
  • 网络small plate;Subplates;Juan de Fuca Plate;subplate
  1. 东太平洋火山活动区,主要与太平洋东面的小板块(胡安德富卡板块、科科斯、纳斯卡板块)向美洲板块的俯冲有关;

    B ) East Pacific Area : most volcanism are correlated with some small plates ( Juan de Fuca , Nazca , Cocos ), east to the Pacific Plate , subducted beneath the American Plate ;

  2. 与此相应,消费者的需求被细分形成许多小的板块,已逐渐形成小众市场,他们所寻找的是一种完整的、能够体现他们自身价值观和素质、并丰富他们生活的产品。

    Corresponding to this , demand is divided into small detail plates called " Niche market " . What consumers are looking for is a kind of product which can reflect their own values and enrich their lives .