
  • 网络conjunctival congestion;conjunctival injection;Conjunctival suffusion;bulbar conjunctiva
  1. 如:眼睑痉挛,结膜充血、水肿,角膜上皮剥脱、浑浊。

    Such as , blepharospasm , conjunctival congestion and edema , corneal epithelial exfoliation and opacification .

  2. 腹腔镜腹腔手术后眼结膜充血临床分析

    Clinical analysis of conjunctival congestion after celiac laparoscopic operation

  3. 结膜充血、眼部刺激症单纯丝裂霉素组明显较单纯羊膜移植组或联合手术组差异均有非常显著性(秩和检验P均<0.01)。

    The hyperemia of conjunctiva and irritation symptoms in eye in the MMC group were more serious than those in other two groups ( P < 0.001 ) .

  4. CCF的症状诸如眼球突出,眼肌麻痹,结膜充血水肿,眼眶杂音及眼底改变也随之消失。

    The features of CCF were also resolved , which included proptosis , ophthalmoplegia , chemotic conjunctiva , orbital bruit and fundus changes .

  5. 结论气腹是两组术后眼结膜充血发生率差别的主要原因。

    Pneumoperitoneum is the capital reason of conjunctival congestion after celiac laparoscopic operation .

  6. 鼠神经生长因子致结膜充血

    Conjunctival congestion induced by rat nerve growth factor

  7. 43眼结膜充血,治疗后消失者40眼,有效率93.0%;

    Conjunctival congestion disappeared in 40 eyes and the effective rate was 93.0 % .

  8. 移植术后1周,各组球结膜充血明显,角膜混浊水肿。

    One week after transplantation , conjunctival congestion and corneal edema were obvious in all groups .

  9. 目的探讨患者结膜充血和疼痛感与洗眼液的关系。

    Objective To evaluate the relation between conjunctival congestion pain and eyewash in patient after lasik .

  10. 耳压法加穴位注射治疗顽固性结膜充血91例

    Treatment of Obstinate Conjunctival Congestion with Ear-pressing Therapy and Point-injection : A Report of 91 Cases

  11. 两组间结膜充血改变无统计学意义(P>0.05)。

    While there is no significantly different ( P > 0.05 ) between two groups in conjunctival congestion .

  12. 轻者眼部疼痛、结膜充血、红肿、流泪、畏光、视力障碍等;

    In mild cases eye pain conjunctival congestions and swelling , lacrimation . photophobia , visual disturbance were noted .

  13. 结果1万升汞(二氯化汞)易导致结膜充血、畏光、流泪、角膜水肿、疼痛。

    Results 0.1 ‰ mercury bichloride solution can easily cause conjunctiva red , pain , photophobia , shed tears and cornea edema .

  14. 目的探讨腹腔镜手术后眼结膜充血的发病率、发生原因、机制及防治措施。

    To analyze the incidence rate , reason , mechanisms , treatment and preventive methods on conjunctival congestion after celiac laparoscopic operation .

  15. 对照组术前剪睫毛,实验组应用粘贴手术巾,比较2组病人术后眼部刺激症状及睑缘、近睑缘结膜充血情况。

    After operation , the stimulative symptoms of the eye sites , and the congestion of the conjunctiva near the lid-margin were compared .

  16. 患者3周后,痒感、畏光、流泪、异物感、粘液丝状分泌物及结膜充血等症状明显减轻。

    All the symptoms of itches , photophobia , lacrimation , foreign body sensation , mucous secretion and conjunctival congestion were relieved after three-week treatment .

  17. 病人在急诊室立即接受大量生理食盐水冲洗,随后之眼部细隙灯检查发现左眼有明显之点状角膜上皮缺损及结膜充血水肿。

    The eye was irrigated with saline immediately , but the initial slit-lamp examination showed diffuse punctate epithelial keratopathy , prominent conjunctival injection and chemosis .

