
  • 网络Hinayana;Theravada;Theravada Buddhism;hinayana buddhism
  1. 该族群不信仰小乘佛教,而笃信传统的原始宗教。

    They do not believe in Hinayana but in the primitive religion .

  2. 云南傣族小乘佛教建筑比较研究

    A Comparative Study on Hinayana Buddhism architecture of Tai Minority in Yunan Province

  3. 巴利语记录小乘佛教典籍所用的一种印度语言。

    A prakit language that is a scriptural and liturgical language of Hinayana buddhism .

  4. 在一定程度上小乘佛教已经成为傣族人民的主要精神支柱。

    To some extent , Hinayana Buddhism has become the spiritual pillar of Tai people .

  5. 艺术和文学在历史上受小乘佛教的影响。

    The arts have historically been influenced by Theravada Buddhism , as well as literature .

  6. 小乘佛教对西双版纳傣族封建法律制度的影响

    Influence of Hinayana on Feudal Legal System of Dai People in Xishuangbanna Region of Yunnan , China

  7. 小乘佛教空间的幻化&浅议老挝寺院的总体布局及氛围

    The Hallucination of Hinayana Buddhism 's Space & Dealing with Structure and Running Atmosphere of Temples of Laos

  8. 根据2000年最新统计,94.6%的泰国人是传统的小乘佛教教徒。

    According to the last census ( 2000 ), 94.6 % of Thais are Buddhists of the Theravada tradition .

  9. 佛教的教义十分复杂,但大体可分为原始佛教、小乘佛教和大乘佛教三大类。

    In general , the doctrines can be divided into three categories : Original Buddhism , Hinayana Buddhism , and Mahayana Buddhism .

  10. 后来由于小乘佛教在东南亚的传播,鸟葬失去了其存在的文化根基,遂逐渐消亡。

    Later because of the Tibentan Buddhism spread in the southeast Asia , Sky burial lost its cultural foundations , and disappeared gradually .

  11. 居住在德宏地区的傣族,普遍信仰小乘佛教。广大的傣族群众对小乘佛保持着最虔诚的感情。

    The Tai nationality living in Dehong area generally believes in Hinayana Buddhism and most of them hold the most pious feeling for it .

  12. 直到现在,小乘佛教仍然流行于傣族地区。

    Up to the present time , Hinayana Buddhism ( Lesser Vehicle ) is still prevalent as in the regions inhabited by Dai nationality .

  13. 大乘佛教的观点超出了原始的小乘佛教的巴利文的观念,这是在我们刚才的简短讨论中提到的。

    This Mahayana view was probably developed out of the ideas found in the original Theravada Pali texts , to which we have just referred in our brief discussion .

  14. 通过对小乘佛教及老挝寺院的考察,探讨老挝寺院在总体布局及氛围营造方面体现小乘佛教之自身命运的维系这一主题。

    Through the examing hinayana buddhism and Laos ' temples , this article deal with how the destiny of hinayana buddhism is embodied in the structure and running atmosphere of temples of Laos .

  15. 在小乘佛教的教义之中,通过直接认识到实相的真正本性,一个人可以从无知的睡眠之中醒过来,这样的人被称为阿罗汉,偶尔是佛陀。

    In Theravada doctrine , a person may awaken from the " sleep of ignorance " by directly realizing the true nature of reality ; such people are called arahants and occasionally Buddha 's.

  16. 它不仅是印度佛教最早形成的宗教信仰样式之一,也是贯穿整个印度佛教发展历史,特别是在促动大乘佛教形成和发展以及与小乘佛教的互动中,始终保持着深远影响的宗教文化体系。

    As one of the earliest forms of Indian Buddhism , the belief of Maitreya has run through the history of Indian Buddhism , promoting the formation of and its interaction with the Mahayana Buddhism .

  17. 净土思想是两千年来中国佛教信仰者的基本旨趣。小乘(佛教宗派之一)

    The idea of Pure Land has been a basic purpose for Chinese Buddhists in the past two thousand years .