
  • 网络Special city;chartered city;special municipality;astedader akabibi
  1. 1927年7月,上海特别市政府成立。

    In 1927 July , Shanghai city hall was established .

  2. 不过,珲春和罗先特别市之间的第一条柏油马路已于去年完工。

    But the first tarmac road between Hunchun and Rason was completed last year .

  3. 江浙军阀战争与上海特别市的发端

    Wars between Warlords in Jiangsu and Zhejiang and Inchoation of Shanghai Special Administrative City

  4. 于是,上海特别市党部召开市民大会,组成了包括市党部在内的21个团体为执行委员的上海反日会。

    So , local party headquarters held civil congress and built up the Anti-Japanese Society of Shanghai that its executive committee comprised twenty-one group with Shanghai civil .

  5. 通过从屠宰税权的分配上来看,江苏省政府、南京国民政府、上海特别市政府的政治实力及商人与政府之间的利益关系。

    Through the slaughter tax allocation , Jiangsu province government , Nanjing government , the Shanghai special city hall political strength and businessmen and government interests relationship .

  6. 第二阶段是意识发展阶段(1928年至1932年期间)林是镇在北平市特别市政府工务局任职阶段。

    The second stage is the awareness of the development phase ( from 1928 to 1932 period ) is the town of Forest City Works office in Peiping particular stage .

  7. 作为上海特别市期间,市政府加大了城市建设的力度,并对整个城市进行系统的规划,特别是1929年实施的大上海计划,标志着上海的发展进入了新阶段。

    During Shanghai as a special city period , the municipal government speeded up the construction and carried out a systematic plan of the whole city , especially the " big Shanghai plan " which was put up in 1929 .

  8. 这也是作为MPA学员毕业时写作论文必须要求,特别枣庄市作为农业经济比例比较大的地区,更有发展县域经济的内在要求和研究必要。

    This also is took when MPA student graduation writes the paper to have to request , Zaozhuang took specially the agricultural economy proportion quite big area , has the development county territory economy the intrinsic request and the research necessity .

  9. 特别是重庆市,宗教资源丰富,独具特色。

    Chongqing is rich in unique religious resources .

  10. 在越南特别是胡志明市汉语已经是重要的外语语种之一。

    Chinese language in Vietnam , especially in Ho Chi Minh City foreign languages has been an important one .

  11. 如何提高上海市工商行政管理干部、特别是上海市基层工商所长的素质,是值得研究的现实性的课题。

    It is worthy studying how to improve the quality of the cadre of Shanghai Industry & Commerce Administration , especially the head of ICA station .

  12. 它们的估值较低(特别是与市净率为5-7倍的中国国内银行相比)。

    They are trading on low valuation multiples ( especially compared with China 's domestic banks , valued on about five to seven times book ) .

  13. 因为乔恩·法夫罗觉得太多超级英雄电影把故事背景选在了美国东海岸,特别是纽约市,所以他选择了在加利福尼亚州拍摄本片。

    Jon Favreau shot the film in California , as he felt that too many superhero films had been set on the East Coast , particularly in New York City .

  14. 新世纪之初,中国各大城市形象发生巨变,特别是重庆市的景观规划为国内外同行所关注。

    Huge changes have taken place in Chinese big cities especially Chongqing landscape layout is paid great attention by home and oversea trade at the beginning of the new century .

  15. 本文,每个主要部分都贯以一些实际的案例为依托,特别是上海市山阴路历史风貌保护区相关交通规划的实践。

    In this paper , each of the main parts of penetration in some cases based on the actual , especially the traffic planning practice related Shanghai , Shanyin Road Historical protected areas .

  16. 在随后的20年里,各级政府,特别是管理市镇政府的安大略省政府放弃了从区域的角度来管理城市发展的努力。

    Over the next two decades governments at all levels , but especially the province of Ontario that has responsibility forlocal municipalities , retreated from efforts to manage urban development at the regional scale .

  17. 许多学者、研究机构从不同角度对济南市的泉水进行了科学的研究,特别在济南市地下水补给方面,并提出城市扩展对地下水补给量具有影响。

    Many scholars and organizations have done many works on the spring of Jinan , especially in the aspects of recharge of groundwater in Jinan , and put forward that the urban expansion has the influence in recharge of the groundwater .

  18. 在对北京市财政支农政策的分析中,主要通过具体案例特别是北京市2008年出台的设施农业扶持政策分析了北京市财政支农政策的过程中不同主体之间的博弈斗争。

    In Beijing , the analysis of Fiscal Policy , mainly through the specific case in particular the introduction of the facilities in Beijing in 2008 to support policy analysis Agricultural Fiscal Policy in Beijing during the fight game between different subjects .

  19. 当前有关不同专业发展阶段教师的职业倦怠问题的研究尚不深入,特别是珲春市小学英语教师的职业倦怠还没有人开展研究。

    The information about the different stages of professional development of teachers burnout is not yet in-depth study of the problem . In particular , English teachers of primary school in Hunchun there is no one who has conducted any research about Occupational burnout .

  20. 正是由此出发,本文对我国地方政府特别是地市一级政府的行政审批现状进行了分析和研究,提出政府角色模糊是导致地方政府行政审批制度改革陷入困境的根本原因。

    As for this , the paper analyzes the present situation of local governments administrative examination and approval system , and points out the obscure government role is the fundamental reason that causes the reform of the local government administrative examination and approval system falling into predicament .

  21. 桂林、北海两城市没有出现轻度或轻度以上的污染,特别是北海市空气质量为1级优的天数占90.9%,2级良占9.1%。

    There is no pollution of low grade of above low grade in Guilin or in Beihai . Air quality in Beihai is especially good , days with grade I air quality account for 90 9 % , and that with grade ⅱ air quality account for 9 1 % .

  22. 本论文在综合国外发展经验,分析我国具体情况,特别是结合G市移动Mesh新技术试验工作取得的成果,对Mesh新技术引入和组网进行一些前瞻性研究。

    In this thesis , the achievements for the mobile Mesh test new technologies work in G city is a prospective study .

  23. 美国成立不久,就建造了特别行政区华盛顿市。

    When America was young , the city of washington , d.c.was built .

  24. 胶州湾海洋生态系统健康对沿岸社会经济发展,特别是对青岛市的经济发展具有举足轻重的作用。

    The ecosystem health of Jiaozhou Bay is very important to the development of the coastal areas .

  25. 石家庄受到特别关注,该市据称是中国污染最为严重的城市之一。

    Shijiazhuang , which is reported to have some of the worst air pollution in China , received special attention .

  26. 街边的数木也很重要,特别是在新加坡市这样一个拥有世界上最多种类濒危鸟类和植物物种的城市。

    Street trees matter too , especially in a city like Singapore that hosts the greatest number of endangered bird and plant species .

  27. 还特别介绍了沈阳市人工挖孔桩和墩式基础的设计特点,供设计参考。

    The design feature of manual excavated pile and frusta - like foundation in Shenyang City are also introduced , which is provided to designers for reference .

  28. 在苏南各县(市)的经济发展过程中,地方政府特别是县(市)政府,实际上承担着领导者和管理者的角色。

    During the development of southern jiangsu counties ' economy , the local government especially county-level government , in fact , assumes the role of leaders and managers .

  29. 各级地市,特别是县级地市,加大开发力度,与此同时过度开发、重复建设等现象层出不穷。

    The intensity of development increases in an endless stream in every city , especially the county . At the same time the excessive development and repeated construction become the common phenomenon .

  30. 特别是对于南昌市花境来说,才刚刚起步,对植物选择等理论研究也相当匮乏,因此本文重点针对南昌市花境应用现状以及应用前景进行分析。

    Nanchang flower border , has only just started , the theoretical study of the plant selection is also quite scarce , so this article focuses Nanchang flower border application status and potential applications .