
  • 网络convulsions;infantile convulsion;Convulsion in Children
  1. 目的探讨安定溶液舌下给药治疗小儿惊厥的临床疗效及安全性。

    Objective To evaluate the efficacy and safety of sublingual administration of diazepam solution to treat infantile convulsion .

  2. 小儿惊厥血清和脑脊液中NSE和NO/NOS改变及其临床意义

    Changes of NSE and NO / NOS in serum and cerebrospinal fluid after convulsion in children and the clinical significance

  3. 100例小儿惊厥头颅CT分析

    Analysis of Cranial CT Scanning in Children Convulsions on 100 Cases

  4. 121例血清和脑脊液中NSE和NO/NOS检测在小儿惊厥中的临床价值

    Clinical value of the detection of NSE and NO / NOS in serum and spinal fluid after seizure in children

  5. 目的:对小儿惊厥85例进行临床分析。

    Objective : To analysis for 85 cases of infantile convulsions .

  6. 小儿惊厥持续状态的苯巴比妥联合用药研究

    Loading dose of phenobarbital combined with diazepam for status epilepticus of children

  7. 持续镇痛与机械通气联合治疗小儿惊厥持续状态的护理

    Nursing care of infants with statural convulsivus treated with persistent tranquilization and mechanical ventilation

  8. 因此探讨小儿惊厥发生的病因具有非常重要的临床意义。

    Therefore the exploration the cause of children febrile convulsion provides very important clinic significance .

  9. 布洛芬-安定混合溶液与安定溶液直肠给药治疗小儿惊厥的比较研究

    A comparative study on curative effect of mixed solution of ibuprofen and diazepam and diazepam solution on infantile convulsions

  10. 结果106例小儿惊厥患者未发生任何并发症,均痊愈出院。

    Results No complication was occurred in106 pediatric patients with convulsions , and all of them were fully recovered and discharged .

  11. 目的探讨神经肽Y和神经元特异性烯醇化酶在小儿惊厥性疾病中的水平变化及其临床意义。

    Objective To explore the changes and clinical significance of neuropeptide Y and neuron-specific enolase levels in children with convulsibility diseases .

  12. 非特异性异常和痫样放电检出率以小儿惊厥最高。

    The detection rate of non - specific abnormality and epileptiform discharge in children with paroxysmal events of non - epilepsia was significantly higher in convulsion group than in the other groups ( P < 0.05 ) .

  13. 小儿高热惊厥颅脑CT检查的临床价值及其合理应用

    Diagnostic Value and Reasonable Use of CT for Febrile Convulsion in Children

  14. 小儿高热惊厥102例临床探讨

    On Clinical Factors of 102 Cases in Febrile Convulsions of Infantile

  15. 小儿高热惊厥危险因素及护理对策研究

    Community risk factors for febrile seizures in children and nursing countermeasures

  16. 90例小儿发热惊厥脑电图与临床预后关系

    Relations between EEG and clinical prognosis in 90 children with fever convulsions

  17. 小儿发热惊厥846例临床分析

    Clinical analysis of 846 cases of febrile convulsions in children

  18. 小儿热惊厥对中枢神经系统的影响

    The Effect of the Central Nervous System of Children with Febrile Convulsion

  19. 78例小儿高热惊厥的急救与护理

    Emergency treatment and nursing for 78 cases of hyperpyretic convulsion of children

  20. 综合治疗小儿高热惊厥51例临床研究

    Clinical study of treating children convulsion resulted from fever

  21. 小儿高热惊厥的急救和护理

    Emergency Treatment and Nursing of Febrile Convulsion of Children

  22. 针刺治疗小儿高热惊厥30例

    Thirty cases report of accupuncture therapy of hyperpyretic convulsion

  23. 小儿烧伤惊厥病因及发病机制的研究现状

    Present status of the research on the causes and mechanism of pediatric burn convulsion

  24. 针药结合治疗小儿高热惊厥的疗效观察

    Observations on the Curative Effect of Combined Acupuncture and Medication on Infantile Hyperpyretic Convulsion

  25. 目的:总结了小儿高热惊厥的急救护理体会,以期为临床提供参考。

    Objective To summarize the experience in the treatment and care of infantile hyperpyretic convulsion .

  26. 针刺加鲁米那治疗小儿高热惊厥55例疗效观察

    Curative Effects of Acupuncture Plus Luminal Sodium on 55 Children With High Fever and Convulsion

  27. 目的:探讨小儿热惊厥对中枢神经系统的影响。

    Objective : To approach the effect about the central nervous system of children with febrile convulsion .

  28. 目的探讨小儿高热惊厥的临床特点、危险因素及转归,为此病防治提供依据。

    Objective To study the clinical features , risk factors and outcome of febrile convulsion in children .

  29. 小儿高热惊厥与电解质、血糖水平关系的临床分析

    Clinical analysis of the relationship between the febrile convulsion and serum electrolytes , blood glucose levels in children

  30. 探讨护理干预对小儿高热惊厥预后的影响。

    Objective : To probe into the influence of nursing intervention on the prognosis of children with febrile seizures .