paid time off , provided they spend some of that working for a cause . ( There 's no formal approval process or restrictions to what constitutes a cause . )

  13. 在北京最近的一次培训会议上,医生、信息技术专家、商业人士和其他人士准备同国际发展慈善组织海外志愿服务VSO前往非洲进行一到两年的工作。

    At a recent training session in Beijing , doctors , information technology specialists , business professionals and others prepare for a one-to two-year stint in Africa with international development charity VSO , Voluntary Services Overseas .

  14. 沿海城市青年志愿服务对象的心态调查

    An Investigation on the Psychology of Young Volunteers in Coastal Cities

  15. 志愿服务:青少年公民教育的新途径

    Volunteer services : young people a new way of civic education

  16. 志愿服务是花一些您空余的时间去帮助他人。

    Volunteering means spending some of your free time helping others .

  17. 中国青年志愿服务日是哪一天?

    Q : Which date is the Chinese YV Service Day ?

  18. 近年来,中国志愿服务事业迅发展。

    In recent years , Chinese volunteer service career develop rapidly .

  19. 总结一下:志愿服务能帮你成长。

    Summed up in one line : Volunteering helps you grow .

  20. 志愿服务:公民道德自我教育的有效途径

    Voluntary Service : An Effective Way for Self-education on Civic Morality

  21. 论奥运会志愿服务与高等教育体系的融合

    On combination of Olympic volunteer service and university educational system

  22. 高校青年志愿服务的探索与实践

    Exploration and Practice of Youth Voluntary Service of Higher Colleges

  23. 志愿服务是一个社会成熟度的重要标志。

    Volunteer service is an important symbol of social maturity .

  24. 我在一个社区中心从事志愿服务工作。

    I am doing volunteer work for a community center .

  25. 大学生参与志愿服务活动长效机制建设的思考

    Thoughts on the Long-Term Mechanism Construction of College Students'Participation in Volunteering Activities

  26. 志愿服务工作占去我大部分业余时间。

    Voluntary work occupies a lot of my spare time .

  27. 青年志愿服务之品牌服务链的构建与反思

    Construction and Consideration of the " Brand-Service-Chain " among Youth Voluntary Service

  28. 志愿服务与弱势群体的权利保障

    Volunteer Service and Guarantee of the Rights of the Unprivileged

  29. 部分的回答正在改变我们现在的志愿服务项目。

    Part of the answer is changing views of existing volunteer programs .

  30. 我有一个在医院进行志愿服务的机会。

    I have an opportunity to volunteer in a hospital .