
  • 网络molecular cloud;Giant molecular cloud
  1. 大质量分子云核的CO同位素搜寻

    Searches for Massive Molecular Cloud Cores with CO Isotopes

  2. 分子云核与恒星形成区的良好探针-CH3CN

    A good probe of molecular cloud cores and star forming regions-ch_3cn

  3. 巨分子云聚合形成N体模拟中粒子数的效应

    The Effect of the Particle Number in the N Body Simulation for the Aggregation Formation of GMCS

  4. 由几个有关分子云的问题看银河CO巡视的现状

    Current Situation of the CO Survey in Our Galaxy in view of Relevant Problems of Molecular Clouds

  5. CepheusOB3巨分子云复合体的成块性质

    The clumping characteristic in Cepheus ob 3 giant molecular complex

  6. 利用IOS近似模型,计算了星际分子云条件下E型CH3CN-H2含超精细能级的的碰撞跃迁速率系数。

    IOS ( infinite order sudden ) approximation , the hyperfine collisional transitional rate coefficients of E-type CH3CN-H2 have been calculated under the conditions of interstellar molecular clouds .

  7. CepheusOB3巨分子云复合体成块性质的研究

    A Study of the Clumping Nature in the Cepheus OB 3 Giant Molecular Cloud Complex

  8. 本文评论了约有十年历史的银河CO巡视在分子云寿命,分子云和银河结构,分子云的物理性质,分子云在银河的分布等几个方面所取得的进展和结果。

    A review about the progress and results in respects of the molecular clouds and galactic structure , the lifetime , the physical properties and the distribution in our Galaxy of interstellar molecular clouds from galactic CO surveys during the last decade is given in this paper .

  9. 研究结果表明:CepheusOB3巨分子云复合体中的巨分子云是成块的,整个巨分子云复合体是没有被束缚的。

    The results show that the giant molecular clouds are clumping , and the entire Cepheus OB 3 molecular Complex is unbound .

  10. 恒星形成于分子云环境中。

    It is well known that stars form in molecular clouds .

  11. 引力不稳定性在巨分子云聚合形成中的作用

    The effect of gravitational instability in the aggregation formation of GMCs

  12. 星际分子云平均寿命的研究

    A study of the mean lifetime of interstellar molecular clouds

  13. 分子云浓核的密度和磁场

    The Density and Magnetic Field in the Dense Cores of Molecular Clouds

  14. 分子云核塌缩是从内向外的。

    Molecular cloud cores collapse from the inside out .

  15. 有些气体星云似乎被极其巨大的分子云完全包围。

    Some nebulae appear to be completely engulfed by exceedingly large molecular clouds .

  16. 我们十分详细地讨论了浓密的冷分子云如何凝聚成原恒星。

    We recounted in detail how dense , cool molecular clouds condense into protostars .

  17. 短程自引力步长的选取在分子云数值模拟中的效应

    Effect of the step for short self-gravitation in the numerical simulation of molecular clouds

  18. 根据最近的观测发现钥匙洞星云中具有相当高结构性的分子云。

    The Keyhole Nebula was recently discovered to contain highly structured clouds of molecular gas .

  19. 分子云的热平衡

    The Thermal Equilibrium of Molecular Clouds

  20. 金牛座、蛇夫座中分子云的热性质和年轻星体的演化状态

    Thermal Characters of Molecular Clouds and Evolutionary States of Young Stars in the Taurus and Ophiuchus

  21. 紧邻在旁的是一个巨大分子云,在照片的右下角可见。

    Next door , though , lives a giant molecular cloud , visible to the right .

  22. 从分子云的观测上,天文学家推估出典型的金斯质量数值约为一个太阳质量左右。

    From observations of molecular clouds , astronomers estimate a typical Jeans value of roughly one solar mass .

  23. 并且讨论了如何确定不同类型分子云的热平衡温度。

    Some discussions about how to determine the thermal equilibrium temperature of different kinds of molecular clouds are also given .

  24. 分析在聚合形成机制下,巨分子云在刚体自转盘中的形成过程。

    The formation of giant molecular clouds ( GMCs ) by aggregation in a rigidly rotating disk galaxy is studied .

  25. 我们曾认为这是天空中的一个孔洞,而现在,天文学家知道这是一片黑暗的分子云。

    What used to be considered a hole in the sky is now known to astronomers as a dark molecular cloud .

  26. 银河系分子云总体性质的研究及恒星形成区成协天体的探测

    The Study of the Properties of the Galactic Molecular Cloud Ensemble and the Detection of the Associated objects in Star Forming Regions

  27. 一方面是星际分子云与恒星形成的天文研究取得了令人瞩目的成就.低温大质量星际分子云中的磁场

    Major improvement has been made in the studies of interstellar molecular clouds and star formation . MAGNETIC FIELDS IN COLD AND MASSIVE CLOUDS

  28. 顶部&一个大约一光年高的冷氢塔柱处在分子云墙的上面。

    [ Top ] - An approximately one-light-year tall " pillar " of cold hydrogen towers above the wall of the molecular cloud .

  29. 异常黑暗的环境能帮助科学家理解宇宙中最寒冷最孤立地区分子云的内部情况。

    The eerily dark surroundings help make the interiors of molecular clouds some of the coldest and most isolated places in the universe .

  30. 研究表明,包括太阳在内的恒星是由冷暗的星际分子云收缩形成的。

    It has been shown that stars , including our own solar system , are formed by contraction of cold and dark interstellar clouds .