  18. 结果:5例患者均有外伤史、眼球突出、球结膜充血水肿及眼球运动障碍。

    Results : Each case had trauma history and ocular signs such as exophthalmos , conjunctiva hyperemia and chemosis , and motor restriction was obvious .

  19. 结果腹腔镜组手术后眼结膜充血发生率3.94%,开腹组手术后眼结膜充血发生率为0%,差别具有统计学意义。

    Incidence rate of conjunctival congestion after celiac laparoscopic operation was 3.94 % and the one after laparotomy was 0 % , their difference was significant .

  20. 气腹致胸内压、中心静脉压过高,毛细血管过度充盈受损可能是眼结膜充血的发生机制。

    Endothoracic pressure and central venous pressure is so high to damage blood capillary , caused by higher intraabdominal pressure after pneumoperitoneum , is the mechanisms .

  21. 结果接触组眼部自觉症状、结膜充血和翼状胬肉的检出率明显高于对照组,并有统计学意义。

    Results The detectable rate of symptoms , conjunctiva congestion and pterygium were significant higher in exposed workers than those in controls , with statistical significance .

  22. 主要不良反应乏力、注射部位疼痛、恶心呕吐、关节肌肉疼痛、结膜充血。

    The main side effects including fatigue , local pain of injection , nausea and vomiting , muscular soreness , arthralgia and conjunctival congestion were all not severe .

  23. 结果发现激光接触组结膜充血者占12.3%;角膜点状着色者占18.5%;

    It revealed that in the laser exposed workers , the prevalence of conjunctival congestion and the stained spots of cornea were 12.3 % and 18.5 % , respectively ;

  24. 本品具有清凉止痒、促进眼部营养吸收、保持眼睛湿润及卫生、避免结膜充血等作用。

    This product is cool and relieve itching , and promote eye nutrient absorption , keeping the eyes moist and health , to avoid the role of conjunctival hyperemia .

  25. 结果:两者联合应用可进一步促进角膜上皮修复,减少胶原纤维的断裂溶解,结膜充血情况明显改善。

    Results : combined amnion transplantation and moist burn ointment can further promote repair of corneal epithelium , reduce fragmentation and dissolution of collagen fibers , and improve conjunctival congestion .

  26. 受体角膜透明度的恢复与角膜植床深度、结膜充血水肿、虹膜炎、角膜新生血管以及角膜基质重塑过程中所产生的收缩程度之间无明显的因果关系。

    The restore of recipient corneal transparency had nothing to do with the depth of corneal defect , conjunctival hyperemia and oedema , iritis , corneal neovascularization and the contraction during the course of remolding .

  27. 要关注结膜充血、口唇改变、皮疹、急性期手掌足底的硬性水肿和红斑、颈淋巴结肿大等川崎病的特征性改变。

    Attention should be paid to conjunctival hyperemia , lips , skin rash , acute phase change palm foot rigidly edema and erythema , swelling of the lymph node and other characteristic changes in Kawasaki disease .

  28. 结果:1.术后早期有结膜充血角膜水肿等局部炎症反应,但所有眼眶均无肉眼异物肉芽肿发生、植入物排出、化脓感染的并发症。

    There was an early local postoperative inflammatory response of conjunctival hyperemia and corneal edema , But all eyes there was no naked of the foreign body granuloma , implants discharge , suppurative complications of infection . 2 .

  29. 无分泌物、结膜无充血、膜无水肿、房无炎症及晶体无混浊等改变。

    Some changes such as secretions , bulbar conjunctival congestion , corneal edema , anterior chamber inflammation and crystal body nubecula did not appear .

  30. 临床以眼球突出、眼球运动障碍、眼睑或结膜水肿充血、视力下降和眶缘可触及肿物为主要表现。

    Proptosis , restrictive movement of the involved eye , eyelid or conjunctive congestion , decreased eyesight and palpable orbital masses were the main clinical findings .