
  • 网络pyroclastic rock;Volcaniclastic rocks;volcanic breccia
  1. 下扬子区中上元古界,可以分为四个构造层次.中元古界早期构造层,为一套巨厚的地槽型火山碎屑岩及砂泥质复理石建造,形成于1900-1400Ma;

    The middle-upper Proterozoic of lower Yangtze area can be divided into four structural layers : the first one , formed at early stage of middel Proterozoic ( 1900-1400Ma ), was characterized by a suit of geosyncline pyroclastic rocks and flysch formation ;

  2. 在呼市草原古隆起带,第四系地层沉积较薄,地下1~5m即为安山岩,玄武岩和火山碎屑岩,找水有一定难度。

    Water research is rather difficult in the ancient uplift zone in Hulun Buir steppe , because of thin Quaternary deposit , and andesite , basalt and pyroclastic rocks just 1-5m below surface .

  3. 麦哲伦海山区MA、MC、MD、ME、MF海山的结壳基岩类型主要有玄武岩、火山碎屑岩,其次为灰岩和磷块岩。

    The substrate is mainly basalt and volcanic clastic rock , and then limestone and phosphorite in seamounts MA , MC , MD , ME , MF from Magellan seamounts .

  4. 其中一、三段为陆相喷发的橄榄拉斑、玄武岩、橄榄玄武岩,局部夹火山碎屑岩,厚度分别为49m和15~55m。

    The first and third divisions are of marine origin ; lithologically represented by olivine tholeiite and olivine basalt locally With pyroclastic rocks , being 49 m and 15-58 m respectively .

  5. 与熔岩呈过渡的火山碎屑岩主要为角砾熔岩和集块熔岩。

    The second rock is mainly breccia lava and conglomerate lava .

  6. 其应属于与流纹熔岩及其火山碎屑岩密切相关的浅成热液型金矿床。

    It is an epithermal gold deposit relating to volcanic rock .

  7. 火山碎屑岩,包括火山角砾岩和凝灰岩;

    Pyroclastic rocks are mainly composed of volcanic breccia and tuff .

  8. 侵入岩、火山碎屑岩和砂岩,坚硬致密,风化裂隙不发育,是很好的建筑基岩。

    The granite , epimetamorphism tuff and sandstone are hard basement rocks .

  9. 火山碎屑岩的碎屑粒度分析及其应用

    The sizing of fragments of pyroclastic rocks and its application

  10. 相山火山碎屑岩中粒间应力效应迹象

    Evidence on grain-to-grain stress effect in pyroclastic rocks of Xiangshan

  11. 前者的原岩是沉积火山碎屑岩;

    The protoliths of the former are sedimentary pyroclastic rocks ;

  12. 岩性主要为玄武岩、火山碎屑岩、安山岩和流纹岩;

    Its lithology mainly contains Basalt , Lava , Andesite and Rhyolite .

  13. 风城组的白云岩及火山碎屑岩的分布部位也为良好的储层。

    Dolomite and volcaniclastic rocks of Fengcheng formation are also good reservoirs .

  14. 火山碎屑岩分类评述及火山沉积学研究展望

    Classification of Pyroclastic Rocks and Trend of Volcanic Sedimentology : A Review

  15. 沉火山碎屑岩,包括沉凝灰岩和沉火山角砾岩。

    Sedimentary pyroclastic rocks are mainly sedimentary tuff and sedimentary volcanic breccia .

  16. 南金山金矿床产于北山岛弧构造带内、海相火山碎屑岩之中。

    Nan-Jin-Shan Gold Deposit occurs in marine pyroclastic rock in Bei-shan late-paleozoic island arc belt .

  17. 商741沙一段火山碎屑岩油藏高效开发技术研究

    High Efficiency Development of Volcano Clastic Rock Reservoir of Es_1 Member in Shang 741 Oilfield

  18. 其中,火山碎屑岩类、火山-沉积岩类成岩作用受火山碎屑物质控制作用明显。

    Diagenesis is mainly controlled by volcanic clastic materials in pyroclastic rocks , volcanic-sedimentary rocks .

  19. 主要赋矿围岩为侏罗系张家口组火山碎屑岩及海西期花岗岩。

    The main ore-hosting rocks are Jurassic pyroclastic rock of Zhangjiakou group and Hercynian granite .

  20. 沅陵&溆浦上震旦统的火山碎屑岩

    The Upper Sinian pyroclastic rocks in yuanling-xupu

  21. 其岩性主要为熔岩类玄武岩,火山碎屑岩和火山沉积岩;

    The lithology is mainly composed of lava basalt , pyroclastic rock and volcanic sedimentary rock .

  22. 火山碎屑岩是介于溶岩和沈积岩之间的过渡类型岩石,岩类复杂。

    Pyroclastic rocks are a kind of transitional and complex rocks between lavas and sedimentary rocks .

  23. 国内外火山碎屑岩的分类命名历史及现状

    A review of nomenclature of pyroclastic rock classification and its present status both abroad and at home

  24. 江西永新&崇义地区奥陶系内火山碎屑岩的发现及其意义

    A discovery of pyroclastic rock in Ordovician system in yongxin-chongyi area , jiangxi province and its significance

  25. 火山碎屑岩岩性的测井识别方法研究

    The Logging Research for Pyroclastic Rock Identification ; The Technology Research on Volcanite Lithology Log Identification Method

  26. 熔积岩是火山碎屑岩的一种特殊类型,由熔浆和未固结的湿沉积物两种组分掺杂混合而成。

    Peperite is a special kind of volcaniclastic rock formed by the intermingling of magma with wet sediments .

  27. 拉斑玄武岩质粒玄岩依兰地区黑龙江增生杂岩碱性玄武质火山碎屑岩中钠质闪石特征及成因探讨

    Characteristics and genesis of sodium amphiboles in alkaline basaltic pyroclastic debris of Heilongjiang accretionary complexes in Yilan area

  28. 第二段由泥质粉砂岩、石英砂岩互层,钙质细砂岩、粉砂岩、碳质页岩、灰岩组成,间夹火山碎屑岩;

    The second part contain muddy siltstone , calcareous fine - sandstone , carbonaceous shale and pyroclastic rock .

  29. 石英硬玉岩原岩包括正变质的花岗岩和奥长花岗岩、副变质的酸性火山碎屑岩和长石石英砂岩。

    The protoliths of quartz jadeitite include metamorphosed granite , trondhjemite , acidic volcanic rocks and feldspar-quartz sandstone .

  30. 但随着油气勘探开发的不断深入,火山碎屑岩储层越来越受到重视。

    With the exploration and development continually being further , pyroclastic rock reservoirs are gaining more and more attention .