
  • 网络turbidity current deposits
  1. 库车坳陷上三叠统的浊流沉积及石油地质意义

    Turbidity Current Deposits and Their Significance for Petroleum Geology of Upper Triassic in the Kuqa Depression

  2. 鄂尔多斯盆地西峰油田三叠系延长组发育典型的浊流沉积体。

    Triassic turbidity current deposits of Yanchang Formation well developed in the Xifeng oilfield , Ordos basin .

  3. 冲绳海槽南部A23孔浊流沉积层的粒度特征

    Grain-size characteristics of turbidite sediments in core A23 from the southern Okinawa Trough

  4. 坡间水深1500~4000m之间为宽阔的由玄武岩质火山岩构成的阶地面,其上有浊流沉积。

    The area where the water depth is between 1500m and 4000m is a broader terrace area composed of basaltic volcanic rock , and there are turbidity sediments on it .

  5. 该剖面主要由白垩纪Fardes组第Ⅱ段和第Ⅲ段(半)远洋沉积构成,并出现浊流沉积和混杂沉积。

    This section is composed mainly of Cretaceous ( hemi ) pelagic sediments which appear together with turbidites and olistostromes together forming the Fardes Formation .

  6. 衡阳盆地&下第三系中的浊流沉积

    The turbidite of Cretaceous to Paleogene age in Hengyang sedimentary basin

  7. 南海深海盆地沉积柱样中的浊流沉积

    Fine-grained turbidite deposits from deep - sea basin in South China Sea

  8. 裂谷演化过程中,形成扇三角洲浊流沉积辫状河三角洲组合的特殊充填序列。

    Special sequence of the fan-delta-turbidite-river delta will be formed in rift basins .

  9. 陆相浊流沉积体系与油气

    Continental Turbidite Deposition System and Hydrocarbon

  10. 鄂尔多斯盆地东缘中生代延长组浊流沉积的发现与意义

    Discovery of turbidity deposit in Yanchang group along eastern margin of Ordos Basin and its significance

  11. 湖底扇主要为滑塌沉积和碎屑流沉积,少见浊流沉积。

    The lake floor fan mainly consists of slump and debris sediments , and little turbidite .

  12. 而马东&马东东地区的混积岩发育于重力流沉积体系之中,为浊流沉积的产物。

    While Madong Madongdong district is distributed in gravity flow deposit systems , mixed by turbidites .

  13. 南盘江断陷区二、三叠系的火山碎屑浊积岩&一种独特的无海底扇浊流沉积模式

    Research into the Permian and Triassic volcaniclastic turbidite of Nanpan River seg-a unique turbidite mode without submarine fan

  14. 伴随火山活动的地震,造成了古地形的滑坡,导致了浊流沉积的形成。

    Earthquake accompanied by volcanicity made a sliding paleotopography , res - ulting in the formation of turbidity deposit .

  15. 重力流沉积为暗灰、灰色的厚层滑塌沉积、碎屑流沉积和薄中层浊流沉积组合。

    Gravity flow deposits are consisted of thick dark-gray and gray slump deposits , debris-flow deposits and thin-medium bedded turbidite deposits .

  16. 黔东南新元古界青白口系下江群火山碎屑浊流沉积与金矿关系的初步研究

    Preliminary study on relationship between volcaniclastic turbidites and gold deposits of the Xiajiang Group of Neoproterozoic Qingbaikouan in southeastern Guizhou Province

  17. 与浊流沉积有关的隐蔽油气藏,将是松辽盆地今后勘探中值得重视的一种油藏类型。

    Subtle oil and gas pools related to turbidity deposit will be a target worth while for future exploration in Songliao basin .

  18. 中新统下部沉积了一套粗碎屑的冲积扇沉积物,然后迅速进入扇-三角洲-浊流沉积环境。

    With a local provenance , the Miocene sedimentation started with local deposition of coarse-grained subaerial sediments in the form of alluvial fans .

  19. 云南东部及邻区中三迭统浊流沉积地层、岩石学特征及含矿性探讨

    Discussion on Stratigraphy and Petrology Character of Turbidite Deposit and Bearing & Ore Feature in Middle Triassic at Eastern Yunnan and Adjacent Area

  20. 桂北丹洲群厚度大,岩相纵向演化复杂,含有浊流沉积和海相火山岩系,并发育顺层韧性剪切变形。

    Danzhou Group of Guangxi with a great thickness contains turbidity current deposit and marine volcanic sequence with ductile shear deformation in it .

  21. 深海浊流沉积具有粒径粗、分选差、峰态宽、频率曲线呈双峰态、沉积突变明显等特征。

    Deep-sea turbidite deposition is characterized by coarse grain size , poor sorting , wide kurtosis , bimodal frequency curve , and deposition mutation .

  22. 而在本组沉积晚期,水体开始变浅,大致为大陆斜坡-陆隆半深海浊流沉积环境。

    During the late period of sedimentation , however , the water depth became shallower as the environment of turbidity current in continental slope rising .

  23. 鉴别出三个主要沉积相:环台地再沉积碎屑裙相、碳酸盐浊流沉积相和半远洋泥质沉积相。

    Three main depositional facies of carbonate-ramp origin are identified , which are circum-platform redepositional clastic apron facies , carbonate turbidite facies and hemi-pelagic muddy facies .

  24. 同时,归纳出内扇、中扇及外扇相组合,论述了湖泊相浊流沉积的成因及石油地质意义。

    Turbidity current deposits of lake facies in northwestern China The origin and significance of petroleum geology of turbid current deposits of lake facies are discussed .

  25. 结合其它资料,探讨了这套浊流沉积的沉积环境,认为它形成于位于消减带和海沟之间的弧前盆地环境。

    Combined with the analysis of the other sedimentary characteristics and tectonic backgrounds , it was concluded that this turbidite suite was fromed in a fore-arc basin .

  26. 据角砾灰岩的岩石学特征及其与围岩地层的组合关系,该角砾岩主要属岩屑流和浊流沉积的深水碳酸盐岩。

    According to their petrological characteristics and relations with surrounding rocks , we can regard them as deep water carbonate rocks of the debris flow and turbidity current sediments .

  27. 辫状三角洲体系的平原相基本上由辫状河道沉积组成,三角洲前缘及前三角洲相带则以快速堆积、滑塌及浊流沉积为主。

    Braid delta systems mainly consist of braid river deposits in delta plain facies , rapid accumulation deposits , slump deposits and turbidites in delta front and prodelta facies .

  28. 另外,块体流沉积顶部的不规则微地貌,对后期沉积具有一定的控制作用,其顶部规则小凹陷是后期浊流沉积的理想场所。

    In addition , the irregular top surface of MTDs controls the succedent deposition in some extent , and the small-scale depression is an ideal place for turbidity currents to deposit .

  29. 细砂岩、粉砂岩中杂基含量高达25%~45%,指示浊流沉积特点,岩石中发育不完整的鲍马层序。

    Foreign matter content up to 25 % ~ 45 % in fine sandstone and siltstone , and it showed its turbidity deposit characteristics and in which Bouma sequence developed uncompletely .

  30. 砂体分布与层序界面的这种关系,反映断陷盆地断裂活动是导致湖水升降和发生浊流沉积的主要控制因素。

    The distribution pattern of the sandstone ( turbidity sandstone ) along the sequence interfaces illustrates that faulting is the key-controlling factor on the changes of the water level and turbidity deposit .