
  • 网络archean;Archean eon
  1. 重新界定的夹皮沟金矿集中区包括了太古宙花岗-绿岩带和高级变质区两个组成部分。

    The redelimited Jiapigou gold-concentrated area is composed of Archean granitoid-greenstone belts and high grade metamorphism areas .

  2. TTG岩套,不同于典型的adakite,太古宙的TTG更富Si和贫Mg;

    TTG suite , which is different from typical adakite in that the Archean TTG suite is relatively enriched in Si and poor in Mg ;

  3. 本文对辽宁抚顺、清原地区太古宙表壳岩系和TTG花岗质岩石进行了SHRIMP锆石U-Pb年龄测定。

    This paper focused on the zircon SHRIMP U-Pb geochronology of Archaean supracrustal rocks and TTG from the Fushun & Qingyuan area , Liaoning Province .

  4. 阜平片麻岩和湾子片麻岩的单颗粒锆石U-Pb年龄&阜平杂岩并非一统太古宙基底的年代学证据

    TIMS U-Pb Single Zircon Ages for the Orthogneiss and the Paragneiss of Fuping Complex : Implications for Existence of the Palaeoproterozoic Supracrustal Rocks in the Central Basement of North China Craton

  5. 北京西山周口店关坻杂岩蒸发法锆石Pb-Pb年龄:太古宙成因和克拉通化事件证据

    Single-Grain Evaporation Zircon Pb-Pb Ages of Guandi Complex , Zhoukoudian Area , Western Hills of Beijing : Archaean Genesis and Cratonization Events of the North China Craton

  6. 上述3.73.8Ga花岗质岩石轻重稀土元素分馏不强,这也是全球太古宙早期TTG花岗质岩石的普遍特征,与地球早期处于高的热状态有关。

    All the 3.73.8 Ga granitic rocks are characterized by weak fractionation between heavy and light rare earth elements , being consistent with the universal features of the early Archaean TTG rocks on this planet because of the high thermal condition in the early earth history .

  7. 吉林南部太古宙辉石花岗岩的成因

    Petrogenesis of the Archean pyroxene granites in the Southern Jilin Province

  8. 甘肃敦煌地区太古宙孔兹岩系特征

    The characteristics of Archean khondalite series in Dunhuang , Gansu Province

  9. 辽东半岛南部太古宙地壳变质作用

    Metamorphism of the Archean crust in the south of Liaodong Peninsula

  10. 太行山太古宙变质杂岩中富铝片麻岩的变质作用

    Metamorphism of Al Rich Gneisses in Taihang Mountain Archean Metamorphic Complex

  11. 吉南太古宙地体钾事件成因研究

    Origin of potassium events on Archean terrain from southern Jilin , China

  12. 论太古宙含金剪切带的成矿机制

    On the mechanism of mineralization in Archaean gold - bearing shear zone

  13. 冀东太古宙麻粒岩及下地壳分层的讨论

    Archaean granulite and subdivision of lower crust in eastern hebei , China

  14. 关于华北陆块北缘太古宙地质的思考

    On the Archean geology of the northern edge of North China landmass

  15. 新疆太古宙变质岩系岩石组合特征

    Features of lithologic association of Archean metamorphic rocks in Xinjiang

  16. 扬子克拉通后太古宙碎屑沉积岩地球化学及其构造意义

    Geochemical Evolution of Post-Archean Pelites from Yangtze Craton and Its Tectonic Significance

  17. 对河北省太古宙地层及主要构造事件的划分

    The division of Archean stratum and main tectonic event of Hebei Province

  18. 阜平地区太古宙地壳变形序列及演化

    Archaean crustal deformation sequence and its evolution in Fuping Area

  19. 冀东太古宙高级变质岩区若干地质问题的研究

    Research on geological problems of Archaean high-grade terrane in Eastern Hebei Province

  20. 冀东太古宙结晶基底区构造单元划分

    Tectonic units of the Archean crystalline basement in Eastern Hebei

  21. 建平地区太古宙变质杂岩构造变形及演化特征

    Tectonic deformation and evolutional characteristics of Archaeozoic metamorphic complex from Jianping area

  22. 试论中国太古宙的古气候

    A Preliminary Study on the Archaeozoic Paleoclimate of China

  23. 辽南金州地区的太古宙侵入岩

    Archean intrusive rocks in Jinzhou area , South Liaoning

  24. 内蒙古中部地区太古宙绿岩带金矿找矿标志

    Archean Era Greenstone Bel Gold Deposit of Ore-Hunting Evidence in Middle Part Inner Mongolia

  25. 泰山太古宙岩浆杂岩体的岩石化学和地球化学特征

    Characteristics of Petrology and Geochemistry of the Archaean Magmatic Complexes in the Mountain Tai

  26. 华北太古宙从地幔柱体制向板块构造体制的转化

    Archean geotectonic transition of systems from mantle plume to plate tectonics in North China

  27. 孔兹岩系事件与太古宙地壳构造演化

    Khondalite event and Archean crust structure evolvement

  28. 韧性变形带与太古宙杂岩

    Ductile deformation belt and the Archaean complex

  29. 太古宙变质岩系是本区金成矿的初始矿源层。

    Archean metamorphic rocks are the initial ore source of gold mineralization in this area .

  30. 内蒙古太古宙麻粒岩相岩石中辉石特征和结晶温压条件

    Characteristics and Temperature-Pressure Conditions for Crystallization of Pyroxene in Archean Granulite Facies of Inner Mongolia