
xiǎo lì yuán qún dǎo
  • Ogasawara Islands;Ogasawara Archipelago
  1. 归还小笠原群岛。

    Ogasawara Islands returned to japan .

  2. 印度-太平洋:亚丁湾而且东非到夏威夷与槟榔膏岛,北至小笠原群岛,南至大堡礁。

    Indo-Pacific : Gulf of Aden and East Africa to the Hawaiian and Gambier islands , north to the Ogasawara Islands , south to the Great Barrier Reef .

  3. 2010年12月22日日本气象厅宣布,22号凌晨位于太平洋的日本小笠原群岛附近海域发生里氏7.4级地震,目前已发布了海啸警报。

    2010-12-22 An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of7.4 jolted Ogasawara Islands in the Pacific early Wednesday , said the Japan Meteorological Agency ( JMA ), which issued a tsunami warning .

  4. 注:1785年出版的《三国通览图说》,是一部论述邻近日本的朝鲜、琉球、虾夷以及小笠原群岛等地理情况的书。

    Note : 1785 " published by the three-tabled plans ," and is an exposition of the Korean neighbouring Japan , Okinawa , shrimp razed and the Bonin Islands , and other geographical conditions of the book .