
  • 网络History of Myanmar;History of Burma
  1. 国际泰学研究领域的又一个讹误&缅甸历史上的掸族三兄弟与掸族统治时代神话探析

    An Error in the Area of International Tai Studies : A Re-analysis of the Myth of " Three Shan Brothers " and the " Shan Dominion Period " in the History of Burma

  2. 缅甸历史上的封建制与奴隶制

    Feudal System and Slavery in Burmese History

  3. 吴丹敏是一位注重理论研究的历史学家,曾在联合国任职。他指责简单化者在对待缅甸历史问题上“一叶障目”。

    An academic historian and a former United Nations official , Mr Thant accuses the simplifiers of an " ahistorical " approach .

  4. 五个复制的小铜像与小丑一起的演奏者和舞蹈者勾起了我们对于缅甸历史的兴趣。

    Replicas of five tiny bronze figurines - dancers and musicians escorted by a jester - provide a tantalizing glimpse into Myanmar 's ( Burma 's ) history .

  5. 他们回想起了缅甸历史上那些孱弱的国王,那些国王因未能跟上当时的政治和技术潮流而沦为外国的傀儡。

    They think back to weak Burmese kings , who because of their failure to keep up with political and technical trends of the times , were dominated by foreigners .

  6. 华侨虽然移殖缅甸历史久远,但20世纪以前缅华社会规模较小,而且一直存在着较强同化当地的历史趋势。

    The emigration of Chinese to Myanmar can be dated back so far , yet the Chinese community in Myanmar had remained a small scale and maintained a strong tendency of assimilation before the 20th century .

  7. 中国人移居缅甸历史悠久,尤其在19世纪初至20世纪初,华侨不断地涌入缅甸,缅甸华侨社会发生着巨大的变化。

    The immigration of Chinese into Burma has a very long history . The Chinese society in Burma underwent great transition with the constant influx of immigration from the early 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century .

  8. 英国首相戴维卡梅伦(davidcameron)将于周五对缅甸进行历史性访问,这将是上世纪90年代末西方对缅甸军政府实施制裁以来西方主要领导人首次访缅。

    David Cameron will make a historic trip to Myanmar on Friday , becoming the first major Western leader to visit the country since the West imposed sanctions on its military regime in the late 1990s .

  9. 俄罗斯有出口武器到缅甸的历史记录,包括米格29战斗机,并协助缅甸进行核技术和导弹技术的军官培养训练。

    It also has a track record of selling weapons , including MiG-29 fighter jets , and conducting officer training regarding nuclear and missile technology .

  10. 全文由五章组成:第一章是选题的目的、意义和研究现状,同时梳理了缅甸汉语教学的历史与现状。

    Full-text paper consists of five chapters : the first chapter is about research purpose , significance and the present state of research , also describes about the history of Chinese-language teaching in Myanmar .

  11. 居住在泰国清迈的林特纳曾经撰写过大量有关缅甸军人领导层历史的文章,他说,目前阶段无从断言缅甸军政府领导人对潘基文的承诺是否意味着他们做出了有意义的让步。

    Bertil Lintner , an author in the Thai city of Chiang Mai who has written extensively on the history of the Burmese military leadership , says it is impossible to tell at this stage whether the generals ' statements to Mr. Ban amount to a meaningful concession .