
  1. 本次翻译实践报告以笔者翻译的TheLastBarrier《最后一关》为基础,是对此次翻译任务的过程和完成情况所做的一个介绍、分析和总结。

    Based on the translation task The Last Barrier , this translation practice report is an introduction , analysis and summary of its procedure and completion .

  2. 中外教师英语口语课堂教学合作实践报告

    A report on Sino-Foreign teachers'cooperation in their spoken English teaching

  3. 反应性精神障碍的临床特点及其诊断标准&CCMD-2实践报告

    Clinical features and diagnostic criteria of reactive mental disorder the Practice of CCMD-2

  4. 《课题研究训练》课程建设实践报告

    The Report at the Practice of " The Training of Projective Studies " Curriculum Plan

  5. 大学英语教学改革的创新尝试&来自开展英语寝室活动的实践报告

    An Innovative Attempt at College English Teaching Reform & A Report on the English Dormitory Activity

  6. 本文是一篇实践报告。

    This is a practice report .

  7. 以人为本的日语教学模式探讨&日本基础教育实践报告的启示

    Discussion on Student-oriented Japanese Teaching Model & Enlightened by the Practice in Elementary Education of Japanese Teaching

  8. 笔者希望该翻译实践报告,能为以后同类型文本的翻译实践,提供一些有价值的参考。

    The author hopes to offer some valuable references for the same style translation practice subsequently through this translation practice report .

  9. 腓骨长肌腱移位治疗马蹄外翻足的新术式(附35例实践报告)

    A New Method of Transposition of the Peroneus Longus for Equinovalgus Deformity ( The Results of Clinical Practice in 35 Cases )

  10. 本实践报告一共分为四个部分:第一章,翻译项目简介,大致介绍翻译项目的基本情况。

    The translation report is divided into four parts . Chapter I is a brief introduction to the project presenting general situation .

  11. 本文是一篇翻译实践报告,以《美国史》第十三版第一章作为研究对象,其作者是美国哥伦比亚大学教授艾伦·布林克利。

    This is a translation project report on the first Chapter of American History ( 13th edition ), written by Alan Brinkley , a professor of Columbia University .

  12. 本文为一篇交替传译实践报告,以2009年哥本哈根联合国气候大会上中美两国领导人讲话为实践任务,着重探讨在交替传译过程中对信息的接收与理解这一关键环节。

    As a practice report on consecutive interpreting , this dissertation discusses specially the receiving and understanding of input information in the process of consecutive interpreting , based on the task of the speeches by American and Chinese leaders in The United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen , 2009 .

  13. 山西长治县现代警务创新实践调研报告

    Investigation Report on Modern Police Innovation Practice in Shanxi Changzhi County

  14. 《普通生物学》教学内容改革与实践成果报告

    Teaching content 's reform and practice result 's report on the ordinary biology

  15. 大学生道德实践调查报告

    A Poll Report on Moral Practice of College Students

  16. 目标导学综合教改实验的教育实践结果报告

    Report on the education practice in the synthetic teaching reform experiment of the object-guiding instruction

  17. 本文拟从具体课堂教学出发,提供一份语感教学实践的报告。

    This is a report on language consciousness teaching by making an experiment in class .

  18. 关于卡罗尔铁矿改进穿孔爆破实践的报告

    A Report on Improvements in Drilling and Blasting Practices at IOC 's Carol Lake Project

  19. 广西农村中小学教育信息化的研究与实践研究报告

    " Village Primary and Junior High School in Guangxi Education Information-based Research and Practice " Research Paper

  20. 民族地区中学问题探究与自主创新数学教学模式的探索与实践研究报告

    A Report on the Explore and Practice of Question Research and Self-Innovation Mathematical Teaching Model of Secondary Schools in the National Area

  21. 关于复合型人才培养模式的探索&商贸英语辅修专业的实践研究报告

    On the exploration of the educational pattern for qualified personnel with compound abilities & A research report on the practice in subsidiary speciality of business English

  22. 学会共存的教育理想与实践&德洛尔报告的重新解读

    Educational Ideal and Practice of Learning to Live Together

  23. 高职电工、电子课程改革的研究与实践项目总结报告

    The Report on Researching the Reform in the Course of Electrical Engineering and Electronics ' Course and Concluding Practical Project in Higher Professional College

  24. 俄罗斯高等院校土建类专业实践教学调查研究报告

    A survey report on the practical teaching of civil engineering major in Russian institutions of higher learning

  25. 21世纪初一般院校工科人才培养模式改革的研究与实践课题阶段研究报告

    Phasic Research Report on the Mode Reform of Training Engineers in the Early Days of the 21 ~ ( st ) Century

  26. 最后,企业应推动和实践企业社会责任报告的认证和第三方评论以此来建立股份持有者的信任和提高报告的可信性。

    Finally , companies should promote and practice voluntary CSR report assurance and third party commentary to build trust from stakeholders and enhance report credibility .

  27. 本文以作者的会议口译实践经验为主,采用口译实践报告的方式呈现。

    This criterion is presented in the format of practice report which is based on the real interpretation experience of the author .

  28. 实践体验自主发展&初中数学实践性活动实验报告

    Practical learning through practice makes development independent & The experiment report of practicality activity maths in junior middle school

  29. 我省农村合作经济的理论与实践&《农村合作经济理论与实践》课题研究报告之一

    The theory and practice of the rural cooperative economy of Jiangxi Province