
  • 网络crater lake;Crater Lake National Park
  1. 火山湖国家公园是唯一的国家公园在俄勒冈州。

    Crater Lake National Park is the only National Park in Oregon .

  2. 2012年,一场猛烈的太阳风暴给美国俄勒冈州的火山湖带来了极其美丽的北极光。

    In 2012 , one of these intense solar storms created a particularly beautiful aurora over Crater Lake in Oregon .

  3. 历史也铭记了这一刻,从此这个湖就被命名为“达尔文火山湖”。

    All was not lost : Mapmakers named the crater " Volcan Darwin " in his honor .

  4. 火山湖,死海。没有鱼,也不见杂草,深深地陷进地里。

    Vulcanic lake , the dead sea : no fish , weedless , sunk deep in the earth .

  5. 在冰岛,她乘着海洋独木舟穿过火山湖,在法国的阿尔卑斯山,她沿着冰川的缝隙攀岩而下。

    in Iceland , she 's kayaked across volcanic lakes ; and in the Alps of France , she rappelled down glacial crevices .

  6. 下面不远处方圆七公里的火山湖&芦湖与它相映成辉。

    The volcano lake , seven kilometers in circumference , below not far away & Reed Lake , forms a splendorous contrast with it .

  7. 这些碎片也在地球表面形成了陨坑,其中有一个一直保留到今天的陨坑就是俄勒冈的“火山湖”(国家公园)。

    The falling pieces of moon created craters upon earth 's surface , one of which remains today known as " Crater Lake " in Oregon .

  8. 在南非,她在枪口的威胁下仍进行拍摄。在冰岛,她乘着海洋独木舟穿过火山湖,在法国的阿尔卑斯山,她沿着冰川的缝隙攀岩而下。

    In South Africa , she was filmed at gunpoint ; in Iceland , she 's kayaked across volcanic lakes ; and in the Alps of France , she rappelled down glacial crevices .

  9. 火山口湖不与任何江河相连接。

    Crater Lake is not connected to any rivers or streams .

  10. 长白山区最著名的火山口湖是美丽的天池。

    The famous Crater Lake in Changbai Mountains is beautiful heaven lake .

  11. 论证了大龙湾火山口湖为破火山口。

    Finally , it is concluded that the crater lake is a caldera .

  12. 美国俄勒冈州西南部喀斯特山脉一个火山凹湖。

    A lake of southwest Oregon in a volcanic crater of the Cascade Range .

  13. 美国俄勒冈州西南部的火山口湖,在一座死火山口上。

    Crater Lake in southwestern Oregon of the United States lies in the crater of an extinct volcano .

  14. 美国俄勒冈西南边的火山口湖,是在一个地坑中形成的。这个地坑覆盖在一座死火山的顶部。

    Crater Lake in southwestern Oregon of the United States was formed in a depression that covers the top of a dead volcano .

  15. 阳明山国家公园紧临台北都会区,是台北市的后花园,拥有温泉、大小油坑的硫磺喷气孔、地热与火山口湖等火山地貌。

    Taipei 's backyard , Yangmingshan is a lush green mountain area generously endowed with hot springs , fumaroles and other signs of the local volcanic geology .

  16. 我第一次游览火山口湖国家公园的时候,我就想拍下一张图片,可以日后回顾,温习此次难忘之旅。

    Here on my first time visit to Crater Lake National Park , I wanted to leave with an image that I could look back on and remember the experience .

  17. 湖泊分类:构造湖、火山口湖、冲积残留湖、堰塞湖、冰川湖、喀斯特湖、风成湖、陨石撞击湖和人工湖。

    Types of lakes : tectonic lake , crater lake , fluvial lake , dammed lake , glacier lake , karst lake , Aeolian lake , impact crater lake and artificial lake .