
qiǎn fú diāo
  • bas-relief;basso-relievo;basse-taille;stiacciato
浅浮雕 [qiǎn fú diāo]
  • [bas-relief] 浮雕中凸出部分跟周围平面差距不大,并无挖空部分

浅浮雕[qiǎn fú diāo]
  1. 装饰坟墓的浅浮雕也很著名。

    And for the bas-relief sculptures which adorn the tombs .

  2. 尤其体现在族长盖乌斯·瓦列里乌斯·赫马两个孩子的浅浮雕,

    especially through the bas-relief sculptures of patriarch Caius Valerius Herma 's two children ,

  3. 在巴加尔统治时期,在帕伦克成兴建了很多广场和建筑,包括最高的“碑铭神庙”(TemplodelasInscripciones,他的陵墓),这些建筑共同的特色是精致的灰泥浅浮雕。

    During Pakal 's reign , many plazas and buildings , including the superlative Templo de las Inscripciones ( his Mausoleum ), were constructed in Palenque , characterized by very fine stucco bas-reliefs .

  4. 浅浮雕和高浮雕是浮雕的两大种类。

    Shallow relief and high relief is two kinds of relief .

  5. 试论汉代浅浮雕艺术的造型特征

    The Shape Characteristic of the Han Dynasty 's Low Relief Art

  6. 墓碑装饰包括浅浮雕,雕刻着死者和他的狗。

    Gravestone decorations included bas-reliefs showing the dead man and his dog .

  7. 高浮雕与浅浮雕是相对的两种类型。

    High relief and shallow relief is relative to the two types .

  8. 这个年轻人刻了一座浅浮雕人像。

    The young man carved a figure in low relief .

  9. 船尾和侧面的浅浮雕,接下来是舵的雕刻件。

    Stern and sides bas-reliefs . Rudder 's carving next .

  10. 介于浅浮雕和高浮雕之间的一种浮雕。

    A sculptural relief between low relief and high relief .

  11. 数以百计的雕像被砍头,大批的浅浮雕被运走。

    Hundreds of statues were beheaded and a number of bas-reliefs removed .

  12. 在艺术上,亚述人最有名的是石浅浮雕。

    Artistically , the Assyrians were particularly noted for their stone bas-reliefs .

  13. 以浅浮雕的形式刻出来的东西。

    Anything carved in low relief .

  14. 每一组后两个都有前后间,在其入口有精美的浅浮雕作品。

    Each of the latter two contains front and back chambers and fine bas-relief work at its entrance .

  15. 这里有一些由玛雅人制造的最美的建筑、雕像、条脊和浅浮雕作品。

    It contains some of the finest architecture , sculpture , roof comb and bas-relief carvings the Maya produced .

  16. 第一个洞有一些佛生活的浅浮雕,而第二个洞的中心有一座雕刻优美的宝塔。

    The first cave has some bas-reliefs to the life of Buddha , while the second has a delicately carved pagoda at its center .

  17. 作为浮雕基本分类中的一种,浅浮雕的历史自然是和浮雕本身一样悠久的。

    As one of the basic relief classification , the history of the shallow relief is natural and relief is as old as the itself .

  18. 它大体可以分为神龛式、高浮雕、浅浮雕、线刻、镂空式等几种形式。

    It can be divided into shrines type , high relief , shallow relief , line carved , such as type hollow out several forms .

  19. 吴哥窟还拥有世界上最长的连续不断的浅浮雕,这些浅浮雕沿着外墙一路延伸,向人们讲述着印度神话中的故事。

    Angkor Wat features the longest continuous bas-relief in the world , which runs along the outer gallery walls , narrating stories from Hindu mythology .

  20. 他们所创作出的浅浮雕作品,内容大多与当时的绘画作品一样,是以动物与狩猎的人物形象为主。

    They have to create a bas-relief works , mostly about the painting works at that time , as well as with hunting animals is the characters give priority to .

  21. 织锦上通常要有装饰,有时候面上还要弄出浅浮雕的效果。

    Ornamental features in brocade are emphasized and wrought as additions to the main fabric , sometimes stiffening it , though more frequently producing on its face the effect of low relief .

  22. 正因为偏向于绘画,所以类似绘画中的透视、错觉等等表现手法,都被广泛地应用在浅浮雕的作品中。

    Because of bias in the painting , so a similar perspective , the illusion of painting technique of expression , and so on , have been widely applied in shallow relief work .

  23. 高棉建筑风格的最佳典范包含许多浅浮雕和仙女蒂娃坦,吴哥窟在这一风格中成为了唯一一座朝向为西的神殿。

    The best example of Khmer architecture , which includes many bas-reliefs and devatas , Angkor Wat is unique in that it is the only such temple that is oriented towards the west .

  24. 外观及视觉美感与实木完全相同,浅浮雕的凹凸设计,凸现木纹的线条之美。

    The appearance , visual aesthetic feeling and real wood are all the same , the unsmooth design of the light relief , show the beauty of the lines of the wooden line especially .

  25. 画面缠绵,色彩丰韵,肌肤表现圆润,采用浅浮雕及堆艺技法精制,表现生动。

    The picture is touching , the abundant musical sound of color , the skin behaves roundly , adopt the light relief and pile the skill skill and technique refinedly , it is vivid to behave .

  26. 围墙和栏杆,以上好的浅曾层浮雕作装饰。

    The walls and balustrades are decorated with fine low reliefs .