
jié shù yǔ
  • Conclusion;concluding remarks;peroration
结束语 [jié shù yǔ]
  • [peroration] 一篇文章或论说(如演说)的结束部分;对论点作的最后的通常是正式的总结(如在讲话中)

  1. 第八章构成本文的第三部分,为结束语。

    Chapter eight is the third part , as the peroration .

  2. 结束语中他总结了他的主要观点。

    He summarized his main points in his peroration .

  3. 我来讲几句话作为结束语。

    Let me make just a few concluding remarks .

  4. 在结束语中他补充说,没有南方,北方就无法实现经济上的可持续发展。

    The north cannot achieve sustained economic development without the south , he added in his closing remarks .

  5. 那个政治家的结束语使全场听众起立、狂热地欢呼起来。

    The politician 's closing words brought the whole crowd to their feet , cheering wildly .

  6. 第五部分结束语再次对在G公司通过招聘来推动人力资源管理建设的工作进行总结。

    Chapter V Conclusion of pushing forward human resources management construction through recruitment system .

  7. InClosing结束语没有什么事比能让人成功的习惯还重要的。

    Nothing is more important then the right habits which will cause success .

  8. 结束语:SDO将成为事实上的数据模型编程API

    Conclusion : SDO to become de facto data model programming API

  9. 最后是第八条,就当是额外的赠品:别用“regards”(顺致问候)作为备忘录的结束语。

    And just as a bonus , here is rule number eight . Don 't end a memo with " regards . "

  10. 再次就ER环保集团公司组织绩效管理实施,提出实施的要点和同时需加强的工作事项。最后结束语对全文进行总结性陈述。

    At the end of the paper , it puts forward the outlines and key points of organizational performance management implementation in the group .

  11. 本文最后作者在结束语提出展望,基于XML的Web服务技术的发展必将渗透到包括IT领域各个社会应用层面,并将在网络服务领域展现其强大的应用潜能,将提供更加完善的网络信息服务。

    Last the author put forward prospect that development of Web Services technology basing on XML will penetrate into all aspects of society including IT , and exhibit its great application potential in field of web services and provide more perfect network information service .

  12. 最后为结束语部分,展望了LMDS发展前景,提出了推广技术时可能会遇到的问题。

    In the conclusion , the prospect of LMDS and the issues that to be solved in popularization of LMDS are summarized .

  13. 结束语:Gretty已就绪

    In conclusion : Gretty is ready

  14. 最后一部分是结束语,即对本篇论文作一个全面总结和展望。

    This part is comprehensive summary and outlook of this dissertation .

  15. 参阅本文“结束语”小节寻找答案。

    See the Conclusion section of this article for the answer .

  16. 结束语中也要加上提倡学习的意思。

    The conclusion should include some remarks encouraging people to study .

  17. 6比较原理与李亚普诺夫方法;7结束语。

    Comparison principle and Lyapunov 's method : 7 . Conclusions .

  18. 正文分为五章和结束语六部分。

    The text is divided into five chapters and the conclusions .

  19. 最后结束语对文章加以简短小结。

    Finally concluding remarks to a brief summary of the article .

  20. 最后结束语总结此论文的研究成果。

    Finally concluding remarks summarize the research results in this paper .

  21. 第六部分结束语,包括总结和展望两部分内容。

    The last part of the conclusion includes summary and prospect .

  22. 文章最后一部分是本文的结束语。

    The last section concerns the concluding remarks of this article .

  23. 第六章为结束语,主要是对整篇论文的总结。

    The sixth chapter is mainly to the whole paper summary .

  24. 第六章为结束语,提出了研究结论和研究展望。

    The last chapter draws a conclusion and presents research prospects .

  25. 有鉴于此,本文对马克思的环境公平思想进行研究,全文由引言、主体和结束语组成。

    The dissertation consists of preface , main body and conclusion .

  26. 结束语部分。这一部分对我国期刊产业的未来进行了展望。

    The last part prospects the future of the periodical industry .

  27. 这似乎是一句不错的结束语。

    It seems like a good note on which to end .

  28. 第四部分是结束语与展望。

    The last part is the conclusion and expectation for our work .

  29. 有效的计划演说的结构,有开头正文和结束语。

    Structure the opening , body and closing of the speech effectively .

  30. 将你的签名写在结束语和你的名字之间。

    Put your signature between the closing and your name .