
  • 网络burmese ruby;Burma ruby
  1. 菲律宾政府已敦促将价值超过3.1亿美元的宝石归还给马科斯夫人,其中包括一颗据说大如李子的缅甸红宝石。

    The Philippine government has urged the return of gems worth more than $ 310m , and including a Burmese ruby said to be as big as a prune .

  2. 其中就包括缅甸红宝石和戴比尔斯钻石。

    Among them were the Burmese rubies and the DeBeers diamond .

  3. 它的外层镶嵌着缅甸红宝石和其他种类的宝石,中心装饰着世界第七大钻石——著名的戴比尔斯钻石(一颗重达234.6克拉的黄钻,大约有一颗高尔夫球大小)。

    It was encrusted with Burmese rubies among other jewels . The centerpiece was the seventh-largest diamond in the world , the famed DeBeers Diamond , a 234.6-carat yellow diamond , roughly the size of a golf ball .

  4. 缅甸MongHsu红宝石的颜色成因

    Color origin of ruby from Mong Hsu in Burma

  5. 由于美国政府一直对红宝石主要生产国缅甸实施制裁,红宝石价格在过去4年已经翻了一番。

    Ruby prices have doubled in the past four years as US government sanctions on Myanmar – a leading producer of the stone – remain in place .