
  • 网络Branching ratio;branch ratio;branching fraction
  1. NaK(E)态的离解和Na(3PJ)精细结构分支比

    Dissociation of the NaK ( E ) State and Branching Ratio of the Na ( 3P_J ) Fine structure Levels

  2. RbHe(E)态的预离解和Rb5p~2PJ精细结构能级分支比

    Predissociation of the RbHe ( E ) state and branching ratio of the Rb 5 p ~ 2 P_j fine structure levels

  3. 双胶子聚合机制可能解释B→Kη′反常大的分支比。

    Di-gluon fusion mechanism might account for the large branching ratios of B → K η′ .

  4. D和Ds非轻子弱衰变的分支比与实验值不符。

    For D and Ds mesons , the nonleptonic decay branching ratios do not respect data .

  5. 本文采用间接相互作用模型,利用泛函方法,计算了K介子两种衰变的分支比,结果和实验是完全符合的。

    The branching-ratio of two modes of decay of K-meson is calculated using an indirect model by a functional method . The result is in agreement with the experiments .

  6. 还可根据轨道在可分离变量的椭圆坐标下的分支比进一步标记.所有的P1轨道均由绕两中心的一个椭圆轨道分岔;

    All the P1 orbits are bifurcated from an ellipse orbit rotating around the two centers ;

  7. 这些都是围绕调制器的性能参数来研究的,它们包括:半波电压,单模特性,偏振特性(TE和TM模之间的输出功率比值),损耗,带宽及分支比等。

    The analysis concentrates on those performance parameters of a modulator : half-wave voltage , single mode performance , quasi TE / TM polarization , loss , bandwidth and split-ratio .

  8. 对于以树图贡献为主的衰变道,人工色模型下的新物理贡献对衰变分支比的修正非常小,但是对于树图效应被CKM矩阵压低的衰变道,新物理效应依然非常的明显。

    But for decays whose tree contribution are CKM suppressed , the New Physics contributions can be rather large .

  9. 在BS理论框架下,求解了ρ和K的波函数,计算了B→ρ和B→K跃迁的形状因子,进而计算出B介子衰变到2个轻介子稀有过程的分支比和CP破坏量。

    Based on the BS theory , in this paper , solves the wave function of r and K , calculates form factors of transition for B-P and B-K , and also calculates branching ratio of B meson and Non-lepton disintegration and CP destruction .

  10. Rb-He光学碰撞中精细结构分支比的测量

    Measurement of Fine-Structure Branching Ratios for Rb-He Optical Collisions

  11. 论文给出了这些双圈图对B→Xsγ分支比的理论预言随可能的CP破坏相角和新物理能标变化的相对修正。

    The relative corrections from those two loop diagrams to one loop SM theoretical prediction on the branch-ing ratio of B → Xs - γ versus with the possible CP violation phases and energy scale of new physics is presented .

  12. Rb-Ne光学碰撞精细结构分支比

    Fine Structure Branching Ratio for Rb-Ne Optical Collision

  13. 测定Cs(6D3/2)对6D5/2荧光强度分支比,得到62D态精细结构能级解离率之比为0.41。从翼激发得到的精细结构转移截面与从共振激发得到的截面结果相符。

    The ratio of the dissociation rates produced in the Cs 6 ~ 2D fine-structure states is 0.41 . Fine-structure changing cross section has been measured for wing excitation , the result is consistent with cross section obtained from resonant excitation of the 6 ~ 2D states .

  14. 用含时波包(TDWP)理论计算了具有两个不同产物道的反应HD+H→H+DH,D+H2的初态确定的反应几率及生咸物的分支比。

    For the reaction with two different product channnels HD + H → H + DH , D + H2 , time-dependent wavepacket ( TDWP ) method is used in the calculation of the reactive probability and branching ratio with specific initial state .

  15. 计算了各个能级跃迁的谱线强度、振子强度、吸收截面等,进而计算了3H4和3F4态的自发跃迁概率、辐射寿命、荧光分支比和积分发射截面,并对结果进行了分析。

    The lifetime , branching ratio and integrated stimulated-emission cross section were obtained and the results were discussed .

  16. 将4π流气式正比计数器放于HPGe探测器上,插入井型NaI(Tl)探测器井中,实现了β射线探测效率、活度和γ分支比的同时测量。

    We place the 4 πβ counter onto the HPGe detector and into the well of NaI ( Tl ) detector for carrying out the measurement of β - ray detection efficiency , radioactivity and γ - ray emission probability all the time .

  17. FEC使得光链路接收机可以工作在更高的误码率水平上,从而有效地改善链路功率预算,进一步地,可以增大传输距离或提高光分支比。

    FEC allows a link to operate with a higher bit error rate at the receiver . Consequently , FEC effectively increases the optical link budget , which in turn allows increased distance or split ratios . FEC becomes increasingly important as bit rate increases .

  18. 改变掺杂稀土离子浓度和调整玻璃基质,测试玻璃的密度、折射率、吸收光谱、荧光光谱;运用J-O理论,计算玻璃的J-O强度参数、荧光分支比、荧光寿命。

    Change the concentration of rare earth ions and adjust glass matrix . Testing density , refractive index , absorption spectra , fluorescence spectra of glass ; Using J-O theory , calculation the J-O intensity parameters , fluorescence branching ratio , fluorescence lifetime of glass .

  19. ψ′强衰变分支比测定中探测效率的修正

    Efficiency Correction in the Branching Fraction Determination of ψ′ Hadronic Decays

  20. 结合反应通道的分支比以及量化计算,对这些峰进行了指认,并初步探讨了反应的动力学机理。

    The dynamics of the reaction was discussed at the end .

  21. 团队A的工作分支比主线更柔软。

    Team A work is softer than mainline .

  22. 利用分支比方法作真空紫外光谱仪的强度校准

    Intensity calibration of monochromators in vacuum ultraviolet wavelength region by atomic branching ratio method

  23. 泛函方法中K-介子两种衰变的分支比

    The branching - ratio of two modes of decay of K-meson by a functional method

  24. 组态相互作用效应对类钠铜离子自电离速率和分支比的影响

    Effect of configuration interaction on the autoionization rates and branch ratios of Na like Cu ion

  25. 原子核分立能级及其γ衰变分支比子库的管理-检索程序系统

    Management retrieval code system for sub Library of discrete level schemes and gamma radiation branching ratios

  26. 对于以企鹅图贡献为主的衰变道,人工色模型下的新物理贡献对衰变分支比的影响非常大,可以达到120%。

    For those penguin-dominated decays , the New Physics contributions in TC-2 models are significant , up to 120 % .

  27. 得到了反应的光解谱和作为波长函数的光解行为光谱以及各反应通道的分支比。

    Different photodissociation spectra , the action spectrum as function of laser wavelength , and ratio curve of different channels were obtained .

  28. 用联合D~0和D~+单双标记测定分支比的方法

    A Method of Combined D ~ 0 and D ~ + Single and Double Tags to Measure Their Branching Fractions and Its Application

  29. 在上转换效应影响的讨论中首次考虑了能级间跃迁分支比。

    The transition branching ratio between the energy levels was taken into consideration for the first time while discussing the influence of up conversion .

  30. 对该类反应的速率常数、产物分支比及其对温度的依赖关系做出了可靠的理论预测,从而为进一步研究和利用这些反应提供了理论依据。

    Theoretical prediction of the rate constants , the temperature dependence of branching ratios are provided for further studying and using these reactions experimentally .