
  1. 中华鲟(AcipensersinensisGray)属江海洄游性鱼类,主要分布在我国东海、黄海、珠江和长江。

    The Chinese sturgeon ( Acipenser sinensis Gray ) is among the large anadromous species that involves riverine spawning migration . It lives mainly in the East China Sea , Yellow Sea , Pearl River and Yangtze .

  2. 鲚属鱼类隶属于鲱形目(Clupeiformes)、鯷科(Engraulidae),是江海洄游性鱼类,也是长江中下游及沿海一带重要的经济鱼类之一,占当地渔业总产量的比例甚大。

    Coilia ectenes belongs to Clupeiformes 、 Engraulidae 、 Coilia Gray , an important economic anadromous fish , which has large distribution in the middle and lower reaches of the Changjiang River or inshore land , a lagre proportion in local total yield .

  3. 暗纹东方鱼屯俗称河豚,属江海洄游性鱼类。

    Takifugu obscurus , popularly named obscure puffer , is a fish of river to sea migration .

  4. 鱼类的过度捕捞也引起鱼类资源的衰退,江湖阻隔又使半洄游性鱼类逐渐消失,许多湖泊的鱼类资源在逐渐下降,鱼类多样性在不断降低。

    Overfishing has caused decline of fish resources , rivers and lakes barrier makes the semi-migratory fish disappear gradually , the fish resources and diversity in a large number of lakes are decreasing .

  5. 与1974年调查结果相比,洞庭湖鱼类物种多样性明显下降,种类组成发生了改变,洄游性鱼类种类明显减少。

    Compared with investigation carried out in 1974 , the species diversity of Dongting Lake declined greatly , supraspecific categories are all less than before . The composition of species changed significantly , the migratory fishes decreased dramatically .

  6. 不利影响主要是水库淹没损失和移民安置环境影响,大坝阻隔洄游性鱼类洄游通道,淹没库区鱼类产卵场、工程施工对梧州市水源地的影响以及产生的水土流失等。

    The unfavorable influences include reservoir inundation losses , environmental influence resulting from inhabitant resettlement , the return channel of migration fish being cut off by the dam , submergence of fish spawning yard , affecting the water source of Wuzhou city and soil erosion caused by project construction etc.

  7. 本研究以福建平潭岛周边海域的洄游性海鱼类作为研究材料,分离海洋鱼类共附生的放线菌及真菌。

    In this study , we isolated marine actinomycetes and fungi from migratory marine fish which were collected from Pingtan sea side in Fujiang province .

  8. 高度洄游的大洋性金枪鱼类(Scombridae)是世界远洋渔业的重要捕捞对象,中国金枪鱼生产仍处于初期发展阶段,因此研究和预测金枪鱼渔场具有重要的现实意义。

    Highly migration tuna is one of the most important fishing objects of high sea fisheries of the world . At present , the tuna fishery of China is at the primary development period , and it is practically significant to engage in forecasting and studying on tuna fishing grounds .

  9. 鲐鱼是我国重要的海洋洄游性中上层经济鱼类之一,其鱼肉蛋白质中含大量游离组胺酸且内源性蛋白酶活性较高。

    Mackerel is one of the important migration fishes in China , which contains high levels of histidine in protein and endogenous protease with high activity .
