
qiǎn lán sè
  • baby blue;wathet;aquamarine;wathet blue
浅蓝色[qiǎn lán sè]
  1. 有的穿浅蓝色绸衣,后面托着十码长带波浪形花边的裙裾;

    Baby blue taffeta , ten yards in the skirt and foamy with cascading lace ;

  2. 后来人们把它漆成绿色,企图自杀的人数立刻骤减;倘若将这座桥梁漆成粉红色或浅蓝色,下降幅度或许会更大。

    The number of suicide attempts immediately fell sharply ⑧; perhaps it would have fallen even more if the bridge had been done in pink or baby blue .

  3. 卧室的墙壁会被漆成浅蓝色。

    The bedroom walls would be painted light blue

  4. 一条长长的茎秆的每个节上都会长出一朵浅蓝色的花。

    A single pale blue flower grows up from each joint on a long stalk .

  5. 她穿着浅蓝色的衣服,看起来很漂亮。

    She looks very pretty in a pale blue .

  6. iPhone12ProMax也会出新的颜色,有浅蓝色、紫色和浅橙色。

    The iPhone 12 Pro Max will also come in new colors including light blue , violet , and light orange .

  7. 顶部的JavaScript脚本中,应用程序创建了一个滑块,黑色描边和浅蓝色填充样式,初始值为零。

    At the top of the JavaScript in Listing 3 , the application creates the slider with a black stroke style , cornflower blue fill style , and an initial value of zero .

  8. 中性盐雾腐蚀(NSS)试验表明,采用该工艺可获得耐蚀性与低Cr钝化相当的具有较为均匀的淡黄或浅蓝色钝化膜。

    Results of Neutral Salt Spray tests show that , an uniform pale yellow or light blue passivation film with corrosion resistance corresponding to that by chromate treatment is formed on the surface of galvanized steel by the molybdate treatment .

  9. 这款浅蓝色设备可佩带在手腕上,看起来更像耐克(Nike)的FuelBand、Fitbit和JawboneUp,而不是我们所称的智能手表,如三星电子(SamsungElectronics)的GalaxyGear。

    The light-blue device , worn around the wrist , looks more like Nike 's FuelBand , Fitbit and Jawbone Up -- rather than what we would call a smartwatch , like Samsung Electronics ' Galaxy Gear .

  10. Langmead表示:这个,如果天气将会很热,带上几件浅蓝色的棉衬衫、一套天蓝或乳白色西装、以及几条斜纹棉布裤子。

    Well , if it 's going to be hot , pack a few pale blue cotton shirts , a navy or cream suit and some chinos , says Langmead .

  11. 下面的代码示例将一个datetimepicker控件添加到工作表顶端,然后将日历的背景设置为浅蓝色。

    The following code example adds a datetimepicker control to the top of the worksheet , and then sets the background of the calendar to light blue .

  12. 那张沙发是褐色的,而我们其他的家具是浅蓝色的。

    It 's brown and our other furniture is light blue .

  13. 左琴科《一本浅蓝色的书》的两种改造

    Two " Transformations " of Zoshchenko 's A Blue Book

  14. 这里有一件浅蓝色的,优质聚酯纤维做的。

    Here 's one in light blue , made of quality polyester .

  15. 因此我穿了黑牛仔裤,打了浅蓝色领带。

    So I 'm wearing black jeans and a light blue tie .

  16. 农场房屋和水车护架都模模糊糊,呈现着浅蓝色。

    The farm buildings and the wheel-house were all dim and bluish .

  17. 他用他那浅蓝色的眼睛看着她。

    He looked at her with his pale blue eyes .

  18. 别涂100层睫毛膏来突显浅蓝色。

    Don 't highlight your baby blues with 100 coats of mascara .

  19. 这时,她看见了那双浅蓝色瞳仁。

    At this time , she saw a light blue Nashuang Tongren .

  20. 我想要深蓝色,而不是浅蓝色。

    I want it to be dark blue , not light blue .

  21. 单瓣到半重瓣浅蓝色堇型花,变异时有奶油白的眼,黄色线条。

    Single-semidouble pale blue pansy / variable creamy white eye , yellow streaks .

  22. 矢车菊色,浅蓝色(回火色)我最喜欢黑色和浅蓝色。

    My favorite colors are black and light blue .

  23. 我最喜欢黑色和浅蓝色。黑色石灰土状棕色土

    My favorite colors are black and light blue . rendzina like brown soil

  24. 单瓣浅蓝色大朵星型花。绿色和奶油色组合成的斑叶。标准型。

    Single pale blue large star . Variegated green and cream . Standard .

  25. 她身着一件浅蓝色的衬衫,和她的车颜色很搭调。

    She was wearing a light blue shirt that just matched her car .

  26. 有,但都是黄色的和浅蓝色的。

    Yes , we have , but they are yellow and light blue .

  27. 丹妮丝穿着一件浅蓝色的无袖连衣裙。

    Denise was dressed in a light-blue sleeveless dress .

  28. 克莱尔穿着浅蓝色的太阳裙走在路上看上去充满了夏日的气息。

    Clare just walked by looking very summery in a pale blue sundress .

  29. 长有齐整叶片和白色或浅蓝色花朵的欧洲园林植物。

    European garden plant having finely cut leaves and white or pale blue flowers .

  30. 他表示:穿一件浅蓝色衬衫,看起来漂亮极了。

    Worn with a light blue shirt , it works beautifully , he says .