
shí shí kòng zhì
  • real-time control
实时控制[shí shí kòng zhì]
  1. 新一代实时控制网络平台(Controlnet)及其应用

    The New Generation of Real-Time Control Network Platform ( Control Net ) and Its Application

  2. 基于XML语义描述的分布式实时控制系统建模方法

    A Distributed Real-time Control System Modeling and XML-Based Semantics

  3. 实时控制网络与Internet

    Real Time Control Network and Internet

  4. 基于Windows的气辅注射注气的实时控制方案

    The Real-time Control Scheme of Gas Assisted Injection Molding Based on Windows

  5. APPLEⅡ在实时控制系统中的应用

    Apple II 'S Application in the Real-Time Control System

  6. Windows平台数控系统的实时控制

    CNC Realtime Control on the Windows System Platform

  7. 基于工控机及PLC的蚕种孵化过程实时控制系统

    IPC and PLC-based Real-time Control of the Silkworm Incubator

  8. 一种基于PID的实时控制与调度协同设计方法

    A PID-based Real-time Control and Scheduling Co-design Approach

  9. 基于DSP与MCU通信的数字化焊机实时控制系统

    Real-time control system of digital welding machine based on communication between DSP and MCU

  10. 多轴CNC机床加工曲面上曲线的刀具姿态实时控制

    Real time control of cutter orientation for machining Surface-curve with multi - axis CNC machine-tool

  11. 论文介绍了新近研制的一种由高速DSP实现实时控制的自适应海杂波滤波器。重点围绕滤波器多种工作模式下的时间同步与实时控制。

    A newly developed adaptive sca-clutter filter is presented , whose realtime control is implemented by a high-speed DSP ( TMS32020 ) .

  12. 基于MATLAB/RTW的实时控制系统开发

    Exploitation of Real-time Control System Based on MATLAB / RTW

  13. 该系统以PLC为核心,采用分段控制算法,成功地实现了反应器的实时控制和远程监控。

    This system used fallaway section controlling algorithm based on PLC , realizes real-time control and distance supervision controlling of reactor temperature successfully .

  14. 远程实时控制系统EPON动态分配研究

    Study on Long-Distance Real-Time Control System With Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation of EPON

  15. 基于Winsock的网络实时控制程序开发

    Research of Real-time Control Program Based on Winsock in LAN

  16. 根据生产过程中的反馈参数,利用参数自整定模糊PID控制器完成对管道风速的实时控制。

    According to feedback parameter from production process , using parameter self-tuning fuzzy PID controller to real-time control the speed of the air flow through the pipeline .

  17. 可以根据pH和ORP变化曲线上的特征点对脉冲SBR进行实时控制。

    So that the real-time control of pulsed SBR can be based on the variation of pH value and ORP .

  18. 采用SEC模型设计嵌入式实时控制系统软件可以达到所谓的纵向层面和横向层面的一致。

    We can make so-called ' vertical lay ' accord and ' horizontal lay ' accord , using SEC model to design ERCS .

  19. RS485通讯网络;实时控制;多线程机制;可靠性;

    RS485 communication net ; real time control ; multi wire system ; reliability ;

  20. 利用基于DSP的运动、压力控制器对编码器和传感器采集的数据进行高速处理,实现了对压铸机的实时控制。

    Using movement & pressure controller based on DSP to make high-speed disposal on the data collected by the coder and the sensor , the real control on the die-casting machine was realized .

  21. 在对用户需求进行分析和讨论的基础上,运用Socket和Windows系统的钩子技术,实现了控制端对远程安装情况的实时控制。

    On the basis of analyzing and discussing the requirement of the customers , it adopts the technologies of Socket and Windows Hook to realize the real-time control of the installation status .

  22. 本系统采用单片机进行实时控制,采用模糊自适应PID控制技术,实现居民小区恒压供水系统的快速性、可靠性。

    This system takes advantage of MCU to accomplish the real-time control and adaptive Fuzzy-PID control techniques , and it realizes the rapidness and reliability of automatic constant pressure water supply in the social community .

  23. 在这种方案中操作系统同时存在Linux内核和NC核两个内核,NC核完成数控系统的实时控制功能,可以抢占Linux内核和Linux进程的处理机时间。

    The operating system is designed with two kernels existing together-the Linux kernel and the NC kernel . The NC kernel accomplishes real-time control functions of the EDM system and can preempt the Linux kernel .

  24. 采用基于Windows操作系统的VC++平台开发的上位机监控界面,具有良好的人机交互界面,用于实现平台的安全控制;下位机采用嵌入式Linux系统,完成平台的实时控制。

    PC monitor interface developed on VC + + platform under windows operation system , completed human-computer interaction and the platform safety control ; Lower computer adopts embedded Linux system , responsible for real-time control of platform .

  25. 提出了一种实时控制的petri网(RCPN)模型,该模型通过对库所和变迁分别引入传输端口信息作为其属性来实现。

    A real time control model of petri net is presented . The transmission ports information is introduced with respect to places and transitions which is called the attribute of places and transitions respectively .

  26. 对基于WINDOWS的数控系统下的实时控制进行了研究,对采用动态链接库和VxD技术处理中断进行了比较和分析,并且详尽地论述了VxD技术的原理。

    Research the real-time character of WINDOWS , discuss and compare the real-time control technology under WINDOWS using DLL and VxD . Besides , discuss the VxD technology deeply .

  27. 现场总线(FieldBUS)是将自动控制系统中底层的现场控制器和现场智能仪表设备互连的实时控制通讯网络,是5C(Computer,Control,Communication,CRT,Change)技术相结合的产物。

    Field bus is a real-time control communication network , which connects smart field instruments with field controllers in automation system . It is the result of ' 5C ' ( Computer , Control , Communication , CRT , Change ) technology combines together .

  28. 本文给出了时序逻辑语言XYZ/E的相关介绍,并利用XYZ/E的子语言XYZ/RBE与XYZ图描述了煤气炉实时控制问题。

    This paper introduces the temporal logic language XYZ / E , and then describes the gasbumer control problem in XYZ / RBE and XYZ diagram .

  29. 以四元数的理论知识为基础,在DSP系统实时控制云台旋转的基础上,提出了一种变外参摄像机在线标定的方法。

    The method is simply and accurate highly . 4 . A method of online calibration of camera with changeable extrinsic parameters is proposed , based on the knowledge of quaternion and real time control of rotation of camera using DSP .

  30. 运用基于在线的优化T-S模糊模型建模和离散优化的非线性模型预测控制(ModelPredictiveControl,简称MPC)算法,来实时控制电堆的工作温度,仿真结果显示了较好的模型仿真性能。

    Moreover , an algorithm based on the on-line modeling of optimizing T-S fuzzy model and discrete optimization of nonlinear Model Predictive Control ( MPC ) could finish the real-time control of the stack temperature , and the simulation results show good performance .