
  1. 当天的比赛在浅草寺的露天舞台上举行,但比赛过程总是不能如家长和大人们所期待的那么顺利,这主要是因为有些宝宝“拒绝”哭泣。

    The festival does not always pass off as the parents and adults expect , with some babies refusing to cry on the open-air stage at the Asakusa temple .

  2. 东京东部的浅草寺有一个巨大的香炉,游客们纷纷前往那里“浴香”以寻求好运。

    The front of the Sensoji Temple in east Tokyo , Japan has a giant incense burner that visitors go to for a " good luck " smoke bath .

  3. 最近的一次离婚典礼于上周日举行,当天一对自称藤井的夫妇在东京老城区浅草区的浅草寺附近会合,之后各乘一辆人力车前往离婚公馆。

    The latest couple , who called themselves Mr and Mrs Fujii , met near Sensoji Temple in Tokyo 's traditional Asakusa area on Sunday and rode in separate rickshaws to the divorce mansion .

  4. 富游。浅草区(Asakusa)以浅草寺(Sensoji)闻名,它是东京最古老的寺庙。

    HIGH The Asakusa neighborhood is known for its Sensoji Buddhist temple , Tokyo 's oldest .