
  • 网络shallow earthquake;shallow focus earthquake;shallow-focus earthquake
  1. 10月4日的千岛群岛地震是最大的浅源地震;6月9日的玻利维亚地震是最大的深源地震。

    The Kurile lsland earth-quake occurring on October 4 was the largest shallow-focus earthquake , and the Bolivian earth-quake occurring on June 9 was the largest deep-focus earthquake .

  2. 近场强地震动预测中浅源地震的Asperity模型特征

    Characterizing a shallow earthquake asperity model for predicting near field strong ground motion

  3. 指出,东濮拗陷区的地震属浅源地震,该区有康氏面存在,地震台可记到清晰的康氏面反射波P。

    There is Conrad discontinuity in this area and reflected wave P of Conrad discontinuity can be clearly observed at seismological stations .

  4. 2002年上半年,全球发生MW≥65地震16次,其中13次浅源地震,2次中源地震,1次深源地震;

    During the first half of the year 2002 , there were 16 earthquakes of M ≥ 6.5 occurring in the world , including 13 shallow focus earthquakes , 2 intermediate focus earthquakes and 1 deep focus earthquake ;

  5. 选择接收频段为0.01~10Hz,该频段探测深度在0~20km,是浅源地震发生的层位。

    The received spectrum band of the instrument extends from 0.01 Hz to 10 Hz ; hence the sounding depth is between 0 and 20 km where shallow earthquakes occur .

  6. 在哈佛全球CMT目录中,震源深度与矩心深度的分布呈现出明显的规律性,从统计上说,浅源地震的震源深度大于矩心深度,而中深源地震不具有这样的特征。

    Analysis of the Harvard global CMT catalogue reveals a significant regularity of the distribution of hypocenter and centroid depths . Statistically , for shallow earthquakes , the hypocenter depth seems systematically greater than centroid depth , while for deep and intermediate depth earthquakes there is no such a characteristic .

  7. 浅源地震的潮汐应力位相组合特征

    The composite characteristics of the tidal stress phases for shallow earthquakes

  8. 新台网已记录到一些沿海槽发生的浅源地震。

    The new network has detected some shallow earthquakes along the trough .

  9. 断层破裂传播速度与破坏性地震的烈度分布&浅源地震的断层不均匀性与短周期波动的多普勒效应

    Seismic intensity distribution of shallow earthquakes due to rupture velocities and faulting modes

  10. 俯冲带海水贯人&一种浅源地震诱因的设想

    Seawater injection into subduction zone : an assumption on inducing genesis of shallow earthquakes

  11. 有关部门说,此次地震属浅源地震,震源深度仅有14公里。

    The earthquake measured at a relatively shallow depth of 14 kilometers , authorities said .

  12. 系统地描述了近场强地震动预测中浅源地震的凹凸体模型特征。

    A shallow earthquake asperity model for predicting near field strong ground motions was systematically characterized .

  13. 陆内六级以上强破坏性的浅源地震与克拉通边界&地球化学边界关系十分密切。

    There are tight relationships between strong destroying earthquakes with shallow sources and craton geochemical boundaries .

  14. 浅源地震10次;

    10 shallow focus earthquakes ;

  15. 东北深源和浅源地震同步活动的地球动力机制

    Mechanism of earth dynamics of synchronous activity for deep focus and shallow focus earthquakes in Northeast China

  16. 由浅源地震矩张量推断的沿琉球岛弧和冲绳海槽的应力场

    Stress field along the Ryukyu Are and the Okinawa Trough inferred from moment tensors of shallow earthquakes

  17. 深部剪切形变带对浅源地震的控制&立交模式有限元的模拟计算

    Controling of deep shear deformation belt to shallow earthquake & finite element simulating calculation on stereoscopic model

  18. 埃文森(1963年)提出的化学相变是产生地震的原因,即使是浅源地震也是这样。

    Evison ( 1963 ) put forward chemical phase transitions as generators of even shallow focus shocks .

  19. 结果表明,东北地区浅源地震与探源地震存在着相关活动的特点。

    The results show that there exists correlative activity in Northeast China area relating to shallow and deep earthquake .

  20. 用本模型可以解释浅源地震迁移、各地震区地震与深震活动相关等现象。

    Using this model can explain earthquake migration , correlative phenomena relating to shallow shocks and deep earthquake et al .

  21. 西区发生的地震主要为中、深源地震,而东区发生的地震则全部为浅源地震;

    In West Region are mainly intermediate and deep-focus earthquakes , while in East Region are all shallow focus ones .

  22. 结果表明,该地区浅源地震的震中分布和震源分布在给定不同的起始震级的条件下均具有明显的丛集特征;

    Results show that the spatial distribution of shallow events has apparent clustering characteristics , independent of the threshold magnitude ;

  23. 1904&1980年全球浅源地震能量释放的隐含周期性探讨

    The preliminary discussion on the latent periodicity of the energy 's release for the global shallow earthquakes from 1904 to 1980

  24. 一组近区浅源地震电磁辐射异常过程岩矿石震源电磁辐射性质实验研究

    The electromagnetic radiation anomalous course of a group of Shallow-focus earthquakes experimental study of properties of electromagnetic radiation from rock or ore seismic source

  25. 选择了29个浅源地震的滑动分布,用来研究近场强地震动预测中浅源地震的凹凸体模型特征。

    The slip distributions of 29 shallow earthquakes were selected to characterize a shallow earthquake asperity model for predicting near field strong ground motion .

  26. 雨后地壳表面的形变与地壳上部发生的浅源地震密切相关。

    The deformations at the surface of the crust after rainfalls have close relations to the occurrence of shallow shocks in the upper crust .

  27. 通过对北票矿区浅源地震的分析,认为现今构造应力场和断裂对矿震等地质动力灾害的发生起控制作用。

    According to the analysis of shallow earthquake in Beipiao mining area , the author conclude that modern tectonic stress field plays dominant role in occurrence of geo-dynamic disaster .

  28. 论新疆多元民族文化的多源生成与发展新台网已记录到许多沿海槽发生的浅源地震。

    The Multisource Commenting on Multivariant National Culture of Xinjiang Comes Into Being and Develops ; The network has detected quite a number of shallow earthquakes along the trough .

  29. 中深源地震发生以后台湾地区出现7.0级以上,青藏块体北部和东部出现6.0级以上的浅源地震活动。

    After intermediate and deep focus earthquakes , M S ≥ 7.0 shallow earthquakes of Taiwan region and M S ≥ 6.0 shallow earthquakes of northeast Qinghai Xizang block may occur .

  30. 本文从潮汐应力张量出发,求出浅源地震的日月潮汐最大剪切应力和流体静应力的表达式,讨论了它们位相间的关系。

    In this paper , the formulas of the maximum tidal shear stress and the tidal hydrostatic stress for shallow earthquake are obtained from the tidal stress tensor . the relationship of their phases are discussed .