
xiǎo jí
  • Small spine;clavula
小棘[xiǎo jí]
  1. 发作间期脑电图背景正常,24%睡眠中有Rolandic区小棘波。

    Interictal EEG background was normal and there were Rolandic small spikes during sleep in 24 % of patients .

  2. 大自然的图案:植物。在加拉帕戈斯群岛一个仙人球表皮有锋利的小棘突出。

    Sharp spines erupt from the skin of a prickly pear cactus in the Gal á pagos Islands .

  3. 这种用前肢踩踏的训练,一个小时内就可以在两侧运动皮层的椎体神经元上形成突触后“树枝状小棘”的结构。

    Training in a forelimb reaching task leads to rapid ( within an hour ) formation of postsynaptic dendritic spines on the output pyramidal neurons in the contralateral motor cortex .

  4. 用电镜技术观察了大白鼠海马神经毯内的神经胶质突起与神经元突起的超微结构。首次发现有的神经胶质棘状突起上有小棘结构。

    The present study have observed the fine structure of the neuroglial and neuronal processes of the hippocampal neuropil in the rats by using the technique of electron microscopy . The spinules were encountered in the neuroglial processes for the first time .

  5. 另6项指标(虫卵宽径、卵盖高度、卵壳侧壁厚度、卵壳末端厚度、小棘的长径和宽径)相比差异有高度显著性(P<0.01)。

    There were notable differences in six targets ( egg width , egg lid height , the thickness of side wall and end wall , thorn length and width )( P < 0.01 ) . The contact between the operculum and the shell appears to be uneven but not indented .

  6. 尤其对老熟松树有破坏性的一种小的棘胫小蠹。

    Genus of small bark beetles destructive especially to mature conifers .

  7. 同时,也正在使用创伤小的系统例如棘突间装置治疗腰椎管狭窄症。

    Likewise , lumbar spinal stenosis is being treated with less invasive procedures such as interspinous process spacers .