
  • 网络Trojan asteroid;Jovian Trojan asteroids
  1. 《自然》杂志论文的作者筛选了这些天体的数据,搜寻可能存在的特洛伊小行星。

    The authors of the Nature paper sifted through data on these rocks , looking for the candidates that might be Trojans .

  2. 观测特洛伊小行星的难点在于,在通过地面望远镜观测时,几何角度总是使其位于明亮的天空中。

    The difficulty is the viewing geometry that puts any Trojan , from the perspective of an Earth-based telescope , in bright skies .

  3. 这是一项令人着迷的观测结果,因为当我们最终超越空间站后,特洛伊小行星相对稳定和距离接近的特点使其成为宇航员太空任务的可能目标。

    It is a fascinating observation because the relative stability and proximity of Trojans would make possible targets for astronaut missions when we eventually go beyond the space station